💜🖤~Elves - How You Met~🖤💜

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Trigger Warnings: Fear, Hiding, Shouting, Insults, Violence



Licht looked around but the mysterious elf was nowhere in sight. 'What was everyone talking about? There's no one in sight.' Defeated, Licht turned to leave. That's when he noticed the cloth of your shirt flap in the wind. Licht turned to face you; you hid in the tree branches. "Are you... the one they've all been talking about?" You didn't answer him, instead, hiding further.

"I don't want to hurt you!" The elf called out. You eyed him down carefully. "Please, can we just talk? I don't understand why you're all alone. My names Licht! What's your name?" You couldn't sense any malicious intentions coming form him. "... (Y/N). My name... is (Y/N)." You answered his question. Licht gave you a relieved smile.


Lumiere's Charge.

"Lady Tetia! Are you alright?!" You ran up to the Princess, checking her over for any injuries. You were a child Lumiere had found on the streets. He couldn't just leave you there, so he took you in. Many people complained but Lumiere couldn't care less. "I'm alright, (Y/N). Don't you worry" she pet the top of your head in an attempt to calm you.

You backed up and stood beside Lumiere. Two other male's came running over. "Hey, look at his grimoire. It's a four-leaf clover, just like yours! But he's human." The boy who was about your age stated. "Prince Lumiere?" You looked up at him. "Don't worry, (Y/N). Everything's okay." Lumiere smiled at you.

"You're a prince?" The first elf questioned. "Uh- yeah. My name's Lumiere. What are you're names?" Lumiere greeted them. "I'm Licht. This is Rhya, and Patri." He gestured to the other two. "Hey." Rhya raised his arm. Patri stayed silent. "As you know, this is Tetia, my sister. And this is (Y/N), my charge." Lumiere gestured to the two of you. "It's nice to meet you" Tetia chirped. You remained silent.


Lumiere and Tetia's little sibling.

You followed after your older brother as you raced for your older sister. "Tetia, don't leave the castle like that!" Lumiere stopped just short of Tetia and the other man. You hid behind Lumiere, gripping onto his cloak tightly. "I'm sorry" Tetia apologised. "Besides, a Wind Magic user like you isn't supposed to be getting herself caught in a mana tornado. What were you thinking?" Lumiere scolded.

He turned to the other man and gave him a smile, "thank you for helping my sister." "It's no-" The man stopped and looked at Lumiere's grimoire. "Hm?" The man pulled out his own grimoire, revealing it to be a four-leaf just like Lumiere's. Two more males ran up. One was younger than you and the other was older. You gripped onto Lumiere tighter. Both of them gasped. "Hey, look at his grimoire. It's a four-leaf clover, just like yours! But he's human." The boy who was about your age stated.

"Sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Lumiere. This is my sister Tetia and my other sibling (Y/N)" Lumiere gestured to you as you hid behind him. "No, it's perfectly fine. I'm Licht. This is Rhya and Patri." Rhya was too stunned to speak, instead starring at you. He'd never seen someone so beautiful. You hid behind Lumiere more, trying to avoid Rhya's sights.


He saw you helping animals.

Vetto was just stunned when he saw what he thought was the most perfect creature standing in the middle of a hoard of different types of animals. Deer's had fallen asleep in your lap and all different kinds of other animals had gathered around you. You fed them whilst humming. Vetto thought it was the most amazing thing he had ever seen.

"Oh, my apologies. I hadn't realised that someone else was here." You went to stand up. "No, no- It's okay! I'm just glad to see the animals trust someone else." Vetto smiled. "They're such beautiful creatures..." You turned your head back to the animals in your lap. "My name's Vetto. What's your name?" "My name's (Y/N). It's a pleasure to meet you."


You were at a lunch.

"Who are you?" The two of you starred at each other, tilting your heads at one another. You hadn't seen her at lunch before. Licht chuckled and Rhya just starred at the two of you as if you were stupid. "Fana this is (Y/N), (Y/N) this is Fana." Vetto introduced the two of you. "Hi!" The two of you smiled at each other at eth same time. You both ended up laughing.

"How have the two of you not met?!" Rhya shouted.


Licht and Ronne introduced you.

"Give me a break Licht. You two are so mean." You pouted as Ronne and Licht dragged you. "(Y/N), your unhealthy habit of being alone has reached it's limits now. I'm not the only one who thinks so either." Licht scolded you. "I'm not always alone! Jerk!" "You threw a bucket of water at Rhya yesterday, so he'd leave you alone." Ronne muttered.

"But everyone expects so much of me if I talk to them." "That's the good thing about me then." "Eh?" You turned your head to see a go-happy looking elf. "Who're you?" You questioned in a bored tone of voice. "My name's Baval. It's nice to meet you!" Baval smiled. Licht and Ronne let you go. "Enjoy!" The two disappeared in the blink of an eye. You grumbled and sat on the grass. Baval came and sat beside you, "what's your name?" "My name is (Y/N)."


You bumped into him.

You weren't looking where you were going one day which wasn't too far out of the ordinary for you. You had a habit of daydreaming on your feet. But this time, you were just lost in thought. You hadn't seen the elf standing in front of you and you walked right into him. "Hey! Watch it-" You snapped out of your daze and looked at the male who looked at you with pink-coated cheeks. "Oh. Sorry. I hadn't seen you were standing there." You apologised from on the ground.

The boy let out some stuttered gasps before turning away and grumbling. "My names (Y/N) if you ever wanted to curse me out under your breath while you're at it." He stopped and turned back to you, seeing you still on the ground. "Incompetent." He held his hand out to help you off the ground. "Names Ratri." "Nice to meet you."


Rhya's Younger Sibling.

"Rhya wake up! You lazy ass!" You kicked your older brother in his side. He jolted awake, "ouch! Geez! You're so mean!" Rhya clutched his side tightly. "I wouldn't have to be if you'd actually stay awake for five minutes!" You scolded him. "Get off my case." You puffed your cheeks, pouting at him.

"My, I must say that was quite a violent way to get him up" You heard chuckles from behind you. You turned around and Rhya pocked his head out from around you. "Oh, hey Charla." Rhya greeted lazily. "Hello, Rhya. Still wearing your lazy expression, I see." Rhya just shrugged. "So, you know my lazy idiot of a brother then?" You raised an eyebrow at her. "Charla" she held her hand out to you. "(Y/N)."

Words: 1200

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