68.2-{Y/N} facing off dumbledore

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*this is a part two to {Y/N} traveling back in time and realising everything and the whole truth. huge characters death, right in the feels, dumbledore is a bish*


"{Y/N}, could you explain what happened?" dumbkedore asks. hes leaning down and hes trying to pet your head, but its just a little out of reach for him.

"i-i was... i dont know..." you sigh, rubbing your tired eyes.

snape stood up from the hug a minute ago and walked over to the window, you can hear him panting and breathing, trying to even his breath.

"what did you dream?" dumbledore asks. your head snaps up, and a look of shock spreads on your face, red eyes wide and your jaw opening down slightly.

"dream? i didnt dream any of it! i saw it!" you call, sitting up and gripping your knees, looking up at him angrily.

"i saw it all! i saw how he begged you to keep them safe! he was i-in tears and at a lose, and you were being arogant and cold towards him!" you grunt, looking up at the old man through your eyebrows.

he didnt say anything, and his face didnt seem to bare any different reaction. cold. uncaring. just like it was.

severus had turned around and is now leaning on the wall, one of his hands is above his eyes, masking them in shame and sadness.

"i was at godric hollow, and i went up the stairs in the house after it was RUINED! crumbled and in shambles!" your voice broke as you looked up at him, "i went up the stairs and saw james potter lying there on the carpet. cold and unmoving. DEAD!" you call.

your throat felt dry, and your mouth tasted like it had blood in it, and your whole body shook and felt cold.

"and when i got to the nursery, i saw a crying, bleeding from the head baby... and it wasnt the worst..." you shook your head and looked down for a second to try and subdeid your cry and screech.

dumbledore was yet to say a word, leaning on his table with his hand pressed to it, looking down at you through his glasses.

"severus was splayed on the floor, and in his arms was lying the cold dead body of lily potter! her eyes we-were still open..." you cried, your shoulders shook.


severus starts to cry again, but he wants to listen, to hear, to see.

you look so... sick. broken. almost like a corpse. your skin looks cold and pale, and your hair was so lifeless, and your crying and shaking didnt help for sure, in your fatal position on your knees.

"he was hugging her and... and crying... he looked misrable albus! he looked like he was going to die there!" {Y/N} screams again, now your scream was so loud, it almost made the floor shake.

severus was a little scared looking at you like this.

"you werent there!" she screams, not daring to look up at the old man, "when i was in the house... and saw him grieving over lily... you werent there! you didnt see them die! you didnt hear the cries! you dont know what it was like..." she sighs, shaking her head.

"you didnt see what they looked like dead, and you did-didnt see what severus looked like!" {Y/N} screams again, slapping her palm against the cold floor and then raising it to slap over his mouth.

"{Y/N}-" "dont {Y/N} me!" you cut him off with a growl, shaking your head, "dont you say my name! how could you?! how could you throw severus to the hells like that?!" you screamed.

severus' heart starts to ache physically, as well as his stomach, and his knees felt like breaking, his head hurting. this is too much, this is a whole lot.

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