🖤~Liebe - We Can Share~🖤

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Trigger Warnings: Secrets, Blood, Fighting, Fear, Insults

You climbed up close to Liebe's face, making him flinch and back away as best as he could; your noses were close to touching. "(Y/N), you're scaring him." Licita shook her head in a scolding way. "I'm happy to share Licita with you if you want!" You grinned at him. "What do you mean?" Liebe questioned. "I mean, stay here with us! I'm more than happy to share my life and Licita with you! After all, Licita saved me too! We could share!"


"Here! We can share!" You split the cake down the middle, giving the slightly bigger half to the ther boy. Liebe starred at you with wide eyes as he hesitantly took the sweet treat. You took a big bite of the cake, giving Liebe a grin. Liebe shyed away, slowly raising the cake in his hands and taking a small nibble.


"Here" you pulled the blue shirt over Liebe's head. His arms were trapped on the inside. You inspected him with a hand on your chin as you thought over the appearance. "Yes, yes..." You nodded your head. "Uhh- (Y/N)- what do I..." "Shhhh." You shushed him. Licita walked over and helped Liebe put his arms through the shirt holes. "It suits him. Don't you agree Licita?" Your mock elegance was funny to watch. Licita withheld a laugh as she agreed with you, "yes, (Y/N). It suits him perfectly."

"Does it really?" Liebe inquired. "The pale blue brings out the pale white of your hair, silly! Not only that. But it also adds colour to your overall appearance. You look so pretty in it!" Liebe once again shyed away from you and your over-excitable self. "Thank you for sharing your spare clothes with me... I didn't mean to get mine all wet..." Liebe whispered out. You wrapped an arm around him with a grin, "we can always share! I don't mind!"


Liebe sat alone at the side of the river, swinging his legs back and forwards. You sat down beside him. You could tell he was feeling down- you wanted nothing more than to cheer him up. "Do you wanna share secrets?" You recommended. Liebe could see your face out the corner of his eye. He had never seen you looking so unhappy. It was shocking to him. "Sure."

"Well, once, I was trying to catch a fish by the river for Licita, and I fell in. I told her I took a bath, that's why I was wet. She still doesn't know. What about you, Liebe?" Liebe looked at you in shock, before shying away.

You looked up at the pastel sky, "I'm also I former noble. Cursed." "Huh?" Liebe sat up straight and gave you his full attention. "Yeah. My family really angered someone a while back. I can still remember my older brother. He was probably the only one that tried to help me. My family was terrible. I couldn't be happier that Licita saved me, and I met you. You're the only people I need in this world. I've realised that." You turned to look at Liebe, "you make me really happy. Thank you!"

Liebe smiled smally, "you make me really happy too." "I'm glad!"

"I was the weakest devil in all the underworld. Everyone picked on me." "Eh?" "You suggested we share secrets. This is one of mine." You couldn't contain the smile on your face. He trusted you. That was the most important moment you'd ever felt.


"Adatatatat." You put your hand up to stop Nacht form speaking. "With all due respect, Vice-Captain, I didn't agree to share my best friends with Asta. This is blasphemy." You pouted with a huff, crossing your arms, and turning your head away from the other three males. Liebe began to laugh, "really? Are you ever going to change?" "Hell no! You should know that by now!" You mad him laugh even more.


Blood dripped form your mouth as you panted. "You idiot! What were you thinking?!" Liebe shouted at you. You gave him a grin as you panted. You looked horrible; your shirt had been ripped open and there were holes in your skin all across your chest, not to mention the numerous bruises and cuts. "Liebe, get over yourself. We share the baggage, no matter what it is. Workload, pain, injuries. We always share." Liebe growled under his breath. You were being an idiot and you were going to get yourself killed.


You quickly grabbed the glass from under his hand while his head was turned to face Asta. You placed the top of the straw between your lips and quickly sucked the rest of the juice from the glass. Wiping your mouth, you sat back happily. "Really?" Liebe looked at you with a questioning glance. You chuckled and grinned, "hey, we always share." "Not the whole glass." He shook his head.


"I'll see you in the morning Liebe!" You placed your hand on the handle of the door and turned it, opening the door to leave for the night. "Wait-!" Liebe's shout made you stop, turning back to face him. You were curious as to what was wrong. "What's wrong? Are you okay, Liebe?" The devil fidgeted for a moment before turning away from you, pulling the covers over himself as you lay back down.

"You know, we could... share..." Liebe's pale cheeks turned darker, and he turned his head away with great speed. You didn't know a devil could blush. You grinned at him before shutting the door, locking it behind you. You reapproached him, slidding onto the bed beside him. Without looking, Liebe through covers over your body with perfect precision; the warmth immediately embracing you.

Liebe rolled over, shying away from you as usual. He could feel his heart beating hard against his ribs inside his chest. After all, you were the human he felt so connected to in such a unique way. You were the boy he's always wanted beside him. There was something about you, there always has been. The feeling that boiled over in the pits of his stomach every time he saw you.

Admist the silence, your next unexpected words came at a shock to the devil. "I'll share me if you share you." You suggested. Liebe's eyes grew slightly at your words. Where had that come from? What did you mean? His mind raced as he struggled to understand exactly what you meant. "If you want, that is. I'll share me if you share you. After all, we've always shared everything with each other, it only feels right to me. If it doesn't feel right to you though-"

Liebe rolled back over. His mouth finally flicked up into the grin you'd come to love, revealing his pointed teeth, as he chuckled. "So, how much of you do I get exactly?" "You can have all of me." Liebe didn't expect that to be your answer, his statement was said more as a joke. You lay your head on his chest, making him tense slightly. "I love you... I always have. And I trust you completely. You're the only one that's been here for me from the start. So, I'd give you all of me."

Liebe felt content hearing you say that. His heart was warmed by your welcomed words. Liebe's arm closed in around you, hugging you close. "I'll share all of me with you as well. I love you too- always have."

Words: 1232

Author Note:

Please forgive me for not updating. I feel so bad. I was pet sitting for a friend and their cat chewed through my charger. Please forgive me. I'm getting right back onto requests as quick as i can, I promise! I hope you've all been well!

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