Happy Tree Friends

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I was surprised to see Damiano's name appear on my phone when it started ringing.
— Hey, baby, isn't it really late in Italy now? - I immediately asked him, looking at the clock. It was an afternoon in US, so it must have been night where he was.
— Ciao, mi amore, it's about 10:30 PM now, not that late, - he chuckled and I could hear he was out of his breath.
— Why do you sound so tired? 
— Ah, we just got off the stage, - he answered.
— Oh, wow, I'm still not used to the time difference, I thought the show was going to be later today, - I chuckled, - How did it go?
— Very good, the public was really nice and ready to party, - he chuckled, - What are you doing right now?
— Just relaxing, I'm going to have dinner with Brandon a little later, - I examined my fingers while talking.
— That's nice, I hope you have a nice evening, - he was so sweet, - We're actually going to a club tonight, I just wanted to let my girl know.
— "You don't have to ask my permission", - I quoted him, laughing, - But it's nice of you to let me know. Have fun you all, I wish I would be able to join you, - I bit my lip smiling.
— Yeah, I would love that too, - he chuckled and I heard others calling his name in the background.
— I guess you're missed already. Go, have fun, we'll talk later, - I said, even though I wanted to talk to him a little more.
— I don't want to, but I might have to, - he had the same feelings.
— Give my best wishes to everyone else.
— I'm sure they're going to send some back, so here you go in advance, - he laughed, - Okay, have fun tonight, I love you!
— You too, bye!

I put my phone down still smiling. Hearing his voice, even for a couple of minutes, had such a huge effect on me that I instantly felt better. Happy about my nausea being gone, I opened my closet and started brainstorming what to wear for the dinner. I didn't want to overdress, but at the same time a super casual outfit didn't seem appropriate to me. After a solid half an hour of making decisions, I picked out a comfortable pair of jeans, V - neck blouse and a blazer to go on top in case it gets cool outside. I put the clothes on the bed and glanced at my phone to check what time it was. Just enough time for me to start making myself look presentable. 

Brandon texted me, offering to come get me at my house, but I declined, as his house was just a few minutes away. I went downstairs to grab the expensive wine he brought me. My dad was watching TV and mom tried to act like she did too, but her neck just refused to let her look away from me. 
— Have fun on your date! - she waved, excitedly when I was putting my shoes on.
— I told you it's not a date, - I rolled my eyes, and my dad playfully slapped moms thigh, so she would stop teasing me.
— Okay, I'm gonna head out, call me if you need anything, - I said and went out the door.
I was used to the street I grew up in and maybe because I saw it so often, it usually never gave me any sentiments. This time, however, maybe because I was already in a nostalgic mood, going to my childhood friend's house, everything brought back memories I made here. The huge rock I drove my bike into and scraped my knees badly was still there on Mrs. Myers lawn. It looked way bigger when I was a kid though. Mr. Brocklin's house was still the same electric green color, although the paint was chipping badly now. I smiled at these "monuments" and realised how small our street really was when I saw Brandon siling at me through his open front door. 

— Hey, - I smiled, giving him a brief hug.
— Hi, sorry, I started cooking already, - he pointed at the apron he had on.
— Looks cute, - I chuckled and he let me inside.
The house looked different on the inside. I don't know why I was surprised by that, because a lot of years passed since Brandon's family lived there. The walls were now all painted white and the interior was way more modern than back in our childhood. Only things that stayed the same were the layout and these beautiful hardwood floors. 
— Yeah, it was a shock for me too, when I first entered, - he smiled, seeing me looking around.
— It's beautiful, but kind of sad o see it changed so much, - I crossed my arms.
— I guess it's up to me now to make it cozy again, - he shrugged smiling, - Come, I have to go back to my crab cakes.

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