🖤~Yuno Grinberryall and Nacht Faust - You Have to Choose~🖤

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Trigger Warning: Multiple Love, Fighting for Love, Pain, Picking One, Fear

You were dropped at the church a year after Yuno and Asta. When it came time to join the Magic Knights were given, he choice between the Black Bulls or the Green Praying Mantis squad. You chose the Black Bulls so you could be closer to someone you already knew; Asta. Yuno'd had a crush on you for years that only Asta knew about. The only problem was, there was someone else too.

Nacht Faust, Vice-Captain of the Black Bulls. He'd seen you long before his return, but since returning he'd grown attached you, the same as Yuno. The only problem, you hadn't noticed either of them or their feelings. They had an unspoken rivalry.

It started off with small things, each of the boys offering to do something for you. Nacht offering to go out and collect the groceries, so you didn't have to leave; you never wanted to be stuck in public situations. Yuno offered to take you to secluded spots away from people. You thought they were just being kind.

Then it was small nameless gifts. A bundle of flowers, a box of chocolates. A new book here and there. The Black Bulls quickly caught on to what the situation was. The little notes that just began appearing. But Asta was the one you confided in.

You told him everything. About the mysterious gifts you'd been receiving from anonyms. How it frightened you. The notes left here and there for you. You wondered how anyone got into the base and past all of your squad mates, but you couldn't find an answer for it. Asta was the only other person who you told.

The look of utter terror in your eyes as you panicked to Asta was his final straw. He dragged both Nacht and Yuno outside of the Black Bulls to scold the two of them. He had enough of seeing you afraid for your life. Checking every time, you went outside.

"This has gotten out of hand!" Asta shouted at the two, breaking their intense starring contest. "You two need to just man up and ask her! You're starting to scare her and freak her out! Your behaviour around her worries her, the mysterious packages scare her!" Nacht and Yuno began to feel guilty, looking away from Asta as he scolded them.

"And worst of all! The two of you are fighting constantly! Do you know how upset she gets when you two are fighting?! It's just me, isn't it?! Because she comes to me in tears because you two nincompoops are hurting her with your actions! Don't you get it, you two are probably the two that mean the most to her!" Asta was panting but the end of his shout.

Asta's words had shocked them both. They hadn't realised how bad their actions were hurting you. "Are... Are you all alright?" You slowly approached the three. "I heard shouting... I thought you might be hurt..." You informed them hesitantly. "How much of that did you hear?" Asta inquired. You shook your head, leaving both Yuno and Nacht to sigh in relief.

You took notice to Yuno's red appearance. "Eh? Are you okay Yuno? Are you sick? Your face is all red?" You pressed the back of your hand to his forehead as you looked down at him. The heat on Yuno's face intensified. He swatted your hand back, before turning away, "I'm fine." He turned back and grabbed your wrist gently. "(Y/N) we need to talk to you..." You looked at both of the boys in surprise; these were the kinds of situations you avoided.

You looked to Asta for guidance, but he has disappeared. You'd get him back for leaving you all alone later. "Um, Yuno, Nacht, please just... Just take a breath." You stepped back unsure of the situation you'd suddenly been placed in. The two respected your wishes and took a step back, taking a breath before speaking again.

"(Y/N), we just- You need to know- We-" "We both love you." Nacht intervened with Yuno's stuttering. "... Eh?!" Your face became the colour of the sunset as you starred in shock, half-hiding your face behind your arms. "He's telling the truth. Please believe him" Yuno nodded in agreement with Nacht's statement.

"So, it's... been you...?" "Yes. The gifts, the notes. It's all been us..." Yuno admitted while Nacht simply turned his head away. "All of your notes and gifts really were sweet, even if they scared me because they had no name..." You blushed, looking away from the two. Yuno and Nacht felt their hearts clench at your words.

"Please (Y/N), you have to pick one of us... We can't live no knowing your choice. You have to choose! Nacht pleaded, looking at you with a unplaceable expression. You froze.

Ending One

"I'm sorry Yuno... You're making me pick, and I pick Nacht. Do... Do you think we can still be friends?" Your eyes watered. You didn't want to hurt anyone. You hated that you had been put in this situation. Yuno's crestfallen expression turned to one with a small smile, "of course. I knew that even if you picked him, I'd still want to be your best friend..." You looked at Yuno through relieved eyes, "thank you!" You hugged him tightly. "I'm not a bad person, you know?" Yuno chuckled. You pulled back and stepped in Nacht's arms, Nacht pressed a kiss to your temple. "Keep her safe, Faust. I will have the entire Spade Army on you if you hurt her." Yuno threatened. "Your army won't be necessary." Nacht smiled at him.

Ending Two

"... I pick Yuno... Please forgive me Nacht..." You stepped back towards Yuno. Yuno immediately wrapped his arms around you, comforting you in the only way he could think of. He hated that he had to put you in that situation. "I knew you'd pick him. It's okay" Nacht smiled to you. You looked at Nacht in shock, wide eyed. He placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, "if you ever need me, I'll be here. I'm not going anywhere." Nacht smiled at you. "Thank you, Nacht..." You gave him a weak smile. Nacht then turned to Yuno, "if you hurt her in anyway, I will have every devil hunting you down to the end of the world." 

Words: 1060

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