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I woke up and got downstairs, where my mom was making pancakes, just like when I was a kid. I told her about last night, leaving some details out, so she wouldn't push me and Brandon to get together and I don't get a lecture on how I will never find love if I keep my standarts so high. There were only the two of us at home, because Dad had to go to work and River went out to see his friends. We ate our breakfast watching some trashy reality TV show, but I didn't care about it, because we got a good laugh discussing how stupid the directing was. Later we decided to go thrifting as there were afew pretty good thrift shops in our area. 

On our way there I started thinking about how my time here is coming to an end really fast. I had this awful thing about  me, where I would get really attached to the place I spent time and it made leaving way harder for me. And it happened every single time, so I was stuck in a loop of hard goodbyes without any way to escape. My mom was a fun driver. I always prefered to run errands with her, because she liked blasting the music loud and singing along without any care in the world. We always had most fun parties on the road together. 

We pulled into a huge parking lot and got ourselves into hunting mood. I always got the thrills going thrifting, because there was always only one of each thing that nobody else can't get if you get it first. Even though you can find very interesting clothing there, I always loved the random antique stuff. It's funny how these stores have such a wide variety, you could find bedtime stories for kids and sex swings just laying around next to each other. My mom found quite a few nice clothing pieces and went to try them on. I looked through the nearby shelves while waiting for her. I found a few cool leather chokers, that immediately reminded me of Damiano, so I decided to get them for him. There were also a few very cool looking vintage rings, so I got a bunch of them. We made our purchases and went to a few other stores.

After quite a while of shopping, we stopped at "Olive Garden" to eat. I don't know why, my parents always tried to pick an italian option anywhere where it was possible, not only when it came to food, but in general, when I visited them. Maybe it was like a fun way for them to branch out, because they usually were pretty stubborn and had strong favorites. I was half way done with my pasta, when my phone started ringing. I declined the call, when I saw it was Saf. I didn't want to interrupt out mother-daughter time to answer. However, she immediately started calling again and even though she could get annoying sometimes, she never bombarded me with calls like that if it wasn't necessary. 
— Hey, what's up? - I picked up.
— Hey, Sky, how are you holding up? - she sounded worried.
— I'm... okaay..? - I answered very confused by her tone.
— I was so shocked when I found out, how could he just... do this to you? - she was rambling and I tried to figure out if there was any way for her to find out about what happened between me and Brandon yesterday.
— It's okay, I guess, - I excused myself from the table and went to the bathroom to be able to talk freely.
— Okay?! Girl, I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm certain we're not talking about the same thing.
— I guess we aren't, - I chuckled, still very confused.
— So you've been under a rock and haven't seen what media is blowing up about now?
— I guess so, - my heart started beating faster, - Fill me in.
— I-I'm not really sure if that's the right thing to do, but you're my best friend and I'll be there for you, I think I would like to know if it happened to me, so... - she started rambling nervously again and it made me scared.
— Just tell me, Saf, - I interrupted her.
— I'll send you everything, to see for yourself, but you might want to be alone when opening it.
— Okay, thanks, - I ended the call and tried to calm myself down, while eagerly waiting for Saf's message to come. If even she said I would like to be alone while opening it, it meant that the news won't be pleasant. I saw the message pop up, but didn't open it. I had a few deep breaths before returning to the table.

— Oh, darling, you look very pale, are you sick? - Nothing slips through my mother's eyes.
— Y-yeah, I just threw up, - I lied, knowing it would be a good way to get some alone time at home.
— I will get a refund then, - she looked pissed.
— No, mom, forget it, can we just go home, I really need to lie down, - I asked.
— Okay, take the keys and go sit in a car, I'll pay and we will go, - she pushed the keys in my hand and got up.
I rushed to the car and shifted in the seat, trying to calm down my nerves, even though only a fool would actually believe they would succeed at it in my situation. It felt like it took hours for my mom to come and finally drive us home, even though I knew she did everything as fast as she could. 

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