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I was looking down at the small rivers, that ornately ran through the land as veins. The sky was clear so it was easily visible through the plane window. I had packed a book to pass time quicker, but I could only concentrate on my mind that was busy speculating what was waiting for me in Milano. Victoria's manager turned out to be quite nice over the phone. She gave me lots of information about what was expected of me, what kind of contracts I would have to sign and what would happen if I break them. It overwhelmed me, but I ignored it, giving myself a chance to experience something new.

Saffron came to help me pack up. She tried getting more information about the person that offered me this job, but I successfully switched the topics. I knew I would probably have to tell her eventually, but I had other things to worry about then. It's crazy how much stuff you accumulate during years and how much of it you actually didn't need. I purged through it like crazy, making Saf's day better, because that meant she could take whatever she liked before adding it to the "Donate" box. I packed all my life in two suitcases and a small handbag and left the apartment I made memories in for one and a half years. Seems like a short amount of time, but this place was special for me, because it was my first apartment alone here in Rome. I tossed the key into the mailbox for Emilio to collect it later and sat in a taxi that took me to the airport.

My flight expenses were covered by the manager, so I checked if I had all the important documents and my ticket with me and then turned to Saf to say goodbye. It was really emotional. We stood hugging each other as if I was going to the other side of the world. Not having her a walking distance away from me will definitely be a big challenge for me. It's only now that I'm going to start living my life completely depending on myself and that scared me. As I mentioned before, she joined me when I moved to Rome, because she wanted me to have someone to lean on.  Her selflessness amazed me. I'm lucky she actually fell inlove with the city and got a stable job she likes. A few tears ran down our cheeks as we promised to see each other soon and I started making my way to the baggage screening. 

My seat was near the window, so I was really happy. I didn't care about two annoying kids behind me, shifting in their seats so they pulled and pushed mine almost constantly. 

Once we landed, I claimed my baggage and went towards the exit, scaning the crowd for someone holding a card with my name on it. I've never experienced that before, it felt ike I was in a movie. I finally spotted what I've been looking for and made my way towards the woman. 

— Hello, Sky, my name is Isla, I am the manager of "Maneskin". How was your flight? - A gorgeous dark woman smiled friendly. She had short, curly hair that fell on her face messily. It was clear that she wasn't a native italian not only from her appearance, but also from her lack of accent. I was pleasantly surprised, realising that I won't have to meet the other one that didn't like me.
— Nice to meet you, - I shook her hand, - It's a short flight, so it was okay, I enjoyed the view, - I said thankfully, knowing they picked my seat for me.
— Wonderful! Let's go to our veichle then and I will talk you through all the formal stuff while we drive, - Isla said handing my suitcases to the driver, that was standing a few feet begind her.

— So, this one is mainly for us to be sure that you aren't working for any kind of media, that you won't sell or leak any visual footage of the band members without their permission, won't leak upcoming albums, songs or events that involve "Maneskin", - she explained the contract tracing the aspects with a pen, - I will give you an advice regarding this - if you want to share something and you have a permission from the band members, text me, to make sure. Sometimes they act careless and that may lead you and them to some problems, - she smiled.
— Got it, - I said, signing the pages where it was needed.
— This one is rather stupid, - Isla pulled another one from her binder, - But it's a formallity and we have to sign it. It's an agreement that any thing that is on the property won't break or go missing on your watch. Don't worry, we don't take this one seriously. As long as you don't actually steal or break everything on purpose, you're fine. The band gets really wild sometimes, destroying everything themselves, so we know it's almost impossible to avoid that and it will probably not be your fault at all.
— Okay, - I signed that one too. It sounded a little bit scary, all these obligations and all... Even though Isla was really friendly and helpful, I couldn't be sure I won't actually have problems with that. After that we signed my employment and she started telling me about my duties.
— There are a lot of days when the house is empty, so you'll just have to clean after yourself, do the dusting from time to time and all the other stuff you would do at your house anyway. The real work starts when someone from the band comes to stay: you have to make sure their rooms are clean and prepared, then, about 1PM you should check their bedrooms, to make sure the bed is made and to organize their stuff if needed, just don't forget to knock first, to save yourself from embarassing situations, - she laughed. 
— Do I have to stay in my room when they're at the house? - I asked.
— That's up to you and how well you will get along. Generally, it's important that you don't interrupt their practices and don't casually walk around when there's a party going on, unless they invite you. But of course, you can talk to them when they're not busy, do whatever you feel comfortable, just don't forget to do your job first, - she winked at me.
— Of course! 
— You'll get your own room with an en-suite  bathroom, small kitchen area and a balcony, so you'll have your privacy and be okay when it's not the best time for you to be seen. What else... Of course, as we discussed before, you are working as a live-in housekeeper, so your work day ends when you go to sleep at night, but be ready to be woken up if something happens in the house. Most of time someone needs a toilet paper refill, a new light bulb or a pill for headache. - Isla smiled.

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