💛🖤~Asta - Let Me Make You Feel Special~🖤💛

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Trigger Warnings: Insulting, choking, yelling, abandonment, LEMON

Third Person

It was a moderately calm day at the Black Bulls. Gauche was sculpting more Marie dolls, Vanessa was drinking on the sofa, Charmy was eating, Gordon was muttering about friendship in the corner, Luck and Magna were fighting as usual, Finral was sighing as he relaxed on the couch across from Vanessa, Henry was asleep, Zora was napping on a couch, Noelle was talking with Secre, Asta was doing push-ups, Grey was cowering behind where Gauche sat, and Captain Yami was taking a dump.

(Y/N) couldn't help but marvel at Asta's muscles every time he pressed upwards. The way a few beads of sweat dripped from all over his body. His shirt stuck to him like glue, but he still held his usual concentrated smile on his face.

Noelle, seeing (Y/N) starring at Asta, pulled her close friend close to her by the collar. "Are you alright, Noelle?" (Y/N) inquired. "Am I alright? You look like you're drooling at Asta" Noelle scoffed quietly. A light blush formed on (Y/N)'s face as she looked away.

"Oh my gosh. I know you like Dorksta, but seriously?!" Noelle whisper shouted. (Y/N) clamped her hand over Noelle's mouth as her face turned an even darker shade of red. "I don't know what you're talking about" (Y/N) looked away.

The two girls concentrated attention on one another hadn't alerted them that Asta was standing right in front of them. "Are you alright, (Y/N)?" Asta's voice broke them from their focus. Both of the girls looked to Asta. Asta leaned in really close to (Y/N)'s face, placing a hand under his chin. "A-Asta...?" (Y/N) stuttered. "You're really red. Are you sick?" Asta inquired as he placed the back of his hand on (Y/N)'s forehead.

The heat across (Y/N) face spread, and her eyes widened. Her heat beat quickened and began thumping faster and faster. Her face became an even darker shade of red, at this point, it was a deep red.

"Back off of her, Dorksta!" Noelle lifted her wand and shot Asta backwards using a large ball of water. "Ahhhhhh! What did I do?!" Asta shrieked. Noelle stood up and stood in front of (Y/N). "Stay out of her personal space you freak!" Noelle shouted at him. "Noelle, it's okay. He was just trying to be nice" (Y/N) stood up for him, once she snapped out of her half-trance. "Tch" Noelle scoffed.

"I was just worried because you're all red" Asta explained. "Well that is none of your concern" Noelle told him. (Y/N) laughed at her actions. "You kiddos are certainly a handful" Vanessa slurred. "Tch, keep it down" Gauche added.

Sudden knocks drew everyone's attention to the front door. "I wonder who's here" Magna stated. "Do you think they'll want to fight?" Luck beamed, punching his fists in the air. "I'll go and check it then" Finral sighed as he stood up.

Finral walked over to the door and opened it up, to reveal three Golden Dawn Mages. "Oh, Golden Dawn members. How can we help you?" Finral inquired nicely. "So this is the vice-captain's elder brother. What a joke" one of the mages snickered. "I'm sorry, what?" Finral raised an eyebrow stepping back. "We need to see your captain, we don't have time to waste on you, you sorry excuse for a mage" one of the others chimed in. Finral stepped back from the door, jaw dropped.

The three mages pushed past him and into the base. Everyone's attention was brought to them. (Y/N)'s face paled. "What a filthy place" the third scoffed. "Who the hell are you to just walk in here?" Gauche snapped. "Please, I'd like to see you try and stop us" the tallest of the three snickered. Gauche stood up angrily.

"Hey! If you're going to be rude then you can just leave! Gauche doesn't deserve it!" Asta told them in his usual loud voice. "Oh shut up, you filthy commoner" the tallest snapped. "I remember you! You were the one who picked on (Y/N)!" Asta grit his teeth, pointing towards the tallest. "Nothing she didn't deserve. Where is the rat anyway?" She changed the subject.

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