🖤💙~Morgen Faust - SFW Alphabet~💙🖤

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Trigger Warnings: Self-doubt, Mental-loss

A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)

Morgen is very affectionate. You'll be lucky to go anymore than three hours without receiving affection from this soft angel. In all honesty, he'd most likely represent his affection through anyway; Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Giving you Gifts, Quality Time, or Acts of Service. Whatever is most convenient for that specific time. He's like his brother, doesn't care about what anyone thinks about, so isn't afraid of public displays of affection. You are his queen, he will be as affectionate as he likes.

B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)

Morgen was just a genuinely nice and approachable person. Even though he approached you first. As a best friend, Morgen is always looking out for you. You both constantly encourage each other and make the other smile. It's a truly wholesome friendship, that started when he approached you because you looked lonely.

C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

YES. This man is the definition of 'please cuddle me,' or 'let's cuddle.' He loves cuddling you, and holding you. He'll do it anywhere. He enjoys wrapping his arms around you, and loves it when you hold him close, even if he has to bend down slightly (or if your tall, he doesn't mind). Sitting, standing, laying down, he loves cuddles.

Preferred Cuddling Positions:-

Laying down: Sweethearts Cradle, Honeymoon Hug.

Sitting: He likes resting his chin on your head or shoulder.

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)

Eventually, yes. He likes the thought of settling down and living long lives together. But he is usually happy with whatever makes you happy. Your life is your own decision, he understands and respects that immensely, the same way you respect that mutually for him.
He can cook. He isn't a gourmet chef, but he can cook well. His cleaning skills are good. In your shared room, nothing is ever messy. Some dust may gather, but it never looks messy or cluttered.

E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)

This poor baby probably cried his eyes out for two days, feeling utterly horrible, after the two days he spent trying to figure out a way to NOT breaking up with you. (In the end, when he went to do it, he couldn't. So, to Hell with what anyone else wanted, he was staying right beside you.) If he was being forced to, he'd buy you flowers and a letter, couldn't face you without breaking his own heart again.

F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

If it's to you, he'd get married. He was most likely planning how to ask you to marry him for a while, getting everyone's opinion. Nacht's opinion was the most important to him. Eventually he decided and asked you. You go married a year and a half later. He wanted everything to be perfect for you. He was certain this was what he wanted.

(You break this soft baby's heart, Nacht and I are coming for you... 🤨😑)

G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)

He is the definition of soft and angle, he is very gentle with you. He would hurt anyone who hurt you, without you knowing of course. Physically, emotionally, you mean the most to him, he never wants you to be in pain. He usually scolds Nacht and Yami if they takes it too far with their jokes and comments.

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