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Going to Vienna was a unique experience. I was startled to see 7 more people joining us at the airport. There were both of band's managers, a stylist, hair and makeup artist and a few security guards. It shouldn't surprise me, because they're public figures after all, but I already felt anxious in our little crowd. The flight was quick. I sat next to Vic and she let me have a window seat. When the plane landed, we were escorted through a private exit, where two cars where already waiting for us. I was told to take the staff's car, but Damiano was strongly against that and I felt relieved, when they finally decided not to separate us. At this point I was getting concerned about myself. I never was socially awkward like this. I used to like new people and didn't have any problems starting a conversation. Now I just want to cling to the band members, because everyone else gave me anxiety. It's probably because I agreed to join, not even knowing what I will have to do and thus not prepared. I hate being unprepared.

The hotel building was super tall and we had one of the top floors, granting us a wonderful view of the city. Ethan shared a room with Thomas, Damiano stayed with the stylist, Vic - with a makeup artist. I was the only one that had a separate room of my own. Every room had a balcony and mine was sandwiched between Damiano's and Ethan and Thomas', giving us an idea to spent the evenings together there. My room was really nice. White walls made it feel more spacious than it actually was. A huge bed took up majority of space, but I couldn't complain, because when I tried it it felt like a cloud and I was already looking forward to sleeping in it. 

The band had to go to practice, so that gave me more than enough time to settle in my room. I hung my clothes in the spacious closet and put my toiletries in the bathroom. The shower looked very tempting with many diferent jets and settings, so I decided to try it out. Warm water made me relax from my initial anxiety. I wrapped myself in a soft towel and as soon as I exited the bathroom, I heard a knock on my door. Wondering who it might be, I completely forgot that I was only wearing a towel. I was pleasantly surprised to see Ethan when I opened the door.
— Oh, I'm... sorry... - he said shyly looking me up and down.
— It's okay, don't worry, - I smiled at him, making sure my towel was wrapped tight enough not to surprise both of us in the middle of a conversation.
— Did you get back already? - I asked, confused with time.
— Ah, no, we hadn't left actually, - he smiled, - Would you like to come to the studio with us?
— I would love to, but I'll make you late, my hair is still wet, - I bit my lip.
— That's okay, we can wait, no problem. If you actually want to join.
— Are you sure? - I really didn't want to burden them.
— Of course. Now go, blow-dry your hair and I'll come get you in a bit, - he winked and I nodded back smiling. 

I was smiling uncontrolably the whole time I was getting ready. Ethan always did this to me. I don't know if it was because of our good memories together or how comfortable I felt around him, but it felt like we were childhood friends, partners in crime. I couldn't be more thankful for this wonderful friendship we formed.  I tried to hurry up the best I could and it actually worked for once. 

I heard another knock and happily opened the door. 
— Damiano? - I was surprised.
— Weren't you waiting for me? Ouch! - he put his hand on his chest.
— No, it was unexpected, but I'm always happy to see you, - I chuckled.
— I'm glad you're ready, we have to hurry up, others already left.
— Okay, - I grabbed my purse and locked the hotel room. We walked down the posh hallway until finally reaching the elevator. 

We stepped in and I leaned against its wall. The sensation gave me a deja vu of the time I used to work at the office. We started decending slowly, Damiano's eyes were on me the whole time.
— What? - I smiled.
— You look beautiful today, - he smiled.
— Only today? - I teased him and he laughed. 
Suddenly the elevator started shaking, startling both of us. Strange rattling sounds came from the outside and it felt like we were flying down in an unimaginable speed. I hield onto the railing, my eyes closed. Finally everything stopped and the light went out. My heart was beating incredibly fast. I was breathing heavily. I felt a lump in my throat forming and it didn't went back despite me trying to compose myself.
— Are you okay? - I felt Damiano's warm hands wrap around me. His warmth and the painfully familiar scent of his cologne felt soothing.
— Y-yes, - I struggled to get the words out.
— Hey, it's okay, we're fine, I'll call the emergency services, don't worry, - he felt my terror and didn't let go of me for a little while. 

The service told us a part of the city went out of electricity and promised to come get us out as soon as they could. I sat down on the floor, still trying to calm down. Damiano joined me and stroked my shoulder.
— When I was a kid, my mom went to this spa salon to get her nails done every month. One time she brought me with her, because she didn't have anyone that could watch me. We had to take quite a long elevator ride up to that place, so when we stepped in everything was fine, but once we got a few floors up it started shaking like it did now and it felt like we were falling. Even my mom was terrified, so you can imagine how traumatizing it was for me, - I looked at him, explaining my dramatic reaction.
— It's going to be okay, don't worry, - he kissed the top of my head. 
— I hate it that I'm so weak, - I leaned against him.
— Hey, don't talk like that, - he said strictly, - We all have certain things that trigger us, but that doesn't mean we are weak. We collect all these unique experiences and learn something from them. They make you stronger. 
— Thank god you're here with me. I can't imagine being alone in this situation.
E quindi prendimi, mordimi, toglimi tutto, continuerò a non avere la paura del buio, ed anche quando sarò giù per terra distrutto, continuerò a non avere la paura del buio... - He started singing his song. It was fitting, as the light was still out. I found comfort in his voice, leaning against his vibrating chest. 


Hello, my loves, 

I'm posting this short episode, because I have a message for you
I'm going away to volunteer this upcoming week, so I don't think I'll be able to post any updates for a few days. I will try my best to update if I get a chance, but the network connection might not be stable enough there. I hope you will be patient and I promise to make up for the longer wait!

Wishing you all the best,
- Angelisation 💜💜💜

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