🖤~Nacht Faust - Leave~🖤

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Trigger Warnings: Death, Blood, Devil, Secrets, Illness, Loss, Pain

Your heart raced as you rested your back against the door. You could hear the male panting next to you. "That was too close for comfort..." you panted loud enough for him to hear you. "You really thought I'd let you get hurt? Over my dead body" he chuckled, shaking his head.

Turning you met his light-blue eyes with your own (E/C) ones. He raised his hand, revealing the thick stack of papers in his hand, "but we got the plans." His grin made a smile appear on your own face. He pressed a kiss to your lips before walking towards the table to place down the papers.

"Nacht, that was too close. We need to be more careful. If they had caught us... we'd be more than toast." You latched the door before walking towards him. "I've always got your back, sunshine. It's not like I'm going to let you die. I promised you. I don't break promises, not ever." He stated, not peeling his eyes from the papers as he scattered them around.

You went to take a step towards him when you felt a glob of thick liquid reach your throat. Raising your hand, you coughed into it a few times. Reaching your hand back, you saw the red liquid coating it more than usual. "Shit..." you mumbled under your breath, wiping your mouth of any excess. "You alright, love?" Nacht looked back at you, his eyes expressing concern. Quickly, you hid your hand behind your back, giving him a smile. "I'm alright. I think my lungs are a bit mad at me. I'll go and take a shower" you lied through your teeth.

"I'm sorry for not getting you out of there quick enough" his brows furrowed as he approached you. "You don't need to be sorry for anything, my love. You couldn't have anticipated that he had hotwired his office like that" you replied. Nacht's hands found their usual spots on your waist and cheek. "Are you sure you're alright?" "I'm alright" you smiled up at him.

His features danced in the candlelight. His eyes were soft- a sight only you saw anymore. Leaning in, he pressed a kiss to your lips once again, holding you to him. You kissed him back, giving into his touch while hiding your hand. Pulling back, he ran his thumb along your cheek, "I love you, (Y/N)." "I love you too, Nacht."

Nacht stepped back, returning to the table. You headed directly for the shower, locking the door to it. You striped down and got into the shower. Turning it on the cold water hit your back before turning into a soothing warm. You raised your head under, facing up to the shower head. "You have ten years. No more, no less." "I understand! You swear you'll give him back?!" "I don't break my word."

Wiping the water from your face, you looked down. You would never regret your choice, never regret your deal. Never regret your sacrifice.

As if your thoughts were words into the universe, you hunched over, coughing your guts up into the bottom of the shower. It was painted red, and it felt as if it would never stop. Your lungs felt like they were ripping apart, your throat felt as though the skin was peeling piece by piece. You were glad your coughs were drowned out by the running water. You would never get away with explaining this to Nacht.

Wiping your mouth, you stood back onto your feet. Gazing at the clock you saw the time. 'Only eight hours left.' You thought to yourself. You couldn't be around Nacht when you gave in, it would only break him more.

Exiting the shower, you dried yourself and dressed yourself in fresh clothes. You exited the bathroom to see Nacht reading the papers in front of the fireplace with a fresh coffee. You approached him with a smile. "(F/D) on the table." He stated without letting his eyes leave the paper. "Thank you, love." You grabbed the drink.

Taking a sip, you placed it back down. "I best go and report to the Wizard King. He'll be expecting one by now." "Can't it wait till morning?" "I don't think so. I'm sorry" you looked at him somewhat sadly. Nacht raised his head and met your gaze. With a sigh, he took to his feet. Approaching you, he kissed your lips once again. "Stay safe. I'm not asking" you felt his hand wrap around yours. "Of course, Nacht. I love you..." "I love you too."

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