Die for you

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Seeing them practice made me relax quickly. It was really interesting to see them so focused and submerged in music. I sat in a comfortable armchair, dangling my leg from one of the arm rests. There was a strangely pleasant mood in the athmosphere. 

— Enough for today, - Damiano sighed, jumping on the other arm rest, near me. 
— So what are we going to do now? - I asked, looking at everyone gathering around.
— Vic had an idea, - Thomas brushed his hair back.
— Let's go out tonight! - she shot her fists up, screaming.
— Where? - I smiled, looking at their excitement.
— To the club, of course.
— Is it really a good idea? - I wasn't sure if they were allowed to go partying just like that.
— Of course it is, - Ethan chuckled, - We can't miss a chance to see how austrians party.
— Okay then, - I sat up normally, fixing my clothes. If Ethan's in, I shouldn't worry.
— We have to get back to the hotel now, Isla will want to discuss the plans, - Damiano said to others and they started gathering their things. I went to the bathrroom in the mean time. 
— Hey, - I heard as soon as I stepped out.
— Jeez, don't scare me like that, - I took a deep breath.
— I'm sorry. Look, you don't have to go to the club tonight if you don't feel like it, we could stay at the hotel or go out and do something more relaxed, - hazel eyes pierced me, full of concern.
— I'm okay, Damiano. We survived and I'm not going to let that little accident keep me away from having fun. 
— I've just never seen you scared like that, - he took my hand and wrapped in his palms.
— You just don't know me for that long, - I chuckled.
— Hey! - he furrowed his eyebrows.
— I'm really fine, it wasn't a big deal, but thank you for caring, - I smiled at him.
— Okay, if you say so, - he winked at me and we went back to others.

This time I actually got a lot of alone time at the hotel. Isla gave me a blessing to go out and do whatever I wanted to, not thinking about the way I look or how my actions would be received by others. I didn't want to just sit around doing nothing, so I freshened up and went out to the streets, just to stroll around. The architecture was breathtaking, but I wanted to share this experience with someone, so I quickly decided to go back to the hotel. On my way there I called Saf to tell her about this day and see what she was doing. 

— Damn, girl, I wish I was living your life, - she sighed.
— Yeah, I understand it sounds cool, but... uhh...
— Okay, spill the beans, - I knew she won't let me get away this time.
— I don't know, Saf, something's wrong with me, - I sat on the bench at some kind of a park.
— What? 
— I'm crazy for Damiano, he's so hot and alluring, he drives me crazy just with one look, he cares about me and it shows really well...
— Oooooh, - she sounded excited.
— But at the same time... I catch myself thinking bout Ethan more and more... I don't know why and what it is, but I'm scared and confused...
— So it doesn't go away, huh? - she asked, lost in thoughts.
— No! I don't know what's happening, Saf, I'm really scared...
— Don't be silly. It's clear that two guys caught your attention, but it doesn't mean you have to chose between them now. Just enjoyit, get to know to them... - she tried giving me an advice.
— Oh no, I don't want this. I can't... What if they find out about my feelings and I'll end up wrecking their friendship? I can't let it happen! - I was freaking out.
— Don't overcomplicate it for yourself, okay? It's fine, just spend time with them and the answer will come to you naturally.
— Easier said than done. I don't want to play them!
— So don't. I'm not telling you to test them out in bed! Just be friends and don't overthing situations, what will be supposed to happen, will happen and it will help you find answers, believe me, - Saf knew what to say in every situation.
— Well, I really hope so.

I got back and sat on my bed. There was still a lot of time to pass before our night out. I turned on TV and successfully managed to waste a hour. I jumped out of bed and went out to the hallway. I knocked on the first door after mine.
— Giuseppe, right? - I smiled when a fashionably dressed man opened the door.
— Yeah, hello, Sky, what brings you there? - he was really surprised.
— You have to help me! - I made puppy eyes and he let me in. 
— What's going on, girl? - he motioned for me to sit on the couch.
I took a little time to look around. Giuseppe was staying with Damiano. Their room was bigger and had two separate beds in different corners.
— We're going out to the club tonight, - I sat down, - And my prepared outfits aren't comfortable enough for that, I don't know what to do!
— Oh, that's not a problem, dear, - he sat beside me, looking excited, - We can look at what you have and fiure something out! And if all you have is not the best, I think we still have some time to go shopping.
— That would be really nice, - I didn't feel offended by his comments, because I knew fashion was his passion and I couldn't compete with that level.

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