Thunder duo

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— Giorgia? - he looked at me surprised, - Is she really the first thing you thought about?
— I'm just so confused, I don't know if what I saw was real or not...
— If you're talking about Isla's true face being revealed, then yes, it was real. Giorgia is at the police station with everyone else, - he looked at his hands.
— So it means, - I touched my belly, - That I'm actually pregnant? Is everything okay?
— Yes, you both are fine, - he put his hand on my belly too smiling, - You're a little anemic and drained, but doctors said some fluids and good rest will put you back on your feet.
— Thank god... - I sighed, starting to tear up, - But what will happen to Giorgia? She saved us, I don't think she deserves the same as Isla...
— We thought so too, so Vic made sure to take our statements back. It won't guarantee her complete immunity, but may give her a lighter punishment, I don't know, we'll have to discuss it later with lawyers, - he stared at me deeply, - Now that everything's clear, I wanted to apo-
— No apologies, - I stopped him mid sentence, - We've all been played. There's nothing in the world I would love more than being with you, so if you're feeling the same let's just put this all shit show behind us and move on. We have bigger things to worry about.
— Like telling our parents? - he chuckled and I did the same.
— Yeah, to them we moved from zero to one hundred in an instant.
— It's still surreal to me, - he kissed my hand, - Why didn't you tell me when you first suspected you could be pregnant?
— I just didn't want to scare you or give you false hope... Pregnancy is a tricky thing, especially in early stages, - I looked down, - It's not how either of us invisioned this happening.
— To me it's perfect, - he smiled, - Can you imagine how awesome he or she will be? I mean, with both of our genes...
— And your cockiness, - we both laughed, - You know, to be honest, I didn't expect you would be ready for this.
— I wasn't for a long time, - he shrugged, - I always knew I wanted to have a family some day, but I was never ready for it until that night I came back to the house to find you smoking outside in the moonlight.
— Yeah, sounds like a mother material, - I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.
— Not because you were smoking, - he shook his head smiling, - Because I remember us spending two weeks apart, my heart was broken and I honestly was about to give up on us. I thought you were confused in your own feelings and there wasn't a place for me in your heart any longer. I remember coming back after the show tired and not expecting anything more than an empty house to welcome me. Instead I saw a faint light coming from the kitchen and you leaning against the wall in my spot all moonlit and beautiful... The fact that you came to me ready to work things out, not afraid to be vulnerable and own up to the mistakes we both made... I don't know, that night you showed me growth and dedication. I wasn't used to somebody being so willing to fight for me and that night made me sure we could overcome anything that life sends our way. 
— Damiano... - I bit my lip so I wouldn't cry. He leaned in and planted a soft kiss on my lips. 

I woke up a few hours later hearing people mumbling and whispering to each other in my hospital room. I squinted, trying to spy on who it was and saw fiery red hair that I wouldn't mistake for anyone else's than my best friend's. I opened my eyes surprised to see her but what I actually saw was even more surprising. Saf was leaning against someone's chest and that "someone" was Thomas. I couldn't believe it for a second, trying to think about when they could have gotten so close as friends, but then she lifted her head up and KISSED HIM?! I sat up in the bed and the creaking matress made them jump. They both froze, like two kids who just got caught doing something bad. I crossed my arms and looked at them seriously.
— Hey, love, how are you? - Saf ran up to the bed, looking worried, trying to distract me, but it was unsuccessful.
— I don't know, I think my best friends, - I glanced at Thomas, - Have some explaining to do first.
— I'm sorry, - Saf sighed, looking at Thomas for support, - We just... Our personalities matched so well and we were so happy...
— So THIS is your secret boyfriend? And you didn't think to share that happiness with your best friend? - I still played upset.
— Actually you brought this on yourself, - Thomas came closer smiling, - Remember in the bus, when I asked how you'd react if me and Saf got together?
— OMG I called it! - I gasped, remembering that day.
— You said it would be "hella weird", - he finished his thought.
— Yeah, but I didn't mean it! - I couldn't pretend to be upset anymore, - Of course it's surprising, but did you really think I wouldn't support you?
— I was mortified to tell you, - Saf smiled, -  I thought you'd get mad.
— Why would I be mad? 
— I don't know, because he's your friend and...
— And you are too! Geez, Saf you surprise me every day, - I shook my head laughing.
— Well, I guess this worked out well, - Thomas looked at Saf.
— You have some explaining to do too, missy, - Saf's expression changed from prey to predator again, - How did you manage to fail to mention that I'm going to be an auntie?!
— Umm, I guess Thomas already filled you in on the details... - I looked at him.
— Yes, of course and that bitch is lucky she got to the police station faster than I arrived, because I swear to god... - I saw how worked up she got.
— I know, calm down, everything's okay now, I'm fine, we're fine, - I looked at my belly, - And that's all that matters now. But how did you get there so quickly?
— Umm... - Saf looked at Thomas, looking guilty again, - I was actually coming to spend a day with him, but when I heard what happened...
Bellissima! - the door to my room flew open as Giuseppe emerged carrying a bouquet so big, I couldn't see his face, - I came here as soon as I could!
Ciao, Giuseppe, - I chuckled at his mannerisms.
— Ah, scusi, I didn't see you have guests, - he gasped when he put the flowers on my night table.
— Saffron, - she extended her hand, but like I thought, he went in for a hug and two kisses.
— Of course! - he exclaimed excitedly, - I'm Giuseppe, the stylist, it's so nice to finally meet you! I've heard so many good things about you!

Thomas went out to get coffee and I smiled watching Saf and Giuseppe chatter happily. Just as I predicted, the two got along instantly and I tried to prepare myself for what this thunder duo might come up with. They were so deep in conversation, I felt like a third wheel, so I looked around to find my phone when my eye got caught on a little envelope sticking out of the bouquet. I reached in to take it and inspected it. Inside was a piece of paper with my name on it. I pulled it out and saw it was a letter. My eyes immediately wandered to the bottom of the page to see who it was from.

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