Loud kids on tour

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Damiano was oddly silent the entire ride.
— What's wrong? - I asked when we stopped in front of our house. He looked at me and took my hand.
— I just... - he paused and his tone scared me, - Nevermind, it's nothing.
— Damiano, talk to me, - I said in a serious tone. 
— Oh, Sky, don't worry it's nothing bad, - he smiled warmly, - Just seeing you being dressed in all these fancy clothes made me realise, that you could wear a bag and still look stunning in it. I can't process the fact that you are with me, for real. And that also brings up the feelings I don't want to be feeling right now...
— What feelings? - I fet confused.
— Well, you know, you've been paranoid that something would happen again and we'll break up and I always tried to get those thoughts away from you... But that doesn't mean I don't get them too. I just love you so much, that I can't imagine being away from you. That has become my biggest fear and... 
— Oh, honey, stop, - I cupped his face with both of my hands, - As long as we're honest with each other, nothing is going to happen. We've been through so much already, I think it made us stronger than ever. I believe in us.
— Yes, and that's why I'm a little bit scared... - he looked away.
— Umm, why?
— Because I just remembered something and I know you're not going to like it... And I don't want you to think that I didn't tell you on purpose, I literally just remembered it.
— It's okay, tell me, - I braced myself.
— When we were... on a break. After me storming out of your apartment...
— Yeah? - I nodded.
— I went out drinking and I'm pretty sure I ran into Giorgia... I can't firmly say it was her, because we were all pretty drunk at that point, but it seemed to be her.
— Okaaay and what happened? - my heart was pounding.
— I don't remember, we briefly talked, I guess, and then went our own ways...?
— Then why should I be mad? - I felt like a weight has been lifted off me.
— I don't know, it's kind of a sore topic for us and I didn't immediately tell you...
— It's okay, I trust you, - I smiled.
He gently stroked my hand and pulled me into a kiss. 

Morning came and everybody was running around trying to make sure nothing important is left behind. I had a taste of what it's like traveling to a concert with a band, but going on a tour is an entirely different experience. The house was full of people, I didn't know who at least half of them were. Isla came to say hi to me, pushing my suitcases to a strong looking man. I sat by the pool, while they were finishing up. My mind went back to what Damiano said to me yesterday. even though I trust him, I definitely do not trust Giorgia and knowing their history, I felt uneasy that he was in such a vulnerable state when they met. 
— Okay, everyone, I want to see you out by the bus in two minutes! - I heard Isla yell out. 
I got up and went to the front of the house where a huge buss was parked. Apparently Vic and Thomas came up with the idea to travel by bus instead of flying. 
— Victoria, Ethan, Thomas, Damiano, Sky, Jeff and Mario are going by the bus, - she gestured us all to get inside, - Giuseppe, Claudia, Maria and I will be flying to London tomorrow, to prepare everything. The rest of you take the car and follow the bus. Contact us if any problems come up, make sure to get everyone there safely, alright? Don't forget to stop to take a rest especially the ones that are going by a car. Okay, that's all, get going, there's a long road ahead!

We all took our designated spots. I gasped when I stepped inside the bus. It reminded me one of those huge camper vans we have back in US, just smaller in size. There were 8 sleeping places, a mini kitchen, living room, and even a tight, but functioning bathroom. 

Jeff and Mario, took the seats in the front, as they were driving, the rest of us just sat by the table

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Jeff and Mario, took the seats in the front, as they were driving, the rest of us just sat by the table.
— I've never been on a bus like this before, - I said excitedly to Damiano.
— Then I'm glad to give you this experience, - he smiled back at me, - You'll be happy to know that the only double bed in here was given to us.
— Okay, don't make us regret this, - Thomas rolled his eyes.
— Can't promise, - I winked at him and everyone started laughing.

The first few hours on the road went by quickly, but after lunch, everyone just minded their own business scattered in different corners of the bus. Damiano went to take a nap, so I sat by the window, watching the changing scenery by myself. Thomas was laying on the couch in the living area not far from me. He scrolled through his phone, but I noticed he seemed a little off. Maybe sad... At first I thought it was best not to stick my nose in his business, but my curiosity got the best of me.
— Hey, what's up? - I slid closer to him.
— The sky, - he smiled and I laughed ironically at his corny joke.
— No, for real, you seem upset, - I looked at him serious.
— I'm fine, you must be imagining things, - he shruged smiling, but I wasn't convinced.
— Is it about a girl? - I teased him.
— N-no... - somehow my words made him really uncomfortable and I noticed him going pale. I immediately regreted it.
— Oh, you don't have to tell me anything, I'm sorry, - I lifted up my hands.
— It's fine, - he sighed, - Yes, you can say it's about a girl...
— Ooooh, - I wiggled my brows in excitement, - Who is she? Why didn't you bring her on tour?
— I-I think it's a little bit early to do that, we're keeping things very private for now, - he said, looking dishevelled.
— Oh, I get it, it seems to be popular right now, - I shruged, - Saf is also dating some guy but doesn't tell me anything about him, because apparently his career is very demanding... 
— O-oh... - he looked very interested.
— Yeah, but I see how happy she is, so it's fine, I can wait. Imagine if that guy turned out to be you! - I laughed. Thomas laughed along. I didn't think my joke was that funny, but it seemed to really amuse him.
— How would you react? - he asked, still gasping for air. 
— Oh, I don't know, it would be hella weird, - I chuckled.
— Yeah, it would...

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