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Things like this usually don't happen to me. I got used to having her around. She has something special, that makes it easier to do anything when she's close to you. I hated every single "goodbye" I had to say to her. It's funny when I remember the first time I saw her. We were having a good time at the club and Damiano took too long to finish smoking so me and Thomas went out to get him back. She stood illuminated by the faint street light and as soon as I saw her I got this strange feeling inside. It's like I knew it won't be the last time we meet. We completely ignored her back then, because it was a standard practice - "Do not get involved with random people, unless you can't avoid it". Yeah, Damiano struggled with that. 

I was shocked when I saw her back at our table, taking shots with Vic. I didn't think my premonition was actually that strong. I remember feeling annoyed at her presence. I sensed danger and a scandal in the media was the last thing we needed at the time. Others seemed to have a good time though, so I tried to push my dissatisfaction aside. We all miscalculated our alcohol tolerance that night, but Sky was on another level. I don't know who's idea it was to perform in that state, but we went on the stage and put our best effort trying not to completely screw our reputation. I remember how she came on the stage and started dancing wildly to anything we played. Her movements were very coordinated, despite her being blackout drunk. She was good at it and people loved it too. It makes me smile now, when I remember that, but back then I was way more judgemental.

And when I found out she's coming to work for us... I thought she saw an opportunity to get clout. It angers me how wrong I was. I was cold and careful when meeting her again. She told me she was afraid of me and thought that I hated her. I regret giving her this impression. She's someone you can easily talk to and we actually found a lot in common the first day at the house. My view of her completely shifted once I saw how modest and polite she was. But she has a lot more inside. She can be wild and fun, she can be clumsy and careless, she can be gentle and feminine. It scares me how much I like her. The thoughts about her that visit me every day... I'm not used to that, but there's also another reason.

I know there's something between her and Damiano. I don't know what is actually going on, but only a fool would miss the tension that fills the space when they're around each other. I saw them kiss that night at the house. We don't put a lot of meaning into kisses when we are partying, it's not that I haven't ever kissed any of my band mates before. But Sky wasn't one of us. She is now, but then she wasn't. She was fine the next day until her health and mood started to decline fast. She wrote it off on a late hangover, but I knew Damiano's disappearance played into it. I took care of her, because I felt responsible for my friend's actions. It's like I was linked to her somehow, because one night I just couldn't sleep thinking she's getting worse. And she did. I went to check on her. She was sleeping, but I could feel the heat radiating from her a few steps away. I touched her forehead and it was clear to me that my prediction once again came to be true. 

I think that night played a crucial part in us getting so close. When she caught my hand, like I was the most important person to her... Something in me clicked. The way she hield on to me, her soft skin burning me made me go crazy. The rest of the time we spent together after she got better only made my feelings stronger. I thought I was just biased, but as time passed, I didn't want to leave that house. It's so strange, because I think I was the rarest guest there before. Yes, I figured out later she thought I was Damiano that night. She missed him, she wanted to hold on to him, not me. I was never going to tell her that I know it. 

The problem to me is that I can't understand them. Especially what's going on inside Damiano's mind. Did he have feelings for her? One day they seemed to look at each other lustfully and the other I felt like they were only tolerating each other. I love Damiano, he's one of my closest friends and I would die for him. The last thing I wanted to do is get in his way towards happiness. But then again - his situation with Giorgia... He's still married, he hasn't finalised the divorce yet. It makes me guess if he still believes their marriage can be saved. It seems like I don't deserve to get their situation clarified, because something always happens that prevent them from answering. I'm so confused and don't know what to do, but I know my feelings towards Sky and I don't want to give up on them just yet.

— So you and Sky got pretty close, huh? - now the question I wanted the answer for was directed towards me. Damiano seemed happy asking that and I didn't know how to respond.
— Yeah, we had some time to bond while you were away, - I smiled back at him.
— I'm so glad you were there for her.
— She was in a bad state, someone had to, - I shruged. I didn't mean for it to come out passive-agressive, but it sounded like that to me. I was happy he didn't notice. 
— I talked Isla into letting us take her to Vienna with us, - he was proud.
— That's amazing, - the news made me happy too.


A few days had passed and I was super excited about Vienna. I was surprised to get a call from Isla, inviting me to go shopping together, but I figured it would be nice to pick a new outfit for the trip. 

— Although you pay me generously, I don't think this shop is in my budget yet, - I said to her as she dragged me into a luxury designer store.
— Don't worry, girl it's on the house, - she chuckled.
— I appreciate the generosity, but I can't accept that, - I shook my head.
— Okay, - she stopped and turned to look at me, - Don't take offense from my words, but you're going to Vienna with one of the most popular bands in the world right now. Although I think your style is great, you must have seen some pictures of the band out in the public. Their outfits always go together well and are often more high fashion. 
— Yeees, - I nodded, trying to understand what she means.
— Since they insisted you go with them, I'm sure they won't keep you locked in a hotel room while they go to explore the city, - she chuckled, - A stylist has already put their street outfits together, but we can't have you sticking out like a sore thumb! - She patted my shoulder friendly, - We have to pick something nice for you too, so don't be shy, let's go.
— Oh my god, I didn't think you would have to go through so much trouble because of that, I would have said no! - I bit my lip, overwhelmed with everything she said.
— Oh stop it, girl! I'm happy you all are getting so close, - she smiled at me.

I was so happy their outfits were already put together, because we had a clearer vision what type of outfits we were looking for. I never thought shopping in a luxury store could be so hard, but I didn't like or understand half of the clothes there. We picked out a mid length, black silk dress and paired it with heels and leather jacket so I would match their black leather outfits. I thought we were done, but then Isla insisted on getting another one too, in case we decided to go out during the day more than once. 

I didn't even realise how hard your life as a celebrity can sometimes get. Every detail of your day is controlled and monitored by your staff. They can't go out together during the day wearing whatever they like, because there's a huge chance they can get chased by paparazzi and so their managers have to make sure their images always look good and cohesive. Isla told me it's a little less strict in Italy, because they tend to get less attention there. Taking it all in, I started getting nervous about going out with them. I don't know what it's like to get photographed by paparazzi or be swarmed by fans. But also I wasn't a part of their band. Even if my outfit matched theirs, I would still stick out, because I don't belong with them. What will I have to do when these situations happen? Go to the side and awkwardly wait for them to be done? 

Uhh, why does everything have to be so hard?



I just wanted to apologise for any typos that get overlooked sometimes. 
I usually try to correct it as I go and don't read it back for a few hours after I publish.

I hope everyone's doing great! 

Love, Angelisation.

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