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I felt better once we got back to Milan. A few peaceful days spent only with the closest people recharged my inner battery and I could enjoy life to the fullest again. 
Buongiorno, mi amore, - Damiano smiled, sitting on my bed when I walked out of the shower.
— Hey, - I kissed his lips lightly and of course it wasn't enough for him. He caught me and fell backwards on the bed, pulling me into a deeper kiss.
— I think I will never get used to this, - he giggled.
— Yeah, me too, - I said, trapped between his strong arms. He let me get up so I could put away my towel and makeup bag. 
— Let's go on a trip somewhere, just you and me, - he said, while I was closing the drawer.
— I wish we could, - I smiled, turning to him.
— We can.
— Damiano, I know it's not easy for you to play by rules, but we can't be seen together, remember? I'm not going to risk you guys' reputation just to get a vacation, doesn't matter how tempting that sounds, - I said seriously, - Besides, I should be working and you guys always think of ways to distract me. Isla must hate me already.
— Isla doesn't hate you, baby. You are my girlfriend now, I don't want you cleaning after us either way, - he ran his fingers through his hair. It was the first time I heard him call me his girlfriend and that made me get butterflies.
— No, I have to make money somehow and I like this job. Let's wait with the trip, I really don't want to risk it, - I said, bitting my lip.
— Let's wait for now, - he pointed at me, - I'll talk to my managers and see what we could arrange.
— You won't stop until you get your way, huh? - I rolled my eyes.
— You know me too well, - he came closer and put his finger on my nose, - I have to head out to practice now.
— Okay, - I smiled, looking up at him.
— I'll miss you, - he planted a kiss on my forehead.
— I'll miss you too, - I replied, watching him leave my room.

I went to do my laundry and then sat down in the living room to read a book. My phone started buzzing. A cold shiver ran down my spine when I saw it was my mom calling. I don't know why, I just assumed she somehow saw the article.
— Hello? - I picked up.
— Hi, baby, - she seemed happy, - We miss you so much.
— I miss you too, sorry I don't call often, - I bit my lip.
— It's okay, I understand. Tell me, how are you? What were you up to these days? - she asked and I started raking my brain, trying to put all the events in order and decide what to keep a secret for now. Me and my mom usually didn't hide anything from each other, but keeping in mind the fact that Damiano is still a married man, I decided it wouldn't hurt to keep my new relationship to myself until it all gets solved. I filled her in on everything else and she got really excited I got to visit Vienna.
— But enough about me, tell me how are you holding up? - I asked, picking a pear from the kitchen.
— Oh, we're fine, just living our slow paced lives. Grandma twisted her ankle badly, so now I'm running errands for her. 
— Oh, how is she?
— Don't worry, she's fine, I had to threaten her to stay in bed, - she chuckled.
— Ah, I miss you all so much...
— Are you planning to visit us soon? How is Saffron by the way?
— Saf is very good, actually. She got a raise so she's moving out on her own now, - I smiled, happy for my best friend, - And I don't know, I'm starting to feel a little homesick, so I will talk to my manager when I could take a few days off. You know, I barely worked with all the concerts and get aways... 
— Of course, honey. Well, you're welcome anytime, just give me a call before, - she laughed.


I sat on the kitchen island, watching Damiano cook. The day I'll get to taste his lasagna finally came. I was sure it will be good, just didn't want to believe it could be better than mine. He didn't let me help, saying he didn't want to share the compliments, when others come, so he filled my glass with wine and let me enjoy the show. And believe me, it was quite the show indeed. He was wearing only his swimming shorts. I didn't notice when his hair grew longer, but I liked the way it curled slightly, almost reaching his shoulders. 

We lived at the house together since returning from Vienna. It may be too soon, since our relationship was so new, but nothing about it was normal, so I didn't worry. I didn't expect it would be this easy, actually. Well, you could say we lived together before, so it's not that special, but we never spent this much time together. He would go out to practice in the morning, kissing my forehead goodbye, then I would have some alone time and just before he would return I would find us a movie to watch and think of something we could cook for dinner. He never let me cook for him alone, saying I wasn't a housewife, so it wasn't my duty. I would go outside to meet him when he returned and he would always bring something, to make me smile. Needless to say, my room was filled with flowers, that made it smell wonderfully. The thing I was looking for the most was the night. He always joined my showers and I loved it. I loved touching his wet skin, I loved how his eyes would fill with desire, while looking at my naked body and of course, I loved how he would pick me up and take me to the bed, where we did unimaginable things. I can't even begin to describe how good the sex was. One day it was gentle and romantic and the other - rough and passionate. It never got boring. He loved when I took charge, bossing him around, but then he would regain the control, making me scream in satisfaction.

— And now we wait, - he said, closing the oven.
— I admit, it smells so good already, - I smiled.
— I tell you, once you taste it, it will give you an orgasm, - he stood between my legs, smiling like a little devil.
— We'll see about that, - I finished my wine. He chuckled and went back to the sink to clean the dishes he used.

Others came just in time when Damiano took the lasagna out of the oven. Thomas brought some more wine and I saw in his eyes he was in a mood to party.
— Aren't you a little too excited about this dinner? - I asked, hugging him.
— You can never be too excited about food, love, - he replied and we both laughed.
— Hi, bunny, - I saw Ethan smiling in the doorway.
— Hii! - I jumped to hug him, - I missed you so much!
— I missed you too, - he giggled, squeezing me. 
I rarely saw him these past couple of weeks. I was worried something bad happenned, but he assured me he just had some family matters to attend. Still, seeing him smiling tonight made me breathe a sigh of relief.
— And what about me? - I heard Vic's raspy voice. She got a cold, and we joked it made her sound like a narrator of adult movies. I hugged her too and we all went to the dinning room, where Damiano was already setting up the plates. 
— Look at you being a sexy little housewife! - Thomas exclaimed, smiling. Damiano spanked his own ass, giggling in response. 

We all sat down at the table and had a first bite, exept Damiano, who looked at me expectantly. 
— Soo, how is it? 
— Hmm... - I stalled on purpose. It felt like everybody in the room held their breaths and it was funny to me how we managed to make such a big deal out of this.
— Okay... - I said slowly and Damiano raised his brow, - I accept my defeat...
— Told you! - he jumped in his seat happy and I laughed at his reaction.
We continued eating and I really enjoyed the dish. It was full of flavour and the texture was just perfect. 
— So I talked to Isla, - I said, while Thomas pored me some wine, - She booked me a flight home to US this saturday.
— This saturday? - Damiano was surprised, - It's like two days away!
— Yeah, I know it's super soon, - I looked at him apologetically, - I wish you all could join, but she told me about your concerts, - I bit my lip.
— Yeah, pretty busy week ahead, - Ethan nodded, taking a sip of wine.
— How long will you be gone? - Damiano asked.
— Ten days.
— Aww, who will make my bed so soft? - Victoria pouted playfully.
— You didn't sleep here for a week now! - I chuckled.
— I'm still gonna miss you, - she winked at me.

The evening went on and I noticed a shift in Thomas' mood. He became silent, listening to the conversation and smiling a little in response. He got up to have a smoke, but others were too deep into a conversation to join. I used the opportunity and excused myself, to keep him company. We went outside and sat on the lounge chairs by the pool.
— Want one? - he extended his arm with an open pack of cigarettes to me.
— Actually yeah, - I took one. He was a little surprised, as I smoke extremely rarely.
he lit both of our cigarettes and we sat in silence for a while.
— What's bothering you? - I got straight to the point.
— Huh? - he looked at me surprised.
— I can feel something's bothering you, - I repeated, - You can talk to me.
— Oh, no it's fine, - he blew out a smoke, looking at the pool.
— Hey, I know you're not being honest right now, - I put my hand on his shoulder, - I'm not forcing you to share things with me, but just know that I care about you and I will always listen and keep your secrets safe if you need me to.
— Thank you, Sky, I really appreciate it, - he smiled at me.

We continued smoking in silence for a while, watching the water dance in the pool when bugs touched it. The moon was almost full and as there were no clouds this night, it shined really bright. We occasionally heard others laugh inside and it made me feel cozy.
— Okay, - Thomas sighed, - I think I need to tell someone, just please, don't tell others, okay?

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