🖤~Yuno - My Vice-Cap~🖤

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Trigger Warning: Unintentional hurt

"Viceeeeeee-cap~!" You called in a sing-song voice as you skipped. You watched his shoulders relax as Klaus' stiffened. It was always amusing to watch their reactions as you grew near. You met Yuno's amber eyes as he turned to face you, "what is it you need, (Y/N)?" Yuno looked at you. You stopped right in front of him, grinning up at him. "Yu~no~" You called right in front of him. "Yes, (Y/N)?" Yuno shortened his reply again.

Klaus pushed his glasses up his nose, "if you aren't going to say anything then I suggest you leave. Yuno- er- the Vice-captain has better things to do that fraternize with low ranked members." You turned your head to Klaus, tilting it innocently, without saying a word. You let a small smirk creep up onto your face.

"Klaus..." Yuno called in a bone-chilling voice. Klaus felt shivers run down his spine as his body filled with shudders. "Yes, vice-captain?" Klaus turned from you to Yuno. "Leave (Y/N) alone, Klaus" Yuno glared holes into Klaus, his voice was low. "Right! Sorry" Klaus apologised.

You smiled at Klaus smugly before returning your gaze to Yuno, "sooo?" "I'm assuming that you are after my attention then" Yuno gave a small smile while you nodded repetitively. "You need his attention every hour of the day?! He's the vice-captain!" Klaus intervened again. "Klaus" Yuno growled again. As much as he respected his former superior, (Y/N) meant more to him than anyone ever would. Klaus immediately backed down.

Without taking his eyes off of you, her ordered, "Klaus, go and get Hamon's squad to check on the boarder town. They should be recovering fine after all." "B-But sir-!" "Now, Klaus" Yuno cut him off. "Yes, sir" Klaus sighed in defeat, walking off to follow his orders.

Now that Klaus was gone, you breathed a sigh of relief. Klaus was a good person that meant well, but he never seemed to grasp the sentiment side quiet well. You tilted your head to look past Yuno, making sure he was gone. He was nowhere in sight. You didn't' hate Klaus, you just disliked how chained to the order he was.

While you were distracted in your own little world, Yuno reached out and softly grabbed your hand. You looked down at your hand, feeling his, watching as his fingers interlaced with your own. His hands were warm, like when you would lay down under the sun in spring. You looked up at Yuno, who had a rare, but soft smile on his face.

"Don't worry. You always come first. Let's go" Yuno tugged at your arm as he began walking. You walked alongside him happily, now content. Humming as you walked side-by-side through the base. Yuno walked straight and tall while you swayed from side to side.

You and Yuno were similar in some ways, but in many ways you were different. Yuno preferred to keep to himself and constantly hold a profession stance, you enjoyed being somewhat childish and playful. You're not even sure why William asked you to join his squad. You didn't think there was anything special about you.

There was. Your ability to light up the room with a simple smile.

Speaking of the captain, wasn't that him up ahead? You hadn't even noticed. Off in your own land again. "Hey captain!" You sang happily, not letting go of Yuno's hand, waving with your other. William turned to face you and Yuno, his usual small smile on his face. "(Y/N), Yuno. How are you this afternoon?" "Very well, Captain" Yuno saluted to William, who simply shook his head and gestured for Yuno to stop.

"Yuno, if you have a minute, I'd like to chat to you about the mission you, Alecdora, and Letoile went on two days ago" William stated calmly. "Of course, Cap-" "Nooooo~" You whined, throwing your head back. "I'm sorry?" William tilted his head at you, used to childish antics. "Captain, I've waited all day to spend time with my vice-cap~! You can't have him!" You complained. Yuno jus looked down at you, while William chuckled.

"I hadn't realised you'd waited all day. You have my apologies, (Y/N)" William laughed slightly. You simply pouted at him. You acted childish, but William seemed to enjoy treating you somewhat of a child. He'd spent too much time around the Wizard King, you thought to yourself. "I suppose our conversation can wait, Yuno. I'll speak to you tomorrow" William turned and walked off.

This time, you tugged at Yuno's hand, pulling him along with you. "Come on, we're getting out of here before someone else decides to take you away" you grumbled, hurriedly racing through the base. Yuno followed you without a word, just accepting that you were getting jealous of everyone else.

Arriving at the tree line outside of the base, you panted. Unsure of how Yuno could just stand there you panted so hard you might throw-up. Slowly catching your breath was hard. Yuno was patient.

You took his hand and began walking into the cover of the trees, slowly this time. Yuno looked down at you with a smirk. "So, did someone get jealous?" He came off as playfully condescending. Meanie. You puffed your cheeks at him before turning away. "So, you were jealous. Adorable" Yuno grinned. You ignored, not impressed by his actions.

Yuno stopped you and him. Turning you around he placed a soft kiss to your lips. Looking into his amber eyes, you heard him say; "you don't need to be jealous I'm all yours." Then placing a kiss on your forehead.

You looked away, "you don't spend time with me anymore." Yuno knew he'd had to reduce the time he'd spent with you, but had he really been this bad? He didn't realise how hurt you were. "I don't give a damn about anyone else. Who cares if you're the vice-cap? Cause you said you'd be my vice-cap."

Yuno placed a hand under your chin, "I am your vice-cap." His lips met your once again.

Words 1002

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