81-crazy {Y/N} in hogwarts

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*in which, you are mentally psychotic and find yourself fighting off death eaters*

now... listen... when i say crazy i mean the real textbook meaning.

crazy-mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way.

or maybe,

insane-a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill.

this is what i mean.

you have the power to bend fire. why? why?! because it fits with my story, deal with it.

also, youre sirius child cause i said so.



theres a small circle of people who know about the child of sirius black, mainly because it was unsafe to get her out.

the people who know, are also very careful. the order of the pheonix, which, arguably, keeps some of the strongest sorcorers in the world, are still scared to mess with her.

obviously, its very understandable. she tends to be a little... agressive, you may say, but sirius insists its just from a heart full of love.

he loves ber more then his own life, but for the sake of everything, he keeps her, usualy, under security.

when he tried sending her off to hogwarts, it ended in a fire and a dead unicorn.

sirius was ,truthfully, very confused when he found out that the fire you caused was shot out from your hands and mouth and not from a wand.

"is she... what is this?" sirius asked dumbleodre that night. by now, you were already asleep. sleeping standing up, leaning on the wall.

"i cannot tell" dumbledore sighs, looking at her with furrowed eyebrows, "i have never seen anything like this before"

they both looked as you sudennly woke up, smiled at them and then sat down, leaned against the same wall, and fell asleep in half a second.

"but you should keep her safe" dumbleodre adds, "protected" sirius murmurs, smiling gently at your sleeping figure.

"because we cannot know what this brings"

triwleny had an idea of what it would bring. she read in siriuss daughters palms one time, and she read 'great disastear and malice'

sirius was a little scared, but after seeing your face, how scared you were, he smiled down at you, gently, reassuringly.

what else could he do with that look on your face?

"am i... am i wrong?" you whispered to him when he was putting you to bed that night.

"no puppy" he sighs, brushing your hair back from your eyes, "you are just as you are supposed to be" he leans down, kisses your forehead and thinks that this is only the starts.

because no matter your pretty eyes and your giggles, something was wrong. you laughed randomly and talked to yourself a lot, and soon he found you doing very questionable things.

you walked around the house and talked to someone, as if someone was there, conversing with you. hed see you standing infront of nothing in the middle of a hall and having a full blown conversation with air. hed see you laugh sometimes, and multipule times you tried passing something to... someone? but it just... fell to the floor.

"hold this" without a second thought, you let go of the knife, and it fell down on your foot, cutting you. but you didnt scream from pain.

sirius found you sitting on the floor and smearing your blood around your foot while saying, "get your holey hands together man! my blood is not for everyone, yoy know it! what? no i dont care, when i give you something, hold it! no i didnt throw it at you, you fucking wank stain!"

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