🖤~Langris Vaude - Know him~🖤

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Trigger Warnings: Fighting, Blood, Gore, Possessiveness

You knew Langris best. Better than Captain Vangeance, better than his family. You were the one who knew Langris for who he simply was, not his power or status. He never minded when you followed him around unlike when everyone else did. You followed him around because you cared about him- not because you admired him or wanted to use him.

Langris grew rather fond of you rather quickly. You treated him the way he wanted to be treated, you acted towards him with kindness, you never asked him to do anything he didn't want to. He felt he could truly be who he wanted to be around you. That was something you were thankful for.

"Good luck Finral. Please be safe" you smiled at him, causing him to blush. "Why are you... wishing me luck? Shouldn't' you be over with Langris?" Finral shied away bashfully. "I love Langris, he knows that. I can still wish you luck though" you shook your head at him playfully. "R-Right!" Finral nodded.

You could see Langris eyeing down Finral rather aggressively out the corner of your eye. You smiled and turned to head back to your love. "Good luck, Finral!" You waved to him as you walked off. "Thank you, Miss (Y/N)!" Finral waved to you. As you walked back, Langris averted his gaze from you, making you smile slightly. He was jealous and embarrassed of it.

You slung your arms around Langris from behind when you reached him. He stopped talking to his teammates when he felt your presence. "You seemed awfully friendly with Finral." He was short with you. "Now, love, all I did was wish him luck. You're battling with him in this coming round." You assured him. "There's nothing else going on?" Langris grumbled under his breath. "Langris," you pressed your face to the side of his, "there is no one else I love as much as you. You are the only one for me, Langris." Langris hummed in acknowledgement.

You smiled as you hid your face in the crook of his neck. Langris hid his smile successfully but still raised his hand and placed it on the top of your head as a sign of affection as he spoke to his teammates. He may not have been one big one on showing his vulnerabilities and affections, but you always managed to pull small dotes from him no matter who you were around or where you were.

"Now, team E vs team G!" Cob's spatial portal opened. You let go of Langris and pressed a kiss to the side of his face, "good luck, my love." Langris turned to you and gave you a small smile, "it's not like I'll need it!" He let go of your hand and walked through the spatial portal.

Once the portal closed you walked to the edge of the wall beside your fellow Golden Dawn members to watch the battle. There was something wrong; something felt wrong. "Are you alright, (Y/N)?" Klaus inquired. "Something feels off..." You replied as you held your gaze on the battlefield.

You were right to feel worried.

As soon as Finral disposed of the Green Praying Mantis member, Langris' mana switched from his warm one to an unfamiliar one. "Langris, it's only a matter of time before my teammates destroy your crystal. I don't want to hurt my own brother. Give up, or you'll disappear too" Finral threatened. Langris began laughing at his brother's words.

"You're worried about hurting me? You're as annoying as you are incompetent." Langris raised his grimoire, "who'd of thought our special reserve spells would be so similar?" That wasn't your Langris. The sky grew dark, and his mana seemed to hold a malicious intent. "How dare you force me to use my grimoires magic?!" Langris was suddenly surrounded by multiple of his spells. "There isn't a single thing you can beat me at, and there never will be!"

You could hear the people around you beginning to question Langris and his intentions. 'Langris... what's going on? I need you to talk to me...' You couldn't' help but speak to yourself as you watched the situation intently. You shouldn't have let him go. Why did you...?

"It's over... Brother." Langris growled. That wasn't Langris.

"Get outta there!" Asta called out from beside you somewhere. "If that attack hits him..." "Run Finral!" You had to put a stop to this. How could you? This wasn't your Langris, what are you supposed to do? "I'm putting a stop to this. Now!" You went to jump off the platform. "It's against the rules, you can't!" Klaus stopped you.

Spells appeared all around Finral as well, "please Langris, stop this! Right now! Or I don't know how much longer you'll stay you!" "Give me a break. What could you possibly understand about me?! You ran- abandoned your house! You're a coward who can't even attack somebody in battle! You're... nothing!" Langris threw his attack at Finral, who threw his right back.

Both brothers shouted as the spells collided creating a large explosion. Once the explosion cleared, you could see Finral bloodied and on the ground with Langris standing over him. No. That was enough. You were stopping this now. Bringing your Langris back. You knew him and this wasn't him.

Langris raised his hand to attack the already unconscious Finral. Your eyes widened, and you quickly ran to the edge of the platform everyone stood on. "(Y/N), wait!" Klaus tried to reach for you, however failed before being held back by Mimosa and Yuno. A blue glow formed around you as you speedily shot towards Langris, right as the Black Bulls did. You landed behind him, grabbing his left hand by his wrist so he couldn't attack Finral, "Langris please stop it!"

The Black Bulls landed all around Langris, holding weapons to his neck. "Finral!" Noelle called as she ran up beside him, kneeling down to his right. "Hey" Asta growled. "Take one more step towards him" Magna threatened. "But you should know that the second you do, you're dead" Luck warned. "Bastard" Gauche muttered. "You're going to pay for this" Vanessa stated. "I-I can't believe you would do that" Grey whimpered. "You actually managed to piss me off" Gordon mumbled. "Monster!" Charmy shouted from the platform. "Oh?" Langris looked down at them. "There's something wrong with you. The match was already over!" Asta told him.

"Langris! Langris! Snap out of it! I'm begging you!" You moved to hold his face close to yours. "Langris look at me. Look at me!" His eyes reluctantly flickered down to you. "Hey, hey love." You caressed his cheek. "(Y.../N)...?" "It's okay, Langris. It's okay. Just please- please put your hand down. It doesn't need to go this far... Please" You pleaded with him. He gritted his teeth.

"Langris, look at me, look at me." He looked back at you rather than at Finral. "You don't need to hurt him anymore than you have. Please, he's lucky to still be breathing right now, but you need to stop. Killing him- it won't achieve anything. Please Langris!" The tears in your eyes made Langris cease his actions. You were going to get hurt if he continued.

"Langris, listen to me, please. Just this once I'm begging you, listen..." You looked right into his shinning blue eyes. "I know who you are, Langris. Who you truly are. You're not evil, you're not malicious. You're hard working, loving, you have the biggest heart! I know you love your brother, just as much as you love me."

You gripped onto the front of Langris' robe, burying your face in his chest as tears slowly dripped down your face. "Langris please! I know who you are! Who you truly are! So please!" His hand slowly lowered. A small smile pulled at the corners of your lips, "there you go. Thank you, Langris." You wrapped your arms around him tightly.

Langris' lowered arm slowly lifted up and wrapped around you, holding you closer to him. You couldn't help the slight shake overtaking your body when he held you closer. "I love you too... I don't understand what happened..." Langris whispered to you. "It's okay. Langris. It's okay."

Words: 1370

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