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The sun had set a long time ago, but our evening by the fire was far from ending. Vic gave us some wine, they switched turns playing and singing various songs. Thomas graced us with his immaculate dance moves when Damiano played "Beggin'" accompanied by Ethan, who could turn anything he had into an impressive set of drums. Vic and I relaxed watching guys have fun. Then, I heard a familiar melody play.  Thomas was pouring some wine for Ethan, while Damiano ran his fingers through the guitar.
— You sang this song once! - I pointed at him.
— It reminds me of you, - Damiano smiled and started singing, - Te gusta ver desde las alturas...
The song was so beautiful the way he sang it, but I had no idea what the words meant as it was in spanish. 

— It's a shame I can't understand it, - I voiced my thoughts to Vic.

— Hold on, - she pulled her phone out and typed something.
— Here, - she gave me the phone smiling. On the screen was a brief english translation of the lyrics:

"You like to watch from the heightswhatever your sorrow is,
time will heal it
I got the skin of an olive

Give me more
of your poison
and your crazy life
the tardiness in your walking

Give me more
of the secrets in your mouth
that can't be pronounced

Who will sing for you, pretty darling
be careful so nothing happens
You save me and the beat is frantic
You save me

Who will sing for you
from the heights
I see everything clearly
You save me and the beat is frantic

Give me more
of your poison
and your crazy life
the tardiness in your walking

Give me more
of the secrets in your mouth
that can't be pronounced"

He sang looking me straight in the eye and it felt so intimate. It almost made me tear up, the way his voice was soft but raspy at the same time. I smiled at him and he did to. 
Bellissimo! - Thomas cheered him while clapping. 
Grazie, grazie, - Damiano curtsied a little, laughing.
— Hey, am I the only one feeling the rain? - Vic asked, looking at the sky.
— You are, - Ethan laghed.
— Okay then, - she replied, covering herself with a sweater.
— Why so serious, Damiano? - Thomas nudged him, while he looked at me deep in thought.
— I miss Bidet, - he snapped out of his state, smiling.
— Bidet?! - I asked laughing.
— Yeah, one of my cats, - he chuckled.
— That's another level of unique names, - I laughed.
— It has a story behind it, - Ethan laughed too.
— What is it? - I asked, curious.
— The first day I got her, she was super small and she got stuck in a bidet and I had to actually call the firemen to get her out, - he explained laughing, - It was so funny seeing five huge guys pulling a little kitten out and one of them said "You have to name her Bidet" so I did.
— The other one's Legolas! - Vic added, and we all started laughing.

We ran out of wine and marshmallows, so it was time to call it a night. I shared a tent with Victoria, Ethan let Damiano stay with him and Thomas decided to sleep alone. Our tent was big enough for four people, so we had a lot of room inside. I turned a portable lamp on and got ready for bed. Vic was already under her sheets.
— I didn't know I was so tired until now, - she mumbled.
— Yeah, outdoors can not only charge but also drain you, - I smiled, getting out of my pants.

I crawled onto the blow up matress, next to Vic and burried myself under a thick blanket. The sound of trees in the wind made me relax.
— I'm passing out, goodnight, Sky, - Vic said, het voice incredibly raspy.
— Goodnight, - I chuckled. I turned on my side and started thinking about Damiano's words. I still couldn't fully process it. I wanted to talk talk to somebody about this whole situation, but for the first time in my life I had no one I could do that with. I didn't want band members to know about all of this and mostly - to out Damiano's feelings for his friends like that. I also couldn't tell my best friend, because she doesn't know who I work for in the first place. Keeping secrets can make your life so hard... I fell asleep trying to think of a way to tell Saffron everything without being a total ass of a friend.

I woke up to the sound of something scraping on the fabric of our tent. Vic was fast asleep. I could see the sun was up already. Feeling brave, I unzipped the tent and peeked out. There was a total silence apart from the wind occasionally making trees creak. I zipped the tent back up as nothing seemed out of the ordinary outside and went back to the bed. The scratching souns began again and I listened carefully, trying to make out what it could be. I knew it couldn't be a tree branch, as our tent was no where near one. I got a little spooked out by it. What if it's a wild animal? I tried to ignore the sound, but it got even louder. Annoyed by it, I unzipped the tent once again and crawled out. I jumped as a gallon of cold water fell on me. I turned to see all three of the guys laughing hysterically.
— I don't remember asking for a shower, - I said annoyed, looking at my soaking wet pj's.
— It's the best way to start your morning, - Damiano squeeked through the laughter. I couldn't contain my smile seeing them almost peeing their pants. I knew I must have looked like a funny wet rat. I went back into my tent to change. I put on my bikini instead of underwear. 

— Victoriaaaaaaah! - guys roared from outside, shaking the walls of our tent.
— Huh? - Vic started rubbing her eyes.
— They're going to tear our tent apart if we don't get up, - I rolled my eyes.
— What time is it? - she asked, looking for her phone. Good question. I glanced at mine and was surprised to see it was already 11AM. 
— I'm going out to keep them busy, - I smiled at her, while leaving the tent.

We had something to eat while making plans for the day. There were no clouds and the sun was heating everything up. The most logical thing to do was to go swimming, so we did. We all jumped into the water, splashing like little kids. I saw an opportunity to get tanned, so I put my towel on the sand and lied down. The sound of them shouting something in italian and laughing made me happy. I knew I was procrastinating calling Saf. It was strange, because we were so close and now I feel nervous and do anything but call her to catch up. 

I drifted away, feeling my skin hetting kissed by the sun. I lost the track of time. A cold hand pulled me out of my relaxation. I sat up, seeing Damiano and Thomas in front of me. 
— You'll get burned, come join us, - Thomas said.
— I will, just give me some more time, - I shook my head.
— Nah, - Damiano said, lifting me up. His skin was wet and cold and it made me shiver.
— Put me down! - I tried to get away, but he didn't let go, - Damiano, I'm not joking, put me down!
— You're so cute, - he laughed and started walking towards the water.
— No, don't do this, let me down, I'll get in myself, Damianooo! - I panicked.
I'm never letting you go, - he whispered in my ear before jumping in the water.
I stood up gasping for air as the water was so cold.
— I f*cking hate you! - I laughed. He blew a kiss for me smiling.

Once we all got enough of water, we started getting ready to go on a hike. 
— I'm going to need help filling everyone's bottles, - Ethan said, gathering them.
— I can go with you, - I smiled and took a bottle.
— It's not necessary, your foot is hurt, - he smiled at me.
— Don't start, - I slapped his shoulder playfully.
— You can go with Damiano then, if you want, - he looked at me.
— Why? I want to go with you, - I was confused by his suggestion. He didn't reply, just shrugged. We gathered everything and left others to finish packing the essentials. I couldn't stop thinking about that last sentence, but I was afraid to ask. What's going on in your head, Ethan?

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