🖤~David Swallow - Snacks~🖤

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Trigger Warnings:  Mentions of Abuse, Trauma, Langris gets his own warning too

"No David! She is not cooking for you again!" Letoile snapped, standing in between the Blonde male and the green-eyed female. "Pleaseeee~?" David pleaded, dropping to his knees. "No! Leave her alone!" Letoile order, pushing him backwards with her foot. David pouted.

"Letoile, maybe don't kick him...?" (Y/N) trailed off, concerned for her blonde comrade in front of her. "Don't be so sympathetic towards him, (Y/N)! He's being a jerk!" Letoile scolded. "Sorry" (Y/N) looked down. "How am I being the jerk?" David whined. Letoile sent him a glare.

"What's going on?" A cold voice spoke from the other end of the hall. (Y/N), Letoile, and David looked the direction to see Yuno, Mimosa, and Klaus at the other end of the hallway. "Klaus!" (Y/N) beamed, waving at the bespectacled male. "Are you okay? What's happening here?" Mimosa inquired, her usual concerned tone of voice lacing her words. "Everything's fine Mimosa" (Y/N) assured her. "Thank goodness. I was worried about you, big sister" Mimosa replied, walking up and hugging (Y/N).

"What was happening?" Yuno questioned again. "Yuno, stop being so impudent" Klaus snapped, going white, "she is not someone to address so casually!" "Klaus, just leave him alone. He doesn't deserve it. And you know that I don't really care about titles" (Y/N)'s voice was soft, "r-right" Klaus replied.

"As for your question, David was asking if I could cook for him, and Letoile was shouting at him" (Y/N) answered Yuno's question. "I see" Yuno nodded. "Are you cooking, (Y/N)? Your cooking is amazing!" Mimosa beamed in excitement, Yuno nodded in agreement. "I was-" "Please~!" David looked up at (Y/N) with puppy eyes. "Don't give in, (Y/N)" Letoile tried. "But I owe him so much. He saved me from the vice-captain" (Y/N) told her, causing Letoile to sigh. "Of course, David" (Y/N) smiled. "Yay!" David jumped upwards, overexcited.

Boots clicked, coming closer and closer to the group. A mocking laugh joined in with the agonising clicking. Klaus and Letoile stiffened. Both Yuno and Mimosa noticed how (Y/N) visibly saddened and began shaking, fear almost radiating off of her in a physical way. David's usually calm, fun, and laid back demeanour changed instantly. His fists clenched along with his jaw. His mana became deadly as well as his aura.

"Are you really going to cook, (Y/N)?" How voice hit her ears like a hammer to metal, it reverberating in her mind. The footsteps ceased and (Y/N)'s squeezed shut. "I can't understand why you would do that when you have no talent at all" Langris grinned as he looked at the female, who flinched at his words. Them hitting her like a knife in the heart. Mimosa let out a gasp, clamping her hand over her mouth.

"I'm sorry, Vice-captain. I-" (Y/N) looked up at Langris. "You what? You know you can't do anything" Langris sniggered, cutting her off. (Y/N) looked down, flinching at his words, Before anyone could say anything else, David spoke first. "Will all due respect, Vice-captain, I suggest you leave" David's tone was dangerously low. Langris' gaze flicked to David, his orbs showing annoyance, "watch it, Swallow."

Langris' smirk reappeared as he looked at (Y/N), as if cornering her. "So? Or are you that stupid that you can't answer?" Langris held back a laugh. (Y/N)'s nails dug into her skin as she tried to hold her emotions within. "Sir!" Klaus gaped. Letoile held a blank expression, Yuno's nose was scrunched up in anger, and Mimosa was on the break of tears.

David's hand went to his grimoire, "vice-captain you need to leave. Now." "Are we seriously going to go through this again, Swallow? I've told you, that you won't beat me. And besides, there's no point in defending someone as weak as her" Langris held eye-contact with the blonde male. David pulled his grimoire from the pouch, holding it open at his side. "I swear, I will hurt you if you continue like this, sir. (Y/N) is the last person that deserves this. That is more than enough" David's grimoire began glowing. Langris let out a short, mocking laugh as he raised his hand. One of his spatial portals appeared in his hands, ready to attack.

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