💜🖤~ Elves - Becoming Friends~🖤💜

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Trigger Warnings: Insults, Name-Calling, Fear, Falling, Mild Violence, Distrust, Concern


"Hey, (Y/N). How are you today?" You smiled at him, "I'm alright. Did you need something?" The tilt of your head made Licht chuckle. "I never need anything. Besides, I just want to see my friend." You were surprised by his blunt statement. "Friends?" "Well, yeah. If that's okay with you?" You nodded, "I'd like that. Thank you."

Licht kept returning to where he found you in hopes of talking with you more. Eventually he was able to show you that he meant no harm, and you approached him. Licht always smiled at you when he spoke with you, and then he was finally able to make you smile. He took his time with you and was gentle when talking with you, taking the time to get to know you and become friends.


You were always weary and unsure of how to trust the elves. The only life you had known was Lumiere and Tetia, so it was an understatement to say you were protective. Patri was the same on his side, Licht and the elves were his life, and was unsure on trusting humans who had appeared after they had already caused so much destruction.

Lumiere frequently encouraged you to talk with Licht and the others, try and make friends, but you were reserved as it was. "And how are you, (Y/N)?" Licht smiled to you, you just looked at him blankly before looking to Lumiere. Lumiere pet your back, "come on now. They're not going to bite." "Prince Lumiere, I don't trust them. What if they hurt you, or Lady Tetia?" You whispered to him, truly concerned. Lumiere shook his head with a smile, "I promise you, it's okay. I've never lied to you, have I?" You shook your head. "Exactly."

Licht smiled at you again, "if it makes you feel any better, (Y/N), Patri feels the same way. He unsure whether to trust you and if we'd be safe around you. Maybe you should try talking with him?" Licht gestured for Patri to come over. You and Patri just looked at each other. "Go on then." You and Patri were left alone while they spoke with one another.

"You know, Rhya's completely harmless. He's an idiot too. Vetto won't hurt a living being, and Fana just wants to be friends with everyone. They're not going to hurt your family." You looked to Patri, who was looking at the ground, playing with the grass. "Well, it's the same on my end. Prince Lumiere just wants to make people smile, and Lady Tetia wants nothing more than to be friends with everyone. They've always been that way."

"Maybe... we should try not to be worried all the time." Patri mumbled. You took a deep breath, holding your hand out to Patri, "do you want to be friends? If they can do it, maybe we can to?" Patri hesitated but took your hand, "okay then."


You had been seeing the elves for months now, but you hadn't spoken a word to any of them; you were too shy. You had laughed, smiled, but never spoke. And Rhya noticed this. A part of him was worried, but he couldn't sense any foul play. You were always on his mind, and he couldn't help but wonder what your voice sounded like. Today was no different. You were all sitting together have a lunch.

Rhya watched you converse with your brother through actions rather than words. His mind wouldn't let up. Rhya sighed noticeably. "Rhya?" Licht turned to Rhya again. "I know I have no right to ask this, and I know it's a pain, but I'm going to ask anyway. This is impertinent of me, but can you speak?" Fana turned to face Rhya, and her eyes narrowed at him, "Rhya!" Both Vetto and Patri's eyes widened as well. The corners of your mouth curved up into a smile.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked a question like that" Rhya looked away from everyone. "You don't need to apologise, Rhya" You told him, your voice soft. Rhya's eyes widened a fraction at the sound of your voice. "I should be the one apologising for not speaking to you, let alone introducing myself after all these months."

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