💛🖤~Morgen Faust - Softie~🖤💛

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Trigger Warnings: Lemon, Hinted Self-Doubt, Binding, Spanking, Overstimulation

"You should find someone that's manly. (Y/N). Not soft like a damn marshmallow" your friend, (F/N), suggested, thought it was more of a complaint about your choice of a boyfriend, "seriously, he's too soft. Damn softie. He won't do you any good." "This is precisely why I didn't tell you for four years" you rolled your eyes at your friends actions.

"Yeah, yeah. I wouldn't be telling anyone if I was dating such a softie either" she averted her gaze. "(F/N)! Seriously, leave poor Morge out of this. I love him for who he is, and he loves me. That's all that matters," you pouted, "and besides, it better than jumping from man to man like a mosquito." "Mosquito? That's a new one? What cha gonna do about it, you fluffball?" She smirked at you. 'Oh, for God's sake' you rolled your eyes at her again.

"What's going on here, sunshine?" You heard a familiar voice in your ears. That voice that could make you smile for an eternity. "It's nothing, sweetheart. Thank you for your concern though" you rested your head back on his shoulder. Morgen looked down at you with a questioning expression, but you just cuddled into him.

"Oi, Morgen" (F/N) called. This was going to go great... "What is it, (F/N)?" Morgen remain kind despite her patronising tone of voice. Although, I suppose he did have experience having dealing with Nacht on almost a daily basis. "How do you expect to do anything for her when you're this soft? She ought to leave you. And knowing who your brother is, who's to say you're not just going to leave her in the dust? Hm?" You'd never wanted to slap (F/N). Now you did.

"I regret to be the one to inform you of this, (F/N), but Nacht and I are very different. It's terrifying to most the difference in our personalities and lives. In addition to that statement, I could never leave (Y/N). She is my other half; I couldn't function without her. I'd give my very life to protect her" Morgen remained calm throughout the entirety of his reply. He deserved extra cuddles later. Tutting, (F/N) looked away from him.

"Oh, would you look at the time. I'm leaving, it's sunset. See ya!" She left without another word. Morgen's reply and stumped her, that much was plain to see. "Thank you for remaining calm through that, my darling Morgen," Morgen shook his head, "she reminds me of Nacht so much. So much." You left out a small laugh, "indeed."

"Now..." Morgen's voice began extremely deep without warning, "what was that about me being too much of a softie?" I came as a fright to hear Morgen's voice drop so deeply like that, "(F/N) thinks you're too soft. I don't understand why she complains about that. You're you and I love you for it." "But you think I'm too soft?" Morgen questioned; his voice was almost dark. "No, love. Of course, not" you assured him. Your brows furrowed to a point where they almost met.

Morgen raised an eyebrow at you. The look on his face appeared as though he didn't believe you. "Something tells me you think I'm too soft" Morgen looked down at you. He unusual gaze made you feel small compared to him. "Morge?" He didn't reply, just looking down at you with an intense look. You'd never seen him like this, he was different.

There was no warning when he grabbed a hold of you and shifted you back to your shared room. He held you close to his chest, looking down at you through his light-blue eyes. "I guess I'll just have to show you that I'm not too much of a softie" Morgen's voice was dark, low, almost like a growl that was ripped from the depths of his throat.

He let you go; you stepped back quickly. Morgen stood in the shadows; his eyes unusually dull. "Strip." He points down at the ground. His tone of voice told you it wasn't a question; he was telling you. This was your first time doing something like this with him, your cheeks flushed as you began moving your clothing piece by piece.

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