🖤~Yuno - Getting Along~🖤

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Trigger Warning: Insults, Violence, Blood, Attack, Disagreements

"Oh, you may be a lady-killing jerk, but that doesn't apply to me, dipshit." You glared up at him. His eyes narrowed and looked down at you, "shut up." "Don't you go telling me what to do" you snapped.

'Why did the captain summon me with this overgrown idiot?' 'Why did the captain call me in with this irritating shrimp?' You pushed past Yuno, tripping him up once you reached the captain's office. Yuno stumbled back, hitting the floor, looking at you with an irritated shock.

You entered William's office without knocking, a smile on our face, "captain." "You really need to learn to knock" William sweat dropped. Yuno stumbled in behind you. "Yuno, are you okay?" Yuno just gave the captain a smile.

"Anyway," William looked away from the two of your sceptically, "I need the two of you to retrieve a relic that a village out in the Forsaken Realm is holding for us. I need you two to collect it for me." Yuno's eyes widened. "Captain, I can handle this on my own! Surely you have a more important mission for this as- Yuno!" You protested. William raised his hand, gesturing for you to stop. You could feel Yuno's smirk above you.

"I require the two of you. I trust you both. Furthermore, the importance of this relic is beyond measure. I can't risk losing it. Both of you are going." William explained. You crossed your arms over your chest, as did Yuno, he wasn't exactly pleased with the arrangement either. "Yes, sir." You both responded flatly, smiles still on your faces. "Please do try to get along" William requested. You and Yuno looked at each other, sharing a forced smile. You could almost see the crossfire between both of your gazes.

"Good luck. You're both dismissed" your captain dismissed. You left the room seconds before Yuno. Yuno shut the door behind him as he left. You walked off without him. "Hey!" Yuno grumbled walking as quickly as possible to catch up with you.

"Hurry up then, fool." "Your one to talk, shrimpy." "Don't call me that, you overgrown asshat!" "My apologise. I forgot I was insulting the shrimp." "You little-"

"Hey you two!" Klaus greeted, walking alongside Mimosa. "Mimosa! Klaus!" You beamed, running over to them. You hugged Mimosa before standing behind her. "Klaus. Mimosa." Yuno greeted flatly as usual.

"We just heard about your mission" Mimosa stated. "Yes," Klaus pushed the bridge of his glasses back up onto his face, "I do hope the two of you can put aside your differences and work together. Frankly, I'm worried about sending the two of you alone together." Klaus mumbled the last part under his breath. "Now, Klaus, don't be such a worry wart." Mimosa smiled up at him. "I'm sure the two of you will do great." You grumbled under your breath.

"Well... we... should get going" Yuno walked past, pushing through the two to grab you by the back of your robe. "You tall asshole! Let me go! Jerk!" You shouted, trying to pry his hand from you. Klaus and Mimosa waved as the two of you disappeared out of sight. "Good luck!" She looked up at Klaus, "they're going to kill each other, aren't they?" "Yep" Klaus nodded.

Time Skip

"Thank you for holding it here" you took the relic before Yuno could. He scowled at you while you smiled at the man. "Of course. I'm glad you came to retrieve it, Magic Knights." He closed the door and you turned away.

"Give it here" Yuno held his hand out for it expectantly. "Over my dead body, you giraffe." You rolled your eyes at him. "Stupid little ant."

You prepared to get on your broom for the long and dark journey back, when you saw a group of masked mages. "Yuno." "What is it now, you-" You shoved a hand over his mouth. He looked at you in disgust till he saw you pointing at a group of bandits entering the village. He removed your hand, unlatching the bag his grimoire was in.

He walked past you, pushing you behind him, "don't in my way short-stack." He whispered. Your face scrunched at his words. "Over my dead body you overgrown-" "Just shut up and listen to me for once. Protect the relic. I'll deal with them." He was deadly serious.

You scoffed, stepped back with an irritated look etched into your face. "Idiot." He shook his head before running of towards the bandits. It took seconds for you to hear the sound of attacks flying each direction.

That's when you were cornered by a group of the bandits that peeled away from the others. "Come on darling, give us the relic. You can come too" he gave you a toothy grin. You yawned, "you're all so boring. I'm not giving you the relic, you dumbasses." The first man threw an attack at you.

A barrier stopped the attack before it could reach you. The man looked in shock. You raised you hand, clicking your fingers together. The barrier around you forced itself back, throwing all of the bandits away, knocking them out. They all let out shouts as they went flying.

Yuno ran back around to you, panting. You gave him an amused look, while he looked at you in shock. "I'm not weak, Yuno. Think that through next time, asshat." Yuno turned away from you, moving to where there was more noise.

This time, you chose to follow him. You followed him around the corner when there was a bright light. You turned your head away, avoiding what would have surly blinded you temporarily. Looking back, you saw Yuno surrounded, crouching on the ground. He had been attacked in the few second you looked away; his face was covered in bloody scratches.

The mages that encircled him raised their hands, attacks ready. They threw their attacks as you ran in front of Yuno. You stepped in front of him, dispelling the variety of attacks. Yuno looked up at you through bloodied eyes, "maybe you're not so bad shorty." "You're still an ass, you overgrown donkey." Yuno smiled slight, taking your hand as you held it down to help him to his feet.

"Let's finish this" the two of you stood back-to back.

Next Morning

Klaus and Mimosa stood watching you and Yuno interact with genuine smiles on your faces. William joined them. "Captain?" "Hm?" "Was this your plan the entire time?" A smirk made it's way onto William's face. "I don't know what you're talking about. I just can't have two of my squad mates hating each other." William entered his office, shutting the door behind him.

"Captain!" The two sighed.

Words: 1115

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