💛🖤~Sol Marron - Test~🖤💛

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Trigger Warnings - Insults, Surprise Test, Sudden Lemon, Lemon

Being a male in a squad of all girls was difficult to say the least. Why did Captain Charlotte even pick you, you weren't sure in the least. You weren't one for social interactions, and in a squad were they 'look down' on men, you acted invisible almost all the time. Charlotte didn't seem to mind your presence; she wasn't dismissing you immediately.

You were running your daily errands when you heard some of your squad mates talking. You hadn't paid much attention at first... that was until you heard your name. Quickly hiding behind the nearest wall, you couldn't help but listen in on their conversation.

"Have you seen that scrawny brat? What's he even doing here anyway?" one of them spoke. "He's nothing more than an errand boy. Clean the base, get the shopping. That's it" another explained. "Oh please, he can't even do that right!" "What the hell was captain Charlotte thinking?"

You squeezed your eyes shut tightly, attempting to unhear the harmful insults about you. Holding the report in your hands close to your chest. It's not like they had even noticed your presence of the last three years, so why now? Why did they have to say such hurtful things?

"Hey! What's with the whispering?!" You heard a shout as another voice joined the mix. "Oh, hey Sol!" One greeted. Sol. You knew that name. It was that really tall girl. She was brave and extroverted, quite different to you. You respected her greatly, had since you joined the squad. Her smile, her laugh, simply the way she held herself was amazing!

You hadn't realized you trailed off in thought until you heard Sol's voice shout again, "come on! Surely you have better things to do than gossip about a man! Pull your heads in!" Peaking your head around the wall's edge, you could see Sol standing next to the group, her hands were firmly placed on her hips, and a scowl was plastered to her face.

Sol then turned away from the group, walking in your direction. You made quick work of disappearing yourself. You thought you were in the clear. You thought you had gotten out quick enough.

The hand that secured its place on the top of your head roughly said otherwise. You immediately tried to run away, but it was pointless. "Hey you!" The hand turned your head to face its owner. You looked up at the tall woman with a gulp. "You're the man they've been gossiping about, right?" Sol glared daggers into you. You could feel her sharp gaze piercing right through you as you tried to make yourself smaller.

"Well? Answer me" she shook you violently once. "Yes" you answered in a small voice. "I see. You really aren't much of a guy if you ask me. You act so shy" Sol spoke with no filter. You let out a small squeak, once again trying to escape the giant.

"You have some fight. I wonder just how you really are? Maybe I should test you" Sol smirked. Your eyes widened and she threw you over her shoulder. You covered your face in embracement. You didn't even process where she was walking to, just avoiding anyone's gaze and trying to keep some humility.

You were only brought back to reality when you heard the sound of a door shut and the lock click. You uncovered your face and looked around. It was a bedroom.

She threw you down onto the bed. "This will be fun" she grinned above you, "but I need you tell me it's okay first." You didn't mind where this was going. You didn't mind at all, after all, you did quite like the girl. "Okay" you nodded quietly.

She grinned again before quickly ridding you of your top and pants. You gasped as the air hit your bare skin. "For someone so scrawny you do have a nice chest" she sat on your lap and licked across your chest. Her tongue was warm against your cold chest. Her tongue dragged across your nipples making you jolt.

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