Big plans

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— Guess what? - Ethan jumped over the kitchen island while I was washing dishes. 
— Easy, don't turn this house into rubble, - I chuckled. 
— You should have said "what?" or something, - he smiled.
— Okay, what? - I asked theatrically.
— Were going on a trip!
— Oh, that's nice, how long will you be... where are you going?
We are going camping at lake Como.
— We? I have to work, Ethan, - I squinted as the water from spoon I was washing sprayed me.
— As we can see, you're not doing a very good job, you need a vacation, - he laughed at me and I splashed him in return.
— I had my vacation when I was sick, - I got back to work.
— That was two weeks ago, come on.
— What will your management think about me? I came here to work and barely lifted a finger so far!
— Don't worry, we have a plan, - he smiled and I knew it was something twisted.
— No no no no no, I will not participate in your games, - I shook my head.
— It's going to be okay. Start packing, we're leaving tomorrow morning! - he said, leaving.

Me and Ethan got very close during the past weeks. Damiano was still gone somewhere, Vic and Thomas went to their houses, because they had to take care of some business. So, for the last week and a half it was just me and Ethan in this house. Initially he stayed just for a few days until I got better and my fever went down, but then we started hanging out and because we got along so well he didn't want to leave. It was so easy to talk to him. He didn't talk in riddles, his actions vere very clear. He's so mature and smart, but super silly too at times. I loved his company. One evening we went on a stroll around the neighbourhood. He showed me the most beautiful gardens, told me the stories of people that live in these beautiful houses nearby. 

— This one, - he pointed to a sand coloured house with wines all over the walls, - This one belongs to mr. Coltello. If you ever need to borrow anything, definitely don't go there, - he chuckled.
— Why? - I smiled.
— He's the most cliche grumpy old man you could ever find. Do you know the movie "A man called Ove"?
— No.
— Well, it's a really good movie about an old man that is good at heart, but the way he interacts with people... - he shook his head smiling.
— I'll have to watch it, - I chuckled.
— We can do it when we get back if you want, - Ethan looked around to see if it was safe to cross the street. 
— That would be awesome, do you think the shop is still open? We could grab some snacks.
— I think we have 20 min. until it closes, - he responded looking at his watch,- Let's go, we should make it on time.

— So, how did you find out that this mr...
— Coltello, - he reminded me.
— Coltello, yeah. How did you find out he was a grumpy old man? Is there a story? - I smiled expectantly.
— Well... Kind of. When we bought this house, we all decided to celebrate and have a little party there. 
— Classic, - I commented. He smiled.
— Yeah, so me and Damiano got really wild, he was teasing me or something and I started chasing him around. He ran to the street and I followed him. When he saw I'm catching up to him, he decided to jump over nearby fence. It happened to be mr. Coltello's fence, - he chuckled, - So I followed him. Because we were drunk, we caused a lot of noise as I caught him and we started wrestling. Mr. Coltello then openned his bedroom window and pointed a gun at us.
— Whaat? - I chuckled.
— Yeah, he gave us 10 seconds to leave his property and we definitely did. Anyway, the morning came and we decided to apologise for our disturbance. Damiano had a bottle of good whiskey in his luggage, so we took it and went. Old man threatened to stick that bottle up Damiano's ass, - Ethan started laughing, - And told us if we ever come on his property again, he would call the police for harrasment.
I lauged so hard, my cheeks started hurting.

I finished the dishes and went to find Ethan to get more details about the trip. He was in the backyard, chilling in a shade with his lap top on. He was so caught up in something, he didn't even notice me coming. I wanted to scare him, but his super serious expression made me laugh before I could do it.

— What is it? - he smiled.
— Nothing, mr. serious, - I chuckled, - So, when, how, where are we going? What should I pack? Who's coming?
— We're leavng tomorrow 10 am sharp. Vic will come pick us up with her bus, then we'll get Thomas, stop for groceries and hit the road.
So Damiano isn't coming. Very "unexpected". 
— We decided to spice it up a little and go camping in the woods nearby instead of renting a bnb. I hope you're ready for that. - he lifted his eyebrow.
— Heck yeah, my survival skills are outstanding, - I said and he laughed, - My only problem is that I don't have a tent or a sleeping bag and stuff like that.
— Oh, don't worry, we have everything for everyone. Just pack some warmer clothes, swimsuit, socks and hair ties, - he said. Last part made me giggle. 
— What?
— No, nothing. Okay, then I'll go pack up, - I waved at him and went to my room.

I started piling my clothes up on the bed, deep in thought. I surprised myself when I realised I wanted Damiano to come too. I worked on my feelings and emotions towards him and I think I'm more than ready to see him. I wanted to think that I forgot our intimate moments, that I don't have some type of feelings towards him, but it wasn't true. I still wanted to go back and relive our moments together, but everything has to stay in the past. I will push my feelings aside. I didn't want them in the first place. 

— Hey, - I heard behind me. Ethan was poking his head in my room.
— What's up? - I pushed my sweater in my suitcase.
— I'm going to the store to get some food, just making sure you won't punch me for leaving later, - he smirked.
— Haha, keep making fun of my fever dreams and I definitely will! - I shot back smiling.
— Okay, relax! - he pretended to be scared, - Do you need anything?
— We'll stop to buy something for the trip tomorrow, right? 
— Yeah.
— Then nothing. What are we making for dinner?
— I'm in a mood for some carbonara, is it okay?
— Sure, - I said, struggling to zip the damn suitcase.
— Let me help, - he came smiling, - Did you make sure you packed all your closet? Maybe there's something left, go check, - he mocked me.
— You didn't tell me how long we will be staying! - I defended myself, -  Plus, the towel takes up so much space.
— There you go, - he said, when the suitcase was fully zipped.
— Thanks, - I smiled.

I loved the evening, because me and Ethan made a tradition to cook our dinner together. He wasn't the best cook in the world, but he gave me some useful tips to make their authentic dishes taste better. 
— So why did you decide to become a vegetarian? - he asked me while cutting pancetta.
— I'm not a vegetarian, I just naturally don't find meat so delicious anymore, - I put spaghetti in the pot.
— See? You got it! - he cheered me, as I successfully used his twisting technique, so spaghetti fell in the pot in a way, that won't require to mix it to get all the noodles wet.
— It's not that hard, - I laughed.

Pssst! The next part is going to be Damiano's POV!
Love you all!
- Angelisation

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