Damn pinecones

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*Back to Sky's POV*

Once we set up our camp it was time to finally get into the water. We gathered what we needed and went to the shore that was a few meters away. Guys must have done a good research, because the area we camped in was completely secluded, surrounded by forest and it felt like we were the only ones in the whole lake. The contrast of cold water against my hot skin gave me goosebumps at first. I slowly went deeper and deeper, enjoying the cooling sensation and preparing to swim. Thomas and Ethan ran in, showering me entirely.
— Hey! - I screamed.
— Come on! - Ethan waved at me to join them, laughing. Vic got in the water more gracefully, but she started swimming almost right away, leaving me the only one not completely in the water. I took a deep breath and let water consume me. It was super cold and made me gasp for air at first, but then it became inviting and pleasantly cooling. I swam up to others. 
— Should we blow up the floaties? - Thomas asked, pointing at the boxes on the shore.
— Maybe, but I'm not doing it! - Ethan raised his hands lauging.
— Me too! - Vic hurried to add.
— That leaves you and me... - Thomas looked at me devilishly, preparing to refuse that task too.
— They're your floaties, I won't be touching them! - I disclaimed.
— Oh but you're fine sleeping in our tent! - Thomas laughed at me and started walking towards the shore.
— Would you rather see me sleeping outside? In the wilderness? - I asked, laughing too.
— Yes, in the middle of the jungle, where mighty beasts lurk in every corner! - he splashed me. Others laughed. Thomas started inspecting the boxes, to decide which floaties to blow up, but we decided to leave that for another day.
— Blow up the ball only! - Vic shouted.

We played something similar to volleyball for a while. It was really fun to hang out with them. For a moment I just spectated them not able to believe they are my... friends now. It happened so fast, but it seems so natural to hang out with them. I felt a little guilty when I remembered the last time I talked to Saf was probably four days ago. We used to call each other every day, sometimes even more than once and now... They didn't replace her, no one ever will, but I got so caught up in these exciting new friendships, that the old one might suffer. I promised myself to call her later this evening. 

Vic got out of water to take a call, I watched her pacing by the water, throwing pinecones in the bushes. I felt cold hands on my shoulders. It was Thomas, hiding from Ethan, because he must have teased him again. 
— Hey! Stop the fighting and save the ball! - I pointed at the ball, that was a decent space away from us now.
— Race? - Thomas suggested to Ethan and me.  Ethan started swiming right away and Thomas followed. I laughed at them and knowing I wouldn't be able to catch up with them, started slowly swiming in the same direction. Vic came back and we swam around for a little while. 

After everyone got enough, we decided to light up a campfire. 
— Sh*t!, I must have left the matches in the bus, - Vic realised, once we started deciding where the campfire should go. The bus was parked outside of woods, there was a bit of a hike to get to it. 
— I can go pick it up, - I volunteered, - But I won't go alone.
— Then I'll keep you company, - Ethan stood up from the chair. I was happy with that.
— Okay, then we'll try to build it in the mean time, - Thomas chuckled, not feeling confident in his and Vic's capability.

We left them to work and hit the road. Ethan's hair was wrapped in a messy bun and it made him look adorable. 
— I don't think it's a good idea to go barefoot, - he pointed at my feet.
— No, it's fine, I like going barefoot, it makes me feel connected to the nature if this makes sense, - I chuckled.
— That's some Greta Thunberg sh*t, - he laughed at me.
— Don't you get bored of not being able to feel the rough ground you're walking on?
— That's called comfort and I like it, - he shook his head smiling.
— It's called privilege! We're getting so spoiled... Doctors say it's good for your health to stimulate your feet from time to time.
— Okay, grandma, let's change the subject, - he responded and I slapped his shoulder playfully.

The forest surrounding the lake was lush and beautiful. Surprisingly, no insects attacked us while we were walking. That was good, because I didn't feel like showing yet another weird side of me to Ethan. He can't know I'm deadly scared of all the little crawlers and flyers. After about 15 minutes of walking and an interesting conversation we finally reached the bus.
— Sky? - Ethan looked at me concerned.
— What's wrong? - I asked, feeling nervous.
— You do have the key, right?
— The key? Weren't you supposed to have it? - I asked, searching my pockets.
— I gave it to you while I was tying my shoelace, remember? - He lifted an eyebrow.
— I- I don't have it, - I checked all of my pockets again, - Didn't I give it back to you?
— No. Damn, we'll have to go back now... - he acted strangely. I groaned, turning back to the woods. Why did I have to be so clumsy and careless all the time?
— Okay, okay, stop, - he caught me by the hand, - I was just messing with you, - he chuckled.
— I hate you! - I started laughing.

We searched the bus and finally found some matches and the flammable liquid in the trunk. We threw the stuff into a small bag and started walking back to the camp. 
— Which our song do you like the most? - he asked, kicking away small rocks away, so I wouldn't step on it.
— Good question, - I started thinking, - I can't decide between "Coraline" and "Vent'anni".
— Good choices, - he was impressed.
— Which is yours? - I smiled.
"Vent'anni" out of the two probably. I can't pick one though, it's like loving one of your children more than the other.
— Figured so.
— So you and Damiano got pretty close, huh? - he asked. Luckily right the same moment I stepped on a huge pinecone and it made me jump screaming.
— Let me see, - he took my leg and inspected my foot.
— I'm gonna be fine, it only hurt for a second.
— You're bleeding a little, - he said looking back at me.
— Where? - I tried to see. A tiny drop of blood showed up between my fingers.
— Oh that? - I started laughing, - It's okay.
— No, youre not walking, - he smiled at me wickedly.
— And what am I going to do? Crawl? - I asked jokingly. He picked me up and threw me on piggyback style.
— What are you doing?! - I screamed.
— Giving you a ride, - he chuckled and started running. I screamed at him to put me back or at least stop running, but he didn't listen. We both laughed so hard when we got back at the camp. Me from the adrenaline rush and he from the sight of me frightened.
— You gave me quite the adrenaline rush, don't start making fun of me now! - I threathened him, catching my breath from laughing.
— So high on adrenaline, you're my adrenalina! - he started singing and dancing silly. It took me some time to piece it together, that he was immitating San Marino's Eurovision song. It made me and others burst out laughing.

— Someone should get some drinking water, we're out, - Thomas spun an empty bottle in his hand.
— Already? - Vic was surprised. Ethan was chopping some wood into smaller pieces and I just sat having nothing to do.
— Where are we supposed to get it now? - I asked.
— There's a stream safe for drinking a few hundred meters that way, - Vic pointed in the opposite direction than the one where we went before.
— I'll go then, - I stood up.
— Oh no, you're crippled now! - Thomas protested.
— I'll wear my shoes, it's okay, - I laughed and snached the bottle from his hand.

Ethan didn't want to let me go, but I pointed out everyone else had something to do, so it was a chance for me to be useful too. Vic told me how to get to the stream and I went. I thought about how happy I was today, I thanked whatever is above, for giving me a break. 

I spotted someone in the distance. It creeped me out a little, because the figure was clearly manly. He was walking away from me. I felt like I was going crazy, my heart started beating faster. The person seemed awfully familiar. I started walking faster to get closer to him. I realised I was acting dumb, as he could be some pervert, lurking in the woods, but something drew me to him. A familiar scent reached me and I ran up to the person, grabbing him by the shoulder.

— Damiano?

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