🖤~Rhya - Butterflies - Part 2~🖤

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Trigger Warning: Name-calling, Threatening, Insulting, Shouting, Sibling Fights

Day quickly turned to night upon your return. Nacht had gone on his own little mission earlier, right after he retrieved you actually. You snuck back into the castle earlier, stealing documents from Dante is easy; he seems to think that everyone is too afraid of him, so he just doesn't lock them up. He's a fool. It's not enough information, but it will do for today.

'Now that I think about it, Nacht is probably going to scold me for sneaking out this afternoon. Here's hoping Plumede doesn't snitch on me. Nacht will kill me' you couldn't help but chuckle to yourself at the thought.

As you walked around aimlessly, the image of the elf from earlier reached your mind. "I wonder how Rhya is right now... Is he alright? Did I anger him? Maybe I annoyed him? Ehhhh, too many questions for one night" you shook your head, pushing the thoughts of his away. You lay down on your bed, his image once again invading your mind. The look of shock in his eyes, his slack-jawed expression. "To think of it, he was kinda good looking..." The words slipped out of your mouth before you could think. Jumping to your feet, you began to self-scold, "wait... What?! What the Hell am I talking about?! I mean, it is the truth- Wait no! I've met over a hundred guys! Why is he stuck in my head suddenly! No, no, no! Bad (Y/N)! Do I like him?! Huh?! Huh?!"

You were that caught in your violently circling thoughts that you hadn't noticed a presence behind you. You hadn't noticed his mana at all. "What are you doing now, young lady?" There were only two people that ever called me that- and one's dead. 'Gods please tell me it's not him' You hesitantly began to turn around. You saw the irritated look etched into his familiar face. 'I'm dead.' My brother stood there, holding a large stack of papers. His four devils shivered as they tried to hide.

'Out of everyone is could have been. Why couldn't it have been an intruder? I'd rather fight the Dark Triad right now' You began to cold sweat. "Hey brother, welcome back!" You ran up to him, giving him the biggest hug, you could muster, wrapping your arms around him tightly. You silently prayed he wasn't standing the whole time while you made a fool of yourself.

"I'm home. And if you think for one second, I wasn't standing here the whole time, you're sorely mistaken. I was indeed standing here the whole time. It seems that elf from earlier is stuck in your head. You didn't even notice my mana in your doorway for five whole minutes, hm? What if I had been an intruder? I could have killed you" Nacht stated as you hugged him, not moving; not hugging you back. 'Tch, damn it!' "Hmm? What are you talking about?" You looked up at him with an innocent smile.

Trying to desperately etch him away from the subject you averted your eyes to the stack of paper in his arms, similar to the ones you retrieved, "what have you got there?" Looking back up at him, you watched as the smile slid form his face. "Changing the topic won't work on me, young lady." He told you, carefully removing himself from the hug. Before you could question him, he bonked you on the head with a stack of papers. You rubbed the top of your head, 'ouch.' You hatted to admit it, but it did hurt. Morgen used to do it in the past- Nacht was far gentler.

You followed Nacht back out into the open-living area, "have you eaten already brother?" You watched as he placed the stack of papers down on the table under the moonlight before taking a seat in front of them, He picked up the first paper and began to read it. "I don't need too. Just make me a coffee please" Nacht waved you off from the other side of the sofa. 'I swear to god this guy is trying to kill himself with a coffee overdose or something.' "No. At least try to eat something rather than just drinking coffee, you coffee-drunk." You stated with a sickeningly sweet smile on your face.

Since you and he began working in Spade years ago, he became annoying and overly protective. You can't really blame him though; Morgen died in his arms- you were all he had left. Though, you wished he'd take care of his health more than you. "Look, I made you a salad. It's in the fridge. Just get it yourself when you're hungry. Your arms and legs aren't painted on." You informed him.

"Just get it for me. I'm busy right now, (Y/N)" he ordered. You knew he didn't mean it that way. You just looked at him, sitting in a chair on the other side of the room, under the window as the moon light came in. You rolled your eyes, 'he's more emo now than ever. Just be normal for once brother!'

"Let go of your emo phase already brother! You're already twenty-nine years old; nearly thirty! You need to stop acting like you're seventeen! At this point, you'll be single your whole life and still questioning why your younger sister actually had a love life and you're not! Let me give you a tip! Let's start, but getting rid of your emo phase, Nacht Faust!" You snapped at him. What you said to the em- your brother made him look at you with shock in his eyes.

You both shared a look on blank faces for a few seconds before the silence was cut. Nacht spoke as he turned his gaze back to the papers, "we're heading back to Clover in one-hundred and one days. That leaves us five months to gather information. We have to hope the Dark Triad will remain idle for that time." You knew he was changing the topic because he was hurt by your truthful words. You probably were a bit harsh on him.

"Understood?" "Yes, I know." You nodded. That means you can see Rhya- wait no- "That's all for tonight. Now go to sleep. You need to rest- Are you listening young lady...? (Y/N)... (Y/N)!" I covered my ears from his shouting, "yeah, I got it! Sheesh!" You walked off, 'I swear to god this man doesn't even know how to let his little sister have her own moments.' "I heard you, Mister Nacht. Goodnight." You imitated Gimodelo as you left him alone, instead heading to the bathroom.

You let the warm water run into the tub. After striping you let yourself be immersed in the water. "Hahhh, finally, freedom from my brother..." You starred at the celling, 'soon. It'll all be over soon.'

Words: 1145

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