🖤~Captain Julius Novachrono - Set Up~🖤

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Trigger Warning For: Smoking

Morgen's Point of View

Elder sister and I finally have a few free days! I do really love working for the Magic Knights, but it's so hard to co-ordinate our days off. The last time the three of us were all together was about six months ago. Nacht may hide it, but I know he's always secretly happy to see elder sister.

I'm walking towards the main entrance to the base so I could meet up with (Y/N). I could see her figure talking with another familiar one- no two. Yami and William. William appeared to be trying to reason with Yami, while (Y/N) held her arms out in front of her.

"Leave her alone, Yami" William tried. "Come on, you know I'm not wrong!" Yami retorted. "It's okay, William. He can believe what he wants. So long as everyone is safe, it's okay" (Y/N) smiled, her usual smile on her face. She was always so kind, that's one of many reasons why I've always looked up to her. I mean, she is eight years older than me.

"Hello" I greeted as I stopped beside the group. "Good afternoon, Morgen" William greeted me back. "What seems to be going on here?" I inquired, tilting my head as I held out a hand to gesture the situation. (Y/N) opened her eyes and looked at me. "You don't need to worry about it, Morgen. Yami was just sharing his opinion" (Y/N) assured me. "What about?" I looked to Yami. "Yami" William called in a warning tone. "Come on! I can't be the only one whose noticed! Julius definitely likes (Y/N)!" Yami almost shouted, the knights passing by definitely heard him. By gods does he remind me of Nacht in some ways.

"Now, now, there's no need to shout, Yami" I assured him, gesturing with my hands for him to quieten down. "I'm sorry. I know you two are officially off duty. I'll get Yami out of here" William apologised. Before I could say anything, (Y/N) did. "You needn't apologise, William. It's not your fault. We'll be going now" (Y/N) waved to them as she turned and began walking away. "We'll see you in a few days" I waved to them as I walked after my sister.

We walked together to an open field nearby. "It's been a while since we've been able to go home together and see Nacht" I stated while we walked. "Indeed. Julius has had us busy" (Y/N) replied.

A suddenly felt her hand on my shoulder, but I didn't flinch. We both sank into shadows that appeared at our feet. Because (Y/N) has Twilight Magic, she can cast her shadows in broad-daylight. I never usually see her use her shadow magic apart from transportation. I wonder why...

We rose back up at the door to our house. It usually take me a while to get home without (Y/N)'s help. (Y/N) opened the door to our home, and we both walked in. Mother and Father were just passing through to the next room when we walked in. "Ah, Morgen, (Y/N), you're home!" Mother beamed at us. "Mother, Father" I greeted as I walked up and hugged them both. (Y/N) following.

"How long are you home for this time?" Mother asked. "Four days" I answered with a small grin. "That's excellent" Father nodded. "We have an outing to attend tonight, but we'll see you both tomorrow" Mother told us as she pet the top of my head. "We'll see you later then" I waved. "Oh! Do you know where Nacht is?" (Y/N) tilted her head as she asked. "He's somewhere here" Father answered. "Understood. Have a good time" (Y/N) waved.

They left out the front door while the two off us immediately made our way to the stairs. "Nacht's usually on the second floor" (Y/N) stated, I nodded in agreement. We walked up the stairs and through the main, long corridor.

To no surprise, we saw Nacht sitting slumped back in a nearby windowsill, looking out over the estate while smoking a cigarette. Before I could walk any further towards him, (Y/N) held her arm out in front of me, bocking me. I looked up at her questioningly but remained silent. The two of us stood a few feet away from Nacht, who still hadn't noticed us.

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