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We all sat in my room and although I knew what she was going to talk about, I still felt nervous. Isla was always super friendly and supportive, but at this moment she was even more serious than before the concert. She crossed her legs making her pointy shoes seem like a threat to me.
— "Trouble in paradise?" - she took a printed piece of paper and started reading the text, - "Millions of girls around the world got their hearts broken when their newly found idol Damiano David announced he had a fiance waiting for him to return to Italy after winning Eurovision song contest 2021. It is believed the couple got married in July of the same year, making fans suspicious there could be a Damiano David junior on the way".
Damiano furrowed his brows and scoffed hearing it. I just sat and listened although it was hard to do it.
— "The newlywed couple managed to stay out of the public eye for a long time, giving us only a few pictures to look at, but one thing did not get past our reporter's radar, making us all wonder - is there trouble in paradise? Just yesterday, a huge crowd of fans gathered in "Wiener Stadthalle", Vienna, to see the long awaited "Maneskin" show, - Isla paused a little, seeing if she could skip some unimportant details, - "Loving fans did not expect such a grand finale to the show, when band's vocalist D. David shared he has been through some rough times and encouraged the audience to be open about their feelings to their loved ones. The monologue was followed by a brand new, never heard before song that expressed feelings of love and desire. Many people said it felt like a personal message to someone very important to the vocalist. However, the sweet gesture may not be directed at D. David's wife. The singer was spotted leaving the arena accompanied by a mysterious woman. The same woman appears in a few other pictures taken in the city, prior to the concert. Couple's body language gives away there is definitely something more than a friendship between the two, raising a question - is our favorite rockstar unfaithful? G. Soleri denied rumors of being divorced, but did not want to talk about the situation any further." - Isla plopped the paper down on the coffee table along with the pictures that were attached to the article. I looked down to see me and Damiano holding hands by the fountain, looking at each other happily, then us going to the car with his hand wrapped around my waist. 
— So as you can see, we have a problem, - Isla looked at us, pointing her pen at the "evidence".
— They're taking it down, aren't they? - Damiano looked at her.
— We're trying our best. In the mean time I would like to know - are you just crazy irresponsible or is there something going on that you failed to inform me about? - Isla's tone intimidated me. She looked at both of us, but I couldn't get a word out, not knowing what to do, so I just relied on Damiano.
— We are together, - Damiano said casually. Isla stayed silent, just looking at both of us for a while.
— You must be joking, - she finally broke the silence, burrying her face in her hands.
— I'm not laughing, - Damiano sat beside me, seeing how the whole situation made me uncomfortable.
— I could have seen it, I just chose to ignore the signs, I guess, - she recollected herself, - Do you have any idea how damaging this could be? You're risking not only your own reputation, but your bandmate's too! Don't you realise that?
— Oh don't be dramatic, Isla, it's not the first time something like this happens, - Damiano rolled his eyes.
— Exactly! How many more times do we need until your good reputation becomes unrestorable? Of course Giorgia doesn't help denying the divorce, but it's to be expected. What am I doing wrong for you not to trust me with this information?
— Lecturing me like a little kid. Don't act like we wouldn't have had this exact talk if I had told you earlier, - Damiano looked at her.
— I would at least be ready for things like this! - she tapped her pen against the photos, - I would have made sure that it doesn't get out to the public like this...
— I trust our PR team, they will do their job, Isla, - Damiano sighed.
— Okay, let's not argue anymore. I don't believe you would want to harm your band's reputation, so we need to discuss our future actions, - she openned a notebook.

I didn't say a word throughout the whole meeting. It took a while, postponing our plans to go out to the city. Well, actually the plans would be cancelled anyway, because Isla made it clear me and Damiano couldn't be seen together for at least a month now and in best case scenario - until his divorce is finalised. I understood why it had to be this way. The last thing I ever wanted was to create trouble for the band, but I guess I already did, so I was ready to obey any rule to avoid that happening again. Damiano wasn't happy about that, but he is smart, so of course he agreed to it. I was surprised Isla didn't mention anything about the contracts I signed, as there should definitely be something saying I couldn't get involved with the band members. Damiano assured me he would take care of it if it was to come up, but I was still nervous. 

Needless to say, our day was completely ruined. After Isla left, I just sat in my bed, hugging my knees with my mind racing. The PR team managed to take the article down and make sure nothing similar to it came out, but I still knew some people had already seen my face and knowing I was indirectly called a homewrecker, a mistress made me feel sick. 
— This is exactly why I sometimes regret being in the spotlight, - Damiano said, laying beside me. He was used to these situations, but it didn't mean he wasn't shaken up by it. 
— I totally forgot you're still married, - I said, staring at the wall.
— I'm sorry, baby, I know it's hard because of this, but I promise it will end soon, - he stroked my leg.
— Why is it taking so long? And why is she denying everything? - I looked at him confused.
— She doesn't want to accept it's over, - he sighed, - Remember the papers she asked you to give to me?
— Yeah, - I nodded.
— As you saw, it was divorce papers. Only problem is, she refused to sign it.
— So it means you'll have to go to court?
— Yes. It would be better to avoid it, obviously, so Isla is helping me with the matter.
— What are you going to do?
— We're giving her a little bit of time to let her emotions settle and then Isla will try to talk some sense into her. If she doesn't succeed, we'll have no other option but to go through with the whole court thing, - he rolled his eyes.
— You know, this whole situation... I don't want to be labeled as your mistress... - I felt a lump in my throat.
— You know you're not a mistress, - he came closer and cupped my face with his hands, - Sky, I told you, I love you and I'm doing everything I can to be able to walk out into the world and show you off proudly. I want to tell everyone on this planet that you are mine and I am yours. I wouldn't even care about our photos being leaked if it wasn't painting you as "the other woman", - he said, looking me straight in the eyes.
— I know you're doing your best, it's just hard, I'm not used to being thrown out to the public like this. The whole paparazzi concept is still new to me and now this... I'm not sure if I ever want to be a public figure and being with you makes it hard to avoid...
— Are you having second thoughts about us being together? - his hazel eyes looked at me and I had no doubts about my answer.
— Of course not. I just want everything to go back to normal and I hope your divorce won't take too long, - I kissed him on the cheek.

He got up to go talk to others about the situation. I didn't feel like joining. It made me somehow embarrassed and I wanted to be alone for some time. He almost crashed into Ethan on his way out.
— Hey, bunny, - he immediately pulled me into a hug and I let myself sink into him. Damiano patted Ethan's back and closed the door, leaving us alone.
— How are you? - he asked, still holding me.
— I'm humiliated, scared and sad, - I answered briefly.
— Hey, - he took a step back to look at me, - You did nothing wrong. The only people that should be feeling these things are Giorgia and the people that posted that nonsense. Believe me, everyone will forget this really quickly. That's how these things work. A "scandal" - he did air quotes, - is only a scandal until another one comes out.
— I know, thank you, but it still is hard to process, - I shrugged, fighting tears away.
— Come here, - he pulled me into a hug again, - I can't see you so upset. Don't worry, bunny, we're all with you.
Hearing these words in the comfort of his hug made me feel safe and I once again thanked whoever is up there, for blessing me with these people by my side.

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