Making it clear

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"Giorgia Soleri" that name rang a bell to me. Saf was quick to pull up her profile on instagram. 
— Weren't they engaged? - she looked at me, concerned.
— I completely forgot about that, - I bit my lip, scrolling through Giorgia's pictures, trying to find one with Damiano.
— Me too. I'm sorry, girl..
— Don't be, I don't believe they are actually married or together, Damiano wouldn't do that to... both of us, - I replied sounding as confident as I could, but did I really trust him that much? At this point I didn't know if I was just a fool, falling for games of excentric rockstar or was there something real going on between us. I took the packet to my room and inhaled deeply, trying to compose myself. Whatever the truth is, I won't let it ruin my time with my bestie.

— Let's watch a movie, - I suggested, when I got back to the living room where Saf sat on the couch, burried in her phone.
— Sure, - she nodded.
We decided on "500 Days of Summer". I turned on the movie while Saf popped some popcorn in the kitchen. A soft breeze tickled my skin, reminding me of his touch. Will I ever stop obsessing over that guy? 

— I'm ready, - Saf jumped on the couch next to me and I pressed "play". The last time we watched a movie at home like this was when we were still living at our parent's. The memories of our childhood warmed me up from the inside. I put my head on her shoulder and she gently stroked my hair, seeing through my best efforts to look like that situation didn't bother me at all. No matter what, I could never hide my true feelings from her. I remembered the day our friendship started. My mother took me to a new kindergarten and I was really anxious, never letting her go, despite of the wonderful teacher's efforts. Most kids were playing and didn't even notice the situation, but not Saffron. She came up to me smiling, took my hand and just like that, led me into the room. She got out a piece of paper and some pens and we started drawing something together. It clicked so fast, that I don't ever doubt it was meant to be. I just don't know what made me worthy of such a good friend. She continues on leading me the same way like that day. To my dreams, through every hardship and every happy moment. 

I stopped getting lost in my memories, like I usually do and paid attention to the movie. I wasn't sure a rom-com was the best choice for me at first, but the plot got us so invested, that we started discussing choices and oppinions of main characters along the way.
— That's bulls*it, - Saf said, tears streaming down her face.
— I know it has a great plot twist, - I was crying too, - And I'm hoping it's not this.
— It's not fair to poor Tom! - she agreed.

The movie turned out to be amazing. The sun was almost completely set, and we stayed on the couch for a bit chatting about life, avoiding the topic of "Maneskin". The tour of Milan, we took earlier really tired us out, so we decided to go to bed sooner than expected. I accompanied Saf to her guest bedroom, making sure she had everything she needed there.
— It's a shame you have to leave tomorrow, - I said, leaning against the door.
— It really is, - she sat on the bed, - Now that I got a glimpse of your life here, I have no doubts it's never boring, - she smiled, carefully looking at me.
— Yeah, it seems that I don't deserve a break, - I smiled back.
— Well, I'm going to speak to your employers in my dreams, - she responded yawning.
— You do that, - I pointed at her smiling, - Okay, I'm going to bed too, sweet dreams.
— Goodnight, - she waved at me.

Saf's flight was at 3PM, not giving us much time to do anything interesting, so we made breakfast, relaxed a little, and spent the rest of the day chilling in the pool or sunbathing. The driver came and we went to the airport. I was not ready to let her go. She was my safe space and I didn't even want to think I am going home to an empty house. We stood hugging each other for forever, procrastinating our separation for as long as it was possible. Eventually I had to let her go and we both teared up saying goodbye. I watched how she disappeared around the corner and then went back to the car. The driver was nice enough to engage me in a small talk, so I wouldn't sulk in my sadness the whole ride. 

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