🖤~Luck Voltia - Hide and Seek~🖤

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Trigger Warnings: Pain, Fear, Violence, Blood

Your heart pounded in your ears. The blood collided with the inside of your skull, creating that unmistakable throb. You clamped your hand over your mouth in an attempt to hide your breathing. "(Y/N)~!" Your blonde boyfriend called out to you in a singsong voice. It sounded terrifying. "Come ou, come out~!" He sang. His voice was growing closer.

Too close.

You could see as his shadow found its way under the crack of the door. Your breath hitched. Sweat gathered on your forehead, you prayed he'd continue on his way. Prayed he couldn't sense you. Wished he wouldn't open the door.

The door kicked open violently, you let out a yelp of shock as it did so. You heard his laugh, "I can hear you...~" He went silent. It took a moment, before he threw his head around the door, scaring you. You shrieked loudly, the look in his eyes only grew more psychotic. He reached out for you, but you evaded his hand, ducking under and taking off towards the exit of the hideout.

As you ran past you could see the slumped forms of Vanessa, Finral, Magna. How did everyone get roped into this mess? Your mess.

You threw open the doors, letting them fall shut behind you. "You can't run forever, (Y/N)~!" Luck called out to you. You ignored him, sprinting as fast as you could to get away. You could no longer hear him; it was just your oily thoughts. Slipping from you every idea you had.

How could you get away from him? How could you hide? How were you going to escape him?

It was terrifying. Having someone as blood thirsty as Luck chasing you around the base, through the woods. Luck was a fighter, you were someone Yami just picked up from the common realm. You could use recover magic, and a few offensive spells, but that was it.

You pressed your back up against a tree, hiding around it's large trunk. Perhaps you'd lost him, you couldn't feel his mana. Dropping to your knees, you hide yourself beneath some wild bushes. It's soft leaves cloaked you. There was no way he could see you under it.

You heard running footsteps come closer and closer. Electricity was crackling, it was Luck. The laugh that accompanied the unusual sounds was unmistakeable. Your heart was pounding in your head once again. You halted your breathing in an extra attempt to hide.

"Now where are you~" You could hear Luck slow down, his footsteps no longer loud against the dirt. You saw his shoe as he walked right passed you. He was around you for a moment, before taking off further into the forest.

You breathed a deep sigh of relief before filling your lungs once again. The warm air was nice to your lungs. You could just stay here until nightfall. Then you win.

As your heartrate slowly calmed down, you let your head fall onto the ground. It was best to save your energy, in case you had to run again. You could see the late-afternoon's sky through a small break in the leaves. It was stunning. The scent of the leaves only added to the moment.

The deep nails into your leg that yanked you from the bush, did not. As you were violently pulled out, loose branches scratched at your face and arms, leaves cuts all over. Leaves caught in your mouth as you sat up. Spitting them out, you gripped your lower legs, "Luck! What the Hell?!"

You angrily looked up, prepared to scold the eccentric male, however you were met face-to-face with drool-ridden teeth, snarls coming from behind them. Your face paled as you looked further up. It was a hound of sorts. One that should only live in Strong-Magic Regions. It's eyes burnt red and the flames on it's back burnt you from a distance.

"Luck!" You shouted out as you took to your feet and ran. Blood dripped from the deep claw marks as you tried to desperately to get away. You could hear it growling and chasing after you. "Luck! Help please!" You called out again.

You weren't sure which direction you were heading; you were just trying desperately to get away. The heat of its breath hit your back. You couldn't go toe-to-toe with a monster like this, it would surlily kill you with ease. Tears pricked your eyes. You could die, all because of a game. You just wanted to spend time with Luck. That's all.

"(Y/N)!" You could hear his voice in your head. Tears pricked your eyes, "Luck... please..." Your vision blurred from the tears, preventing you from seeing the tree root the poked out from the ground. Your toes caught under the branch, causing you to fall forward onto the ground. You let out a groan, pushing aside the pain to keep running.

You backed away quickly, not able to find your feet just yet. You looked at the hound through blurred eyes. It stalked towards you like the predator it was, taunting you with every step.

You couldn't run anymore. That was it.

"I'm sorry, Luck."

The rest was blur. The blue light that moved faster than your eyes could process, hitting the hound across its large jaw that was easily the size of your entire leg. Your blonde love appearing in front of you with a crazed look in his eyes. "Oh wow, aren't you big!" He smiled, squaring up with the beast. He wiped across his mouth, "too bad your big and stupid."

He attacked it first. The hound didn't even have time to counter Luck's attacks. It was forced to take every hit Luck landed. He was pissed, you could tell. His mana was going crazy, the lightning around +im turning wild, shooting out in all directions.

The hound ran away, whimpering, and terrified. Luck turned to you, look down at you, his smile smaller than normal. He had some blood from the hound on his legs and a splatter on his face. He walked towards you, his smile returning as he held a hand down to you.

You reached up and took his hand. His smile widened and he threw you up in the air, before catching you in his arms, holding you close. "I winnnn~!" He grinned. You rest your head on his shoulder, "you can win. But can we just go home now?" "Yep! Let's go!"


"What the hell happened to you two?!" Yami shouted, picking you up by your skull. "Ow, Captain! Please put me down!" You tried to remove his hand. "Wow, your beat up bad! What happened?" Asta looked at you confused. "Magic Beast" Luck shrugged like it was nothing.

Words 1120

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