🖤~Julius Novachrono - Forgiveness~🖤

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Trigger Warnings: Death, Curses, Blame, Blood, Sickness, Dying, Hatred, Cursing 

You despised the man in front of you. Despised him with every inch of your being. You hated him and his choices. You hated that man. You hated the current Wizard King.

"You have some nerve coming back here, Julius" you glared at the male that stood before you. Guilt bubbled in the male's gut easily, it was almost visible. "(Y/N) I-" Julius began, only to get a door slammed in his face. Julius stumbled back, gripping his now bleeding nose in slight pain. He wasn't going to complain, he knew he somewhat deserved it.

Fighting the overwhelming urge to leave and never come back, he raised his shaky hand and knocked on the door. You ignored him, leaning against the door. You could never unfeel what you felt ten years ago. Before Julius even became the Wizard King.

"(Y/N) please... I never meant to hurt you... I was just... I have no excuse" Julius' breaking voice made it's way through the solid wood you leaned against. 'Lies.' You told yourself, 'he says nothing but lies. He meant everything he did.' "Please open the door. I really need to talk to you" everything in the male's voice sounded like he was in agony. Emotional agony.

"What would you and I have to talk about? It was your fault. All your damn fault." You could hear his sharp inhale right after your words. Sounding as if he were inhaling pure ice, on this warm day. 'He's just trying to play me. He never feels remorse. Selfish bastard' you growled in your mind, your eyes squeezed shut in anger as your hands curled to form fists.

The Wizard King's knees fell weak as he dropped to kneel at the door, the palm of his left hand still pressed flat against the wood. His mouth quivered at the memory of you shouting at him, berating him, ten years ago. He remembered your weak punches and attempts to hurt him, the way you were hurting. "You filthy bastard! This is all your fault! It's your fault they're gone! I hate you! You're no captain! Bastard!" The (H/C) female punched at his chest at the end of each sentence, tears bucketing down her (S/T) cheeks. Julius just stood there, taking each hit wordlessly, although his expression held visible emotional pain.

Julius took a deep breath, knowing that this was no time to reminisce on the bad times. He was there for a reason, the person he had avoided seeing for ten years, he needed to see you now. He needed your help. You were his last resort.

"(Y/N), please. I know that I have no right to ask for your forgiveness. I have no right to be in your presence. Please, just hear me out. I really, truly need your help. I'm begging you" Julius pleaded in a quiet voice. The strongest mage in the Clover Kingdom, brought to his knees, pleading. You had only heard him plead like this once- no. Never had you heard him plead like this. There was nothing but honestly and pain in his voice.

You remained silent. Your body refused to let you immediately dismiss him. You needed to hear him out. You were curious as to why he'd come here, now. After ten years. What could drive a man, who suffered through such a sorrowful parting from another, to come after all this time. The thought played in your head like a broken record. Scratching it's way into the very fabric of your mind and heart.

Julius didn't know how to take the silence. We're you still behind the door? Had you left already? Even amongst his spiralling thoughts, he pulled the courage to speak from the fear in his heart.

"Please, (Y/N), please. I need your help. I'm begging you for your help, please! I need your he-!" Before more words could leave his lips, you cut him off, snapping through gritted teeth. "My help?" You began lowly. "How could you come here and ask me for my help?! When I needed you, you weren't there! And because of that they died! All because you, Julius Novachrono, couldn't bother to think about anyone but yourself! I needed your help back then!" Your words of anger struck him to his core. Dousing the flickering flame of hope in his crying soul.

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