I dare you

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I slowly descended downstairs, feeling like a teenage girl on prom, ready to meet her crush and be forced to take pictures for her parents to remember. Only Ethan was in the living room. Awkwaaard. 

— Where's everyone? - I asked shyly.
— Thomas had to talk to Damiano, they will get back here soon, - he said rather friendly.
— How did you come up with the idea for party? - I felt braver after his response.
— Damiano told us you were afraid of us, - Ethan smiled. Damiano is dead. 
— I wasn't, - I tried saving myself, - It's just... I'm working for you so I want to get along with you. And I know we technically met before, but given the circumstances... - I blushed.
— That night was wild, - he chuckled, - Don't worry, we like you. Otherwise you wouldn't be here.
— That's good to know, - I smiled.

His phone started ringing and he went outside to answer, leaving me alone. It was really nice, because I got a chance to calm myself a little. Then Victoria barged in with 4 big bags stuffed with food and alcohol. I ran up to her to help carry everything to kitchen.

— Will other people be coming too? - I asked confused, seeing the amount of snacks and drinks there were.
— Nope, just us, - she responded like it was completely normal. 
— Are you kidding? We would be able to cater for the whole neighbourhood with this! - I was shocked.
— You'll take your words back tommorrow, - she winked at me. 

We started setting everything up on the huge dining room table. Praying all that alcohol wouldn't cause any problem to me or them, I arranged the bottles. Victoria was very hyped. She said it will be their first party after the one at the club. They must party a lot if that was out of the ordinary for her. I was completely different. The pressure of trying to make living in Italy made me a complete workaholic. My job was always related to parties anyway, but you can't properly enjoy them when you are in charge of it running smoothly. I drifted into memories of the evening that caused me to get fired.

— Earth to Sky! Wow, that sounds interesting! - Vic laughed.
— I'm sorry, what did I miss? - I snapped back.
— I asked you where the guys are, - she smiled.
— Oh, Ethan's outside on the phone and Thomas is talking to Damiano... somewhere.
— Ok, I'm gonna quickly change and drag them here, - she left. 

Not knowing what to do with myself, I just sat down at the table, scrolling through my instagram feed. Saf posted a picture of her at the restaurant. I bet Lorenzo took it. I smiled, seeing her happy. Ethan came back inside. I heard him approaching dinning room. 

— Let's see what we have there... -  he said, scanning the assortment of liquor. Hetook a whiskey bottle and openned it.
— Drink? - he asked me. I didn't like whiskey, but I didn't feel like refusing, so I nodded. It will be good for me to relax. He poured two glasses and gave one to me. It must be expensive, because it smelled differently than any other whiskey I tried before. Usually it punches you in the face, but this one was more delicate. It smelled like tobacco and caramel. We clinked our glasses and I tasted it. It was strong, but the warmth that immediately spread down my neck was nice. 

— Hey, don't start without us! - Thomas and Vic came in the room.
— You can only blame yourself for disappearing, - I said, happy to see them. 
— Where's Damiano? - Ethan asked the question I was dying to know the answer for. 
— Coming, - Thomas nodded towards the door.

I felt nervous waiting for him. Determination to keep myself strong against his teasing was intense, but I knew if he wanted to, he will make me melt with just one look. Finally he showed up, seeming a little thrown off. I wondered if our steamy moment made him relive it in his head too. Our eyes met and he immediately snapped out of his thoughts, smirking.

— What happened, Sky? You look so flusterred, - he teased me, acting concerned. I rolled my eyes at him.
— Let the girl be, - Thomas chuckled and it made me question if Damiano told him what happened between us. 

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