🖤~Licita - Mom~🖤

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Trigger Warning: Abandonment, Loneliness, Malnutrition, Near-death Experience, Death


You were an outcast. Born with not an ounce of physical mana. You couldn't use magic. If there was one thing that you knew, you were always different. Your parents left you before you could even open your eyes. You weren't sure how you'd survived this long.

By now you were seven. Walking through the forests and open lands in the middle of winter. The snow was falling all around you. You walked around in a torn shirt and pants that hung just bellow your knees. You malnutrition was the only reason you still have clothes that fit.

It was cold. Your arms were getting frostbite. The only cover you had from the raging snowstorm was the trees that stood tall above you. Your arms wrapped around you in an attempt to warm yourself and shield yourself from the freezing white drops. You could see your breath in front of you as you walked. Every exhale freezing in the night on contact.

Ou felt your left leg weaken, and then your right leg. It was so cold. You fell to the ground, your head moulding into the snow. You lay there a moment before regaining your strength. You picked yourself up and walked to the nearest tree trunk. Curling into it, you heaved a sigh.

There seemed to be no hope for you. Closing your eyes, you wished for this to be over. For you to be warm. Wishing you were born normal.


Liebe was out playing in the snow with Licita. They built snowmen, had snowball fights. It was his first-time experiencing snow like this, and he loved it. Seeing him smile made Licita so happy. The grin on his face as he ran around catching snowflakes made her heart swell. So, when he suddenly stopped at the tree line, there was an overwhelming amount of concern within her.

She ran towards him, her feet crunching in the snow bellow. "Liebe? What's wrong? Liebe!" When she arrived at his side, she knelt down and gripped his shoulders gently, "Liebe? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Liebe lifted his arm and point at you, who was bleeding from the sharp snow, slumped against the tree.

"Licita? What... Is she... okay?" Liebe questioned. His eyes were wide as he starred at you. Licita looked at your injured form. She knew you were just a kid. She knew that you wouldn't survive out here on our own. She wanted to help you. Looking down at her hands with a sorrowful expression, she wished she was never afflicted with this curse. "We have to... help her..." Liebe raced towards you, worried for you.

"Liebe... What if she isn't like you? I'll kill her... I don't want to... but I might kill her." Licita told him. Liebe's eyes widened for a moment, before he slung one of your arms over his shoulder, "it doesn't matter. We have to try... right?" Liebe grit his teeth as he struggled to raise you to your feet.

Licita easily realised Liebe was right. She raised a hand to her chest as she slowly began walking towards you. Getting closer she realised she could sense no mana from you, 'she's like Liebe? She has no mana?' Getting closer, she hadn't began sucking your life away. She was cautious right up until she was at your side, which shocked her.

Pushing aside her shock, she pulled her jumper off and wrapped you in it. Lifting you up off of Liebe and into her arms, she held you close. "Let's get her home" Liebe nodded at Licita as well as her words. The two took off in the direction of their home.

Time Skip

You could feel warmth. You could feel light. It wasn't the way you normally felt.

You peeled open your eyes slowly. As the dots in your vision cleared, you noticed you definitely weren't in the forest anymore. You were in a... house of some kind. A house. Someone's house. Jumping to conclusions about the predicament you found yourself in, you sat up hastily, looking around frantically.

"Your awake!" You heard a voice call from beside you. Your head turned to see an unusual looking boy around your age. The boy looked to a door in the house, "Licita, she's awake!" A woman in her mid-twenties appeared out of the doorway in the blink of an eye, "ah! You're awake! I'm so relieved!"

You backed up against the head of the bed. Only, the wood wasn't hitting your bare back. Looking down you saw your arms wrapped in bandages. You had a clean top on and clean pants that fell to your ankles. You were shocked. Had they done this?

"I hope you don't mind. I changed you into some of Liebe's clothes, yours were all torn and way too small for you. You must have been freezing" 'Licita' approached you. "Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet! My name's Licita! It's nice to meet you!" Licita beamed. She was way too happy. Too bright. "I'm Liebe" the boy joined her side.

"Where am I? Where did you take me?" You spoke quietly with our torn hoarse voice. "I found you when Licita and I were playing in the snow" Liebe answered, Licita spoke next, "and so I decided to bring you back here. You wouldn't have survived in that cold, and you were hurt. So, I carried you back here!"

Liebe moved to sit on the end of the bed, "where are you from? Where's your home?" "Nowhere. I don't have one" you answered simply, just as you had many times before. "You don't have one? Wha about your parents?" Licita tilted her head at your curiously. "Parents?" You looked at her confused, what was she talking about? "Oh dear" Licita realised why you were all alone. Ou had been abandoned. Was it for having no mana?

"You don't have nay magic, do you?" Licita inquired, her voice had lost a little of it's usual beam. You shook your head. "That's okay. If you don't have any mana, and I'm not stealing your life away, that means I can look after you!" Licita smiled. "Why would you... look after me...?" You were curious about her actions. Everyone just kicked you out of wherever you went.

"Why wouldn't I? I can, I will! What do you say? I'll adopt you!" Licita was over the moon. "Adopt me?" You were shocked, "why would you do that?" "Why wouldn't I?" Licita replied.

"That means, you're won't be alone anymore. You'll have me and Liebe!" Licita grinned. You were in awe at the kindness she showed. After years of torment and abandonment, you had a home. A place where you belonged. "We won't leave you alone. I swear it" Liebe smiled at you. You couldn't help the smile that crept onto your face.

"So," Licita knelt down at the bedside, "what's your name?" "My name?" You tilted your head at her again. "You weren't given a name? Well, in that case... From today, your name's (Y/N)! What do you think?" Licita responded. You nodded, content with the name.

"Come on then, you should have some breakfast" Licita stood up and walked over to the pot, pulling out a bowl. She poured a bowl of the porridge into the bowl, placing the bowl on the table. "Come on, eat up!"


"Thank you for everything, mom. I wouldn't- I couldn't have made it this far without you. Thank you so much" you couldn't help the tears that slipped down your face as you stood above your mother's grave. Both you and Liebe, after years, could finally visit her.

Words 1300

Happy Mother's Day!

For those who have a mother-father or a father-mother who did all the work, or a father, or a mother, wish them a happy day. 💐💐💐

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