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— Don't do this, Damiano, you're not the only one to decide. I was ready to get past this somehow, to stay strong together, - she spoke fast, trying to get out of the bed. Her words would make me ecstatic, but not under these circumstances. It's not the first time my stupid mistakes affect her well being, litterally. After finding her collapsed on the floor I knew I had to stop doing this to her. I knew she won't give up on me that easy, I love her for that, but I had to do something to free her from this cycle of suffering.
— Sky, just stop... - I sighed, trying to get ready for what I was going to say, - You need to move on and I need to be with my family now.
I saw her freeze in bed before I ran out of her room. I was about to fall apart and seeing what my words done to her would kill me entirely. Not thinking about what I was doing, I got into an elevator and pressed the button to go to the top floor. The door was about to close, but Isla's hand stopped it. She came inside and gave me a comforting look.


His words stunned me a little, but I couldn't blame him. He had a choice and he chose what any smart grown up man would. Even though I felt like everything in me was crumbling down, I felt proud that he didn't act driven by emotions only. I lied back down when my body came out of the shock. The power adrenaline gave me started fading away in rapid speed and I felt like my soul was leaving my body. Vic came to check on me and even though I wanted to be alone, I didn't have energy to fight with her. She got into bed beside me silently and that was more comforting than I thought it would be. I eventually told her what happened and she was as surprised as me. 

*Two days later*

My sickness didn't get better and I was so exhausted all the time that leaving this bed and hotel room sounded like a huge feat I wouldn' be able to do. I prayed the medicine Isla was waiting to get would work miracles on me, because if it didn't I was ready to give up. Damiano never came back, not to check on me, not to talk, not even to take his stuff that was still in this room. I would lie if I said I didn't cuddle his pillow at night crying myself to sleep, but in daytime I focused on getting through the pain as fast as possible. I didn't want to dwell on it, I wanted to let him go. I knew it must have been hard for him to decide what to do and I knew his heart broke too, so I wanted to disappear from his proximity and let him move on without constant reminders of what we had.

Ethan and Isla took care of me and I was so grateful for them. I knew how hard it must have been for Ethan, being in the middle of two people he cared about. I felt guilty he spent so much time by my side, but he didn't listen when I asked him to check on Damiano. I didn't even know if he was staying somewhere in this hotel or with her... I didn't ask  about him. It was incredibly hard, but it was necessary to move on. Isla was very sweet, trying to help me get through the hurt in her own methods. Even if it didn't really work, because I couldn't bring myself to hate him, she still tried to help me and that's what counted. She juggled being my friend and being professional at the same time and it wasn't easy.

The hardest part was getting emails and calls from my mother and Saf. They had no idea about the rollercoaster of events that happened and I didn't have it in me to break the news. I didn't want to make Damiano look bad. I know they would get heated, supporting my side and bashing him, but that would break me. I also didn't want to look even more pathetic in their eyes. Especially Saf's. I know she thinks the best of me, but how many times can you get yourself into situations like this, until it gets old? And my mother... She doesn't even know how sick I am. She would hear it in my voice. I didn't want to scare her, at least before I tried the options I had. 

I woke up by an energetic knock on the door. I looked at my phone to see what time it was and got surprised, seeing it was already 11 AM. Not waiting for me to let her in, Isla barged in, looking really happy.
— I have exciting news! - she stood at the foot of my bed.
— What is it? - I asked in a sleepy voice.
— The medicine finally got here!
— Oh thank god... - I sighed and tried to compose myself before I started tearing up.
— Yes, I am so happy to finally give it to you, but you have to eat at least a little first and then we have to wait half an hour before taking the first pill, - she said in a teacher's manner.
— I don't know how much food I'll be able to keep in, but I'll try my best, - I sat up in the bed.
— Great, Ethan's already coming with your meal, I have to take care of some things, just text me when you're done eating, I'll make sure to bring you the pill right on time!
— Okay, - I nodded.

I wasn't excited to see the food at all, but knowing I was half an hour away from possibly getting better, gave me enough motivation. Ethan saw how nervous I was even though I tried to hide it.
— I'm sure it will work, - he smiled.
— I really, really hope so, - I pushed the emty tray of food away, - If it doesn't...
— Don't even get there, I know it will make you happy and well. You have to believe it too, - he paused a little, realising what he said. Yeah, there's no pill in the world that would make you happy, but I surely hoped I would at least go back to being a functioning human.

Isla came right on time and I felt my heart rate increase a little.
— The doctor said it might make you feel worse for a little while after taking the pill, but it will go away soon and you're going to get better fast, - she said, before pulling a little sheet with two pills on it.
— I have nothing to loose at this point, - I shrugged, getting ready. Isla filled the glass with water and gave it to me.
— Take only one now, - she gave me the pills, - I'll take care of you if it actually does make you feel worse, don't worry.
I popped the pill out and was about to put it in my mouth when I got startled by the door being ripped open.

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