💜🖤~Zogratis Siblings - Becoming Friends~🖤💜

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Trigger Warnings: Orphanage, Medication, Cursing

Dante Zogratis:

Dante was out running errands for his elder brother. He didn't complain as much as he used to, because now he had the opportunity to see you again. The definition of perfection in his eyes. You rushed around the town's square, carrying a bag of medicines for the elderly home nearby, as well as the treats for the orphanage next to the elderly home.

Dante caught sight of you rushing about with bulging bags in your arms. He was surprised you could see where you were going. That's when he saw you trip on the uncovered ice. Being the chivalrous man he was, he immediately raced towards you. You shook your head bringing your thoughts back together. "That's probably the only time I've seen you act in such an ungraceful way." You looked up seeing the deep emerald eyes, "ah, Dante."

Dante took your hand, bringing it to his lips and pressing a kiss, "my dear." You blushed, looking away from him, a smile on your face you couldn't hide, "as usual, you act adorable, Dante." "But of course, anything for such a wonderful person." Your blush deepened. You were just a genuinely bashful person, Dante found that completely adorable. He helped you to your feet, then picking up your bags for you. "Thank you, Dante." "Of course, darling."

Dante peered into the bags, "my, what are you doing with so many sweets and medicines? You aren't starting an illegal trade, right?" He joked, looking at you with a raised eyebrow. You scratched the back of your neck, "actually... It's the medicine for all the elderly people in the home. I go there because they're family's don't want to see them; but they still deserve love. The same goes for the children at the orphanage; which are who the treats are for." Dante raised hand and took your in his own. "Dante?" "You really have a kind heart. Come on, let's go." "Wait- You're coming? I didn't think that was really your thing..." "I'd do anything for you, my dear." You couldn't help but bashfully smile at him.

Vanica Zogratis:

Zenon had taken you from the dungeon; instead opting to make you a soldier of the Spade Kingdom army, serving directly under him. While Dante continued to threaten you, the bouncy younger sister of his had grown attached to you. She would frequently approach you and talk to you. You ignored her at the start, but then she began to borrow you, taking you away from your duties with Zenon permission.

"(N/N)~!" "Yes, Lady Vanica?" You didn't faulter despite her dramatically draping herself over your lap. You just continued to stare at the stary night sky- one of few where the sky was clear. "We're friends, right?" "I am a soldier sworn to serve your family and carry out Lord Zenon's every order. I don't think Lord Dante would be pleased if you associated yourself with someone as low as me, My Lady." Vanica groaned, rolling on your lap, "come on~ Why does Dane get to dictate everything~? I wanna be friends~!" She whined, squirming around.

You looked down at her, "why would you want to be friends with me? If you don't mind me asking, My Lady." "Eh?!" Vanica sat upright, "who wouldn't want to be friends with you! You're so nice and fun! Besides, no one else wants to be my friend. They're too afraid of me." She puffed her cheeks, pouting. "I see." You looked back up at the stars. "Screw it! I don't care what Dante says! I wanna be friends with you! Can we be friends?!" You looked back at Vanica and nodded, "okay." She grinned, "yay!"

Zenon Zogratis:

You considered Zenon a friend from the moment you met him. He would frequently hang out with both you and Allen; who had already been inseparable. Zenon was shy and sceptical, but you always showed him kindness and compassion, never failing to put a blush on his face. You had warmed his heart from day one, and always made him feel like he belonged. You gave him affection he wasn't used to, but he felt safe when it was you.

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