🖤~Julius Novachrono - Path to Atonement - Part 3~🖤

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Trigger Warnings: Hatred, Death, Blood, Gore, Mourning, Sadness, Heartbreak, Blame

"What the hell are YOU doing here?!"

Julius' aura immediately saddened, going on the defensive, "(Y/N) please-" "Of all days?! You decide to show up incidentally today?! Do you know what day it is, Julius Novachrono?!" you snapped, cutting him off. "Chill (Y/N). I got him here. I told him to be here" Yami grabbed your upper arm, stopping you from charging at the male. "Why would you do that, Yami? Why? Today of all days..." your head fell low, Morgen and Arthur's images appeared in your mind, them smiling at you.

As soon as he felt you relax, Yami released your arm. "This thing between you two has gone on long enough. Five years now. All of this..." Yami gestured at you both, "... needs to stop." "I agree with Yami. You two are far stronger together than you are apart" William backed. Nacht just looked at you with a look that was unusual for him to wear.

"'This,' as you call it, Yami, is Julius' fault. This is the consequence of the sin he bears. The sin he committed five years ago. It's all his fault" you glared at the dirty-blonde male; your eyes were colder than a frozen tundra. It was like daggers made of ice punctured him from every direction. "I'm sorry" Julius whispered out, looking at the ground bellow him. He refused to meet your gaze.

"Sorry? That's it?! Sorry won't bring them back, Julius! Sorry won't bring Morgen and Arthur back!" you became even more aggressive towards him. Julius flinched at your words. Nacht tried to fight the pain the crept up within him again.

He lifted his eyes to meet yours, "please (Y/N), understand, I don't... I don't even know why I'm 'the worst captain in the world!' You never told me! You just hate me, and I don't understand why?! I didn't know why they wanted that day off!" "You don't know?" your voice was dangerously low.

"(Y/N) wait-" William reached out for you, but missed as you stormed up to Julius, your grimoire opening up and beginning to glow. "Here then, let me show you what exactly it was you caused, Julius Novachrono!" You shoved your hand into his chest. "Damn it!" Yami tried to reach you but was also too late. Nacht stood upright, starring at you in shock. 'Curse Magic; Praeterita Peccata!'

You and Julius were engulfed in a thick dark green smoke. You disappeared from the real world, taking him with you. Julius was shocked as he looked around the empty space you had taken him too, "what... is this place?" Julius managed to gasp out. "This, Julius, is where I am cursed to relive everything that has gone wrong in my life" you told him, looking back over your shoulder.

The two off you suddenly appeared apart of a familiar scene, one he remembered all too well.

You walked up to your captain, who was grinning as he held a magic item, he had made for a reason unknown to you. "Captain" you called as you walked up to him, saluting him. He looked at you and his smile widened, "hey vice-cap!" He greeted you happier than usual, you dropped your salute and looked at him with a suspicious gaze.

"Captain, if I may... I need your help" you told him; your tone was quite flat in comparison to normal. "Hm? And what would that be with?" Julius was plotting something, you knew that. However, you didn't have time for his childish antics today. "Captain, I need you to come with me to the Faust family's home. I need assistance dealing with the head of the house. I need your help, to retrieve Nacht Faust, Morgen's older brother. Please, sir" you answered honestly.

"I'll make you a deal" Julius began. You were desperate at this point for his help. You stood no chance without him, "yes? What is it?" "If you can catch me, I'll help you" he gave you one of his mischievous smiles. (Y/N)'s face was filled with shock, "sir-!" You tried t call him, but he was already gone.

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