The truth. Part I

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The voice startled me, but my eyes got even wider when I realised who it was. Giorgia ran up to the bed and snatched the pill out of my hand.
— What are you doing here, Giorgia? - Isla shot her an annoyed look, - Get out immediately or I will have to call security, I won't let you interfere with Sky's well-being , you already did enough!
— Yes, I did many bad things, but it's time to do what's right, - she nodded, looking at me. 
My eyes ran between them, trying to understand what was happening.
— I'm not going to repeat this again, get out right now, - I've seen Isla in many moods before, but the way she looked right now was intimidating.
— I'm not leaving, Isla and you should really take the opportunity to come clean before it's too late, - Giorgia crossed her hands.
— What's going on? What is she talking about? - I looked at Isla, confused.
— Alright, alright... - she sighed, - It's been weighing on me for too long, I hope you will understand, Sky. 
I focused on her, trying not to miss any details.
— I've been holding on this medicine for a few days now, I'm sorry, - she looked at the floor, - But hear me out, I needed to do it, because I knew what was coming for you. When I went back to Rome to "take care of some business things" I actually went to see Giorgia.
Giorgia nodded, indicating Isla was speaking truth.
— I... I did something that wasn't right, but I only had good intentions, Sky.
— What did you do? - I got impatient.
— I... bribed Giorgia so she wouldn't tell Damiano about her pregnancy. I offered her to fully support the child financially if she left you two alone. The reason I didn't give you the medicine sooner was... I found out she broke our deal and keeping you sick seemed like an only option for me to hopefully keep you and Damiano together. I hoped he wouldn't leave you in this condition...
— Liar! - Giorgia faced me, - She twisted everything! Sky, I know you have absolutely no reason to believe me, but I beg you, do not take the pill she gave you...
— It's.. too much for me to process... - I tried to let everything sink in. The woman I trusted and became so close to was being called a liar by the woman that ruined my life. But one thing didn't make any sense to me - why was Giorgia so desperate?
— Sky, please, you have to hear me out, we don't have much time, - Giorgia sat by my bed.
— O-okay, - I nodded, looking at Isla, that was visibly frustrated.

*The day Sky took the first pregnancy test*

My phone woke me up in the middle of night. I silenced it and tried to go back to sleep, but it immediately started ringing again. I checked the caller and the sleepiness went away. I knew I had no choice but to pick up when Isla is calling.
— Hello? - I answered, my voice cracking.
— We have to meet tomorrow afternood. There's very important stuff to discuss. Be home, I'll come to you, - she spoke quietly, but fast.
— O-okay... - I was confused.
— I warn you, if I can't find you tomorrow, our deal is off.
— I'll be home, - I sighed.
— Good, - she hung up.
I locked my phone and looked at the ceiling. I couldn't go back to sleep knowing Isla had something to talk to me about. It was never good with her.

The day went slower than ever as I anticipated her coming. When my doorbell finally rang, I felt like a huge weight has been lifted off. I opened the door and Isla immediately came in. She didn't bother taking her shoes off, sitting at my dinning room table. She pulled out one of her calendar books and motioned to me to sit too.
— We have a problem, - she took her sunglasses off, - Sky is pregnant.
— So? What does it have to do with me? - I looked at her confused, - I'm out of Damiano's life anyway.
— You were, but I'm afraid we'll have to change some things in our agreement, - she flipped through the pages of her book, - You see, I need Sky out of their life too and you're going to help me.
— But why? I thought you liked her.
— I did, when she helped Damiano get over you, but I underestimated her and their relationship. The pregnancy is a big issue, so we have to act quickly.
— What are you planning to do? - I got nervous.
— I made her take fake pregnancy tests, that always come back negative, so she thinks it's just some kind of sickness, that's bugging her. The band has a huge press conference coming in four days. You're going to attend it and tell Damiano you're pregnant when it's over.
— What? No way! - I shook my head.
— I already bought you a ticket. You have to do it if you want to keep your freedom, - she looked at me serious.
— Isla, please, it's not a joke... What am I supposed to do after that? I'm not pregnant! He's not going to believe me anyway!
— Well, he mentioned running into you a month or so ago when he was drunk. You're going to convince him you spent the night together. Don't worry, you won't have to lie for too long, just until Sky is out of the picture, then you'll have a miscarriage or something...
— No, Isla, I'm not doing it to him! It's too much!
— Okay, then I guess I'm going straight to the closest police station and handing in these testimonies, signed by the band members along with photo proof of you handling illegal substances and drugging innocent people, - she shrugged, pulling out a folder.
— You made me do it! You'll go down with me!
— Oh, honey, you have no proof of that! You know I can ruin your career, your life in a few minutes, I suggest you make smart choices.
I looked at the files in that folder. I knew it was enough to put me behind bars, but I worked so hard to escape that sick emotional state the divorce process put me in, that doing what Isla asked seemed even worse.
— Fine... - I sighed after failing to come up with an excuse.
— I knew I could count on you, - Isla smiled, placing the folder back in her bag.
— But what are you going to do with Sky's baby? - I asked, feeling nervous.
— I'm not sure yet, I'll figure something out. I prepared some guidelines for you when you come to talk to Damiano, please read it and don't fail, - she handed me an envelope, - You ticket is in it too. Don't miss the flight, otherwise I'll have to go to the police.
— I won't... - I took the envelope.

I felt so heavy when she left, tears streamed down my face as I realised I'm stuck again. I was hoping that some day I would be able to finally escape Isla, but it looks like I'm going to be living in my past for the rest of my life... I considered telling Damiano everything, but as soon as that thought crossed my head I immediately realised he wouldn't trust me, ever. I took out the sheet with guidelines and started reading it. I had to prepare in order to convince him.

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