💜🖤~Black Bulls - How You Met ~🖤💜

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Orphan at Hage.

"Asta, Yuno, this is (Y/N). They'll be staying with us from now on" Father Orsi introduced, gesturing to you, a stick-like child, that was standing behind him. Yuno gave you a small smile, "it's nice to meet you." Asta hadn't said anything, just starring at you, which was uncharacteristic of him. "We're all going to welcome her here. She is one of us after all" Father Orsi smiled, patting the top of your head. "Right. We'll all be good friends here" Sister Lily knelt beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
"Hey! Sister Lily is mine! Get away from her!" Asta shouted suddenly, going to run towards you aggressively. "Asta!" Yuno yelled as he held the other male back as best as he could. You gripped onto Father Orsi's pants tightly, hiding further behind him. "Asta stop! Leave (Y/N) alone!" Yuno defended you, still trying to stop him. "Asta, I'm everyone's sister" Sister Lily scolded him. Asta didn't listen, still trying to charge towards you.

-Noelle Silva:

Banished noble.

You were skimming rocks across the water of a pond, deep in the forest. You threw another rock, that was blown of course by a large blast of water. Your brows furrowed as you jumped off your rock. You looked around and saw a silver-haired female panting, her hands out in front of her, only a few meters from you, on the other side of the shrubs. "Hey, are you alright there? You blew my rock of course!" You shouted to the stranger. The stranger looked to you with an annoyed and horrified look. "W-Well you shouldn't have been throwing rocks here!" She looked away with an arrogant look. "Whatever you say" you scoffed, throwing your hands up in the air.
You went to walk away when the stranger, ran up and grabbed your arm. "Insect, a-aren't you going to apologise? I'm royalty!" She questioned with puffed cheeks. "Why would I? I was obviously here first, and it was your out-of-control magic that hit my rock" you rolled your eyes at her. Her face flushed with embarrassment, her features filling with sorrow. She let go of your arm slowly, turning away form you. "Just please leave me be" she requested. A sense of guilt filled you, 'I must have struck something. I know how that feels.'
"Hey, do you want some help?" you questioned calmly. "No! I don't need help! Why would you think that?!" She shouted at you. "You seem to need some help. I thought I'd offer. It wouldn't be very nice of me to just leave like that. Quite rude actually" you answered simply. She looked over you with a shocked expression, her eyes shaking slightly. "It's not fair to just abandon someone like that" you added. "So, what's your name?" you inquired. "Noelle Silva" she answered, "and you?" "(Y/N) Vaude."

-Yami Sukehiro:

Morgen and Nacht's younger sibling.

Your parents had told Nacht he had to look after you today. It was safe to say, your older was not too pleased with the order. He dragged you along through his usual fun, taking you through his Shadow Magic with him. You had no complaints. Nacht was finally spending time with you. You just joined in any activities he was doing, or course, not letting yourself go too far. Morgen's words were constantly playing on your mind.
Everything was great. Nacht seemed to enjoy having you around with him. You were so happy. Until he showed up.
"Nacht, still up to your usual shenanigans?" A voice came from above the two of you. Immediately after, a male dropped down in front of the two of you, coming from the roof. You gripped onto Nacht's arm. Nacht smirked, "like you don't enjoy the same, Yami." Nacht's smile seemed to only grow and become more wicked and thrill seeking once Yami showed up. You on the other hand, were suspicious of the taller male before you. Your eyes scanned over him cautiously, still gripping onto your brother. Yami caught sight of you next to Nacht.
Now you and Yami starred at each other, neither of you blinking. Nacht just looked at the interaction you shared with an amused and entertained look spread across his face. "I never took you as one to put up with little brats, who's the pip-squeak?" Yami looked to Nacht with an inquisitive and slightly shookth expression. Nacht went to reply, but you beat him to it. "I truly hate people like you" you stated with the smile Morgen usually wore. Nacht immediately burst out laughing at your words to Yami. Yami's jaw dropped before he looked at you with an irritated expression.
"What was that, shorty?!" "Don't you have ears, you brute?"

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