🖤~Lucius Zogratis - The Way You Are~🖤

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Trigger Warnings: Vision involving Blood and Accidental Murder

A splattered of red erupted form your mouth as you took a step back. Your eyes were completely wide, your (E/C) iris' miniscule compared to the white. "Amare?" Your voice called out with a shake. Your light-coloured shirt began to stain with blood. Lucius' own eyes went wide, feeling as though his heart had stopped. Asta starred in shock- he hadn't meant to. Lucius watched as you fell from the air in front of him. How could this have happened? He hadn't seen this...

"Amare? Are you alright?" Lucius' eyes opened, coming face to face with worried (E/C) ones. You looked at him with an expression of concern. Lucius sat upright in his chair, rubbing his eyes with one hand. "You looked pained, and you fell asleep at the table. That's unusual, even for you..." You gave him a sad smile.

With the arm he had spare he reached out and pulled you onto his lap with a single tug. He immediately rested his chin on your shoulder. "Are you alright, Lucius? Are you sick?" You reached back and felt his forehead with the back of your hand; he felt normal. "I'm alright, don't worry, sweetheart."

"Lucius, you're worrying me. You looked so pained." You turned your head back as best as you could, trying to catch a glimpse of his face. Lucius pressed a kiss to the side of your forehead, "it was just a bad dream, I promise. I didn't sleep last night because I got so caught up reading a book. I'm okay; really." You let out a quiet sigh but nodded at him. "If you're really that worried then just let me hold you for a while please." You smiled and leaned back into him, "if it'll make you feel better, Amare."

Lucius' grasp was warm and comforting for you, the feeling of home. His arms weren't constricting, allowing you the flexibility to make yourself comfortable on his lap. In Lucius' arms, you always felt safe. He was a shield that protected you from all things bad. He was your everything.

Lucius kept you away from plans. You had no idea what lay beneath the mask of the man you loved- and Lucius planned to keep it that way. You were the only person Lucius believed he could ever love. He met you by accident and now he couldn't dream of letting you go.

"Oh! I have something that might cheer you up!" You beamed, trying to stand up. Lucius looked at you out the corner of his eye, refusing to move his head off of your shoulder- keeping you secured to him with his arms, "oh? But you're doing more than enough right now where you are." "Lucius, I want to show you." You sighed. Lucius couldn't say no to you. He reluctantly let you go, allowing you to disappear into the bedroom.

"A new outfit?" Lucius looked over you; surprise evident in his features when you walked back into the room less than a minute later. "I made it myself and I have to say I quite like it. But if you don't, I'm more than happy to put the one you love on." You smiled at him. "No. No. No." Lucius immediately took to his feet, approaching you. "Lucius, I just want to see you happy. So, I'm more than happy to change" you assured him. You wanted to make him happy; he was the one you loved.

Lucius stood right in front of you; he raised his hand slowly. He cupped your cheek beginning to run his finger along- the top of his finger running over your cheekbone. You looked up into his shimmering eyes. "You are the only soul who is perfect just the way you are. No one can say otherwise" Lucius whispered. He leaned in and captured your lips in a slowly and soft kiss. He was always so gentle with you, as if you were thin glass in his hands.

He rested his forehead back against yours, "you're perfect just the way you are."

Soft Lucius anyone?

Words: 685 

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