4-5-16 Anxiety Ocean

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I was at some gathering in a building that seemed like Newsong (my old church) and Burl (a previous school location) together. My friend Faith had come and I was very excited to see her again. But as we were saying our hellos, Jaden (a cousin) walked past saying "she's pregnant," which made my heart drop. I was ecstatic and in disbelief. Faith said she was about to tell me, and handed me some papers that I think was supposed to prove and explain the details. Her boyfriend (which she didn't have irl at the time) came up and I was speechless. Not only was I anxious that she was pregnant, but that she did it out of marriage. She said they were hoping to get married, which relieved me slightly, but I started to have a panic attack in my dream! I kept trying to act normal, but I'd keep shriveling and shaking on the floor, hyperventilating in a ball. Next thing I know, I was driving to the beach to calm down. It's always the same-looking when I go to the beach in my dream. There's the small parking lot with a fence along the edge facing the beach, and a gate to enter connected to a house. I entered through the gate, but a man said to be careful. I looked at the ocean and the waves were unlike anything I've seen. Huge and violent, many people there were tying to keep their distance. Some people were fishing, but at the very top of the beach, against the house and other structures because the waves came up that far. I made my way along the fence to the corner where the fence stopped against the side of the rock wall (like in animal crossing). I watched a mom and her child come in, but got too close to the ocean. I yelled a warning, but the waves crashed over them and swept them underneath the boardwalk (that was the fence). I tried to save them by yelling when the next wave would cover them, so they could hold their breath. I would then shout for them to quickly come out at the "calmer" moments. The mom seemed a little dim, so I was able to grab the girl and try to lure the mom out. Next thing I know, I was walking along another more open part of the beach with some people and the girl. I didn't want to leave yet, as I wanted to comb the beach to look for cool shells that the incredible waves might've washed up. I kept finding a lot of cool ones, like a geode, and big clams with black and white designs. I then looked up as people were recording something in the ocean.
There was a man. Walking on the waves. He continued to stroll and glide over the water like it was nothing. He eventually leapt over to us, landing in the crowd and demanding to collect some people to go with him. He chose the little girl, and I pleaded that I go with her. He accepted and took us to his world.
In this strange world, everyone wore a towel or rug on their head like a hair veil, and if there was someone who was not, we must offer them one before we pass them, for it was illegal to pass someone without giving them a towel to wear. So I said to the girl, "remember the rug," to say over and over so we would not forget. So we followed this strange man, offering the head pieces to strangers along the way. We came into the entrance of what seemed to be a hotel. We crossed a bridge over a river, and before entering the building, there was a girl crying in the corner for she had been dumped by her bf. She was a poster, but moved within the boundaries of the paper. I sympathized with her and gave her a hug. Hugging a poster was very weird, but I knew she needed the comfort. I gave her some advice, offered her a cloth to wear on her head, and went on my way. The man was waiting for me in an elevator, wondering what in the world I was doing. I explained the situation and he did not know what a hug was. I began to explain the different types of hugs as we rode the lift; Friendly, endearing, and sympathetic hugs. He was confused, but seemed slightly interested.
Next thing that happened is that apparently the man was wanted and we needed to escape and keep hidden. We were running at one point, and I felt bad that I wasn't giving towels to people as we passed by, but he said it didn't matter. Next, we were hiding behind a tent on a dirt-covered slope. Him and the girl were inside hiding inside their sleeping bags, and I was hiding behind the tent, struggling to keep out of view of the bad guys. They had pushed a boulder down the hill which barely missed the tent, and when they decided that no one was inside, they left to search elsewhere, but left a camera on at the tent. I don't remember much after that.

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