🖤~Allen Fiarain - Eternal Love~🖤

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Trigger Warnings: Threats, Blood, Gore, Fighting, Death, Cussing, Hatred, Violence, Accidental Murder, Loss, Pain, Injuries, Helplessness, Bullying, Physical Assult

"I won't let you hurt him!" The best your injured self could conjure was a small spatial spell. Before you could do anything with it though, John smashed through it, breaking it, before swinging again and hitting you across the face. You stumbled back into the snow. "(Y/N)!" Your best friend reached out for you. John hit you again, and you fell onto your side in the snow. You hurt.

John cracked his shoulder as he grinned down at the two of you. "John, you're so tough!" One of his friends praised. "Creepy little guy. His bones shoot out of his body. And a little-wanna-be-witch with magic that can't do anything" John insulted you and your best friend. You had no strength to fight him.

John charged at the two of you on the ground, "my dad's in the Mage Defence Force, so I'll slay you!" "(Y/N)!" Your friend tried to make it to you, to protect you. You could see John's rock-like hand approaching you, but you didn't care. Not anymore.

Before his hand could make contact with either of you, a large warm bright burst of fire flew between you, separating you and Zenon from people who had bullied you. "Hot! Hot! Hot!" John winced as he backed away.

"What are you talking about?" A voice came from the same direction as the fire did. It revealed a boy with light coloured hair around the same age as you and Zenon. "It's just a different type of magic, and a different way of using is. So what?!" The boy shouted at them. "Argh! It's Allen! Run for it!" John shouted as the three of them took off.

The boy walked closer to you both, Zenon moved in front of you quickly, as if shielding you from him. "And they're Mage Defence Force kids. That's just embarrassing" the boy shook his head as he starred at the group that ran off. Zenon was unsure of the situation. While the boy had helped you both, there was no telling he didn't want to just pick on you all the same. You stared in shock as eth three boys ran away as fast as they could. How did he do that?

Once the bullies were out of sight, he turned back to you both, "hi! I'm Allen! Both of your magics look way strong!" Allen beamed. He actually smiled at you both, it seemed as though light was beaming off of him. He was the only person who had.

Allen turned around and held his hand out to Zenon. Zenon backed up, trying to shield you more. Allen tiled his head to the side, "what's the matter? It's not like I'm going to hurt you." Zenon's eyes widened. "Why would you scare them off, if not to pick on us yourself?" Zenon questioned. Allen looked so confused, like he'd never understood what it mean, "because... it's... wrong...?" Allen had no comprehension of why he was so sceptical.

"Why would I pick on you guys? I wanna be friends!" Allen grinned, beaming once again. Zenon didn't know how to respond to that statement. His shoulders visibly dropped as he began letting his guard down. "You both seem really cool!" Allen added on.

You tried to sit up but sucked in a harsh breath that both of the boy's heard. Zenon immediately turned back to you, "(Y/N). I- I- Elder brother should be able to fix this!" Zenon was frantic. He felt guilty because you got hurt. He never wanted to see you hurt.

"Here" Allen approached you calmly. His hand glowed a light orange. Small flames spiralled up your arms and face, where you had been hit and bruised. "Hey!" Zenon panicked. He immediately thought the worst, thought Allen was trying to hurt you. "It's okay! It's a healing spell!" Allen put his hands up in defence.

Zenon's brows furrowed and he looked back at you. You couldn't feel any intense heat from the flames, just a nice comforting warmth. The injuries on your skin were disappearing along with the pain they brought. Zenon looked with wide eyes.

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