🖤~Zenon Zogratis - Honour - Part 1~🖤

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Trigger Warnings: Threats, Little Bit of Blood, Little bit of Gore, Fighting, Death, Cussing, Hatred, Violence, Loss, Pain, Injuries, Helplessness, Bullying, Physical Assult

When you first joined the Mage Defence Force, you were picked on greatly by your fellow mages. It didn't matter what for, didn't matter how hard you tried, nothing deterred the insults. Disgracing you for your puny magic, calling you weak, mistreating for your looks. Even if you did nothing wrong someone would always say something against you. You hadn't done anything wrong in the first place to deserve this. It was simply because you were the newbie.

Your Division Commander had you transferred up the rank rather quickly due to your incredible skills and ability to control your magic in different ways. You were more powerful than people gave you credit for. But even escaping your former Division of bullies didn't make it end. Even people form your new Division enjoyed tormenting you. Whether it was insulting you or shoving you- it never ended.

That was until a single day.

Everything came down to a split second.

You were backed against a wall on your knees. You held your injured arm with one hand, your head lowered so you wouldn't have to see the faces of these cruel people. They laughed at your from above. "Really? Is that all you got?! You really are pathetic!" You flinched at the mages words. You could feel tears beginning to pool in your eyes, your body shaking slightly. Snow was falling down in the courtyard, landing on you.

You heard the sound of one of them activating their magic and you braced yourself to be hit again. You wished it would just stop. Wished it would all just go away. They would go away. Mages of the Mage Defence Force were supposed to help people; how could they be fit to help anyone if they picked on their fellow soldiers. You heard the footsteps of one of the mages heavily stomping in the snow as they approached you.

Why wouldn't they just leave you alone? The mages grunted as he raised his arm before swinging it down at you. You closed your eyes- you couldn't fight back. You wouldn't. You had more honour than people who resorted to violence like this.

You didn't feel an impact, rather it felt like your body was surrounded by a warm hold. You peeled your eyes open, curious why you weren't hit. You were surrounded by a small flame encircling you. But that wasn't the most shocking thing. When you looked up, you were completely stunned. In front of you stood two mages facing the soldiers that had hurt you.

Both of the mages had their grimoires out, glowing and floating at their sides. One mage had fluffy light hair with a large sword made of fire held out in front of him while the other had black hair with a sword bade from what appeared to be a bone.

"What the Hell do you think you're doing?" The Flame-Mage's voice was low. His eyes were narrowed and seemed to glow with anger. He was furious. "Hurting a fellow mage? What's wrong with you?! You should be ashamed of yourselves!" What...? What was he saying? Was he really... defending you? Just who were these people?

"Allen." The Black-haired Mage looked to his friend before back to the clearly irritated group. "I'd suggest leaving now. You'll end up in the infirmary if you don't." "Is that a threat, huh?!" The Black-haired Mage's beautiful icey blue eyes seemed to deaden as he glanced to the owner of the voice. "No. It's a promise." The group of mages grit their teeth.

The Flame-Mages hand tightened around his magic so hard that some of his veins popped out of his skin. While the Bone-Mage remained emotionless still in his defensive stance with his sword pointed at the group. The bullies remained, refusing to back down in the face of two simple mages. You didn't have the words, they kept getting caught in your throat before you could even open your mouth- all you could do was watch the scene in shock.

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