The show is on

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I may have spoken too soon. I felt sleepy after some time of watching TV so I got ready and went to bed. I checked my social media in bed when I heard some noise coming from downstairs. I wrote it off as a fruit of my imagination, since this evening felt just like when I first came to this house, but after hearing somebody clearly walking on the second floor I jumped out of bed to go check it out. I saw that a light was on in the hall. This time I wasn't afraid, on the contrary - I was excited to see who came back. Of course, a "what if" thought crossed my mind as I knew they had a flight to Rome tonight, but I didn't let this thought linger too long. I saw the door to Vic's bedroom was open. I started walking closer to say hi to her, but to my surprise, Ethan showed up in the doorframe.
— Hi, bunny, - he smiled, - Did I wake you up?
— Bunny? - I lifted an eyebrow. He caughed fakely and looked down at my sleeping shorts that had a bunny pattern on it.
— Ooh, - I chuckled awkwardly, fixing it, - I wasn't asleep yet. What are you doing here?
— Vic left her "very important" journal, - he said, doing airquotes, - And I volunteered to pick it up because I missed you - he shruged.
— Aww, that's so sweet, - I smiled.
— Good thing Damiano fell asleep, otherwise I would have had to fight him, - he laughed. I shook my head smiling.
— When is your flight?
— In a couple of hours, everybody's already there and unfortunately I can't take too long here, because I have to get to the airport before baggage check and all that, - he said.
— Then I won't keep you here any longer.
— I wish I could stay a little more, - he smiled sadly.
— Yeah, but you're a part of an amazing band, that would suck without you, so you have to attend to your duties, - I winked.
— That's the nicest thing someone's ever told me! - he put a hand on his chest dramatically. I laughed and escorted him to the front door.
— Have a good flight, - I said hugging him.
— Take care of yourself, - he responded, squeezing my shoulders.

I waved him goodbye and locked the door. For some reason this little encounter made me feel even more sad. I went back to my bedroom and fell into bed.I somehow felt embarrassed because of his comment about Damiano. Is it really that obvious that something's going on between us?


I was glued to the window entire ride to the airport. I never explored Milan even though I've lived there for a month now. The car rides and short walks with Ethan were my only times of seeing this city. I was excited to pick my best friend up, but the joy was clouded by my fear of her reaction to the truth about this job. Driver let me out at the entrance and went to park the car. I hurried inside, swimming through the crowd of people. Airport is an interesting place, filled with wide spectrum of emotions. The sadness of saying goodbye, or the joy of reuniting with your loved ones. To me airport associates with excitement and pleasant nervousness. No matter where I went, I always got these feelings inside of me. 

My phone indicated that 20 minutes passed after Saf's plane has landed. It shouldn't take too long before I see her. I bit my lip nervously, watching people come and go. I started worrying when the flow of passenges ended, but just as I was about to call her, I saw her running towards me. We hugged for a solid minute.
— Woah, are you a freaking celebrity now? - she asked seeing how I got here. It's a dead giveaway because nobody has a private driver and a car with tinted windows all around. Luckily, I was able to change the subject and the whole ride home we talked about her flight and how annoying everybody on the plane was.

The driver helped us get her stuff out of the car and we finally entered the house. I could smell Damiano's cologne and it gave me anxiety even though I knew there was no way for Saf to recognise this smell. I gave her the spare bedroom on the second floor.
— Dude, how many people live here? - she asked, seeing the amount of bedrooms.
— Only me, - I chuckled. I mean it's not a lie...
— Okay, I'll unpack later, give me a tour now! - she clapped her hands happy.
We began at the basement. As expected, her jaw dropped to the floor when she saw the lounge.
— So, you work for a musician? - she asked, seeing the studio space.
— Yeah... - I answered unwillingly, - Just don't touch the instruments! 
— I'm not stupid, relax, - she laughed at my overprotectiveness. 
After that I lead her to the first floor, showing where the bathroom was, we spent a lot of time in the kitchen as she felt the need to open every cabinet there was.
— Sad view... - she looked at me, after seeing the fridge was practically empty.
— I have my own little kitchen, - I shruged. I never used it though...
— That's nice, - she smiled. 
We went to the living room, she inspected all the records on the walls. I was surprised her eyes didn't catch on the photos from band's life. I wanted her to get as many clues before I break the news to her, so she would start piecing everything together in her head and it doesn't come quite as shocking. The backyard and the pool were the highlight for her. 
— We're definitely hanging out here later! - She smiled cheerfully.

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