~Rhya - Butterflies - Part 1~

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"Seriously Rhya! I can't be the only one feeling that mana!" Patry shouted as he ran faster towards the growing mana. "Calm down Patry. I can feel it well and truly." Rhya assured him. Since moving to Elysia, the former third eye elves became basically the guards of the secluded place. They felt the need to protect this place, so they didn't lose anyone else again. "What if they're here to attack us?" Rhya could see the fear in Patry's eyes. He couldn't bare that pain again.

Pushing the leaves of the clearing, their grimoires at the ready, they were ready to attack. However, they were met by a sight they didn't expect. There was a girl- you- in a brown cloak that matched the bark of the trees with a hood over our face, kneeling in the clearing surrounded by animals of all sizes. Butterflies flapped around your figure gracefully.

Patry was still ready to attack, but Rhya placed a hand out in front of the younger elf as his own grimoire lowered. The humming of a song graced his ears. You were feeding a deer in front of you out of your own hands. You meant no harm and he could tell that. Your mana was that of a human, but there was something else underlying that he could figure out. When he saw you, something inside of him longed for more.

You could sense mana behind you, one was warm while the other felt threatening. Out of the corner of your eye you could see a man standing behind you. Your eyes met with the man's behind you. You turned around with a soft smile, seeing another person. Taking to your feet you pet the deer on its head. You pulled back your hood as to not be rude.

"Ah- You have my most sincerest apologies, I hadn't realised someone owned this place." You bowed towards the two males, symbolising your respect, your tone of voice completely calm, "please do forgive me." Your silver hair shone in the sunlight that seemed through the cracks in the leaves above. Your beauty seemed to hit Rhya in repeated waves, mesmerising his eyes. His heartbeat multiplied and he felt the gears in his brain ticking over.

Patry didn't know how to speak to you. Unless it was a small group of his friends, he still struggled with that. He tapped Rhya with his foot so Rhya could snap out of it and deal with the situation he couldn't. Rhya shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts. "It's fine... You don't seem like a threat after all. I doubt someone with malicious intentions would be kind as to feed a wild deer. And yet such a sceptical animal approached you, you're no treat. Besides, I really don't want to fight anyone." Rhya replied, his voice lazy once again. He had analysed every aspect of the situation.

Your expression turned from a mildly surprised one back to a soft smile. "I see. My you really are observant. That's quite a nice skill in a person. You're right, this specific type of deer in a natural skepticize. Because they were hunted down five-hundred years ago" you looked down at the deer sadly, trying to keep a smile on your face as you pet it.

White butterflies continued to flap around you elegantly. Rhya was once again stalled by your beauty. He couldn't find his words of even let them escape his throat. He'd never met someone as entrancing as you. Your kindness reflected in your smile, your caring heart in your eyes. Both your inner beauty and outer beauty stunned him. His usually lazy eyes just that little bit wider. He'd never met anyone as beautiful as you.

You noticed Rhya's starring and the seemingly empty conscious that reflected in him, "Are you alright, sir?" Rhya snapped from his trance once again, "uhh- yes. I just spaced out a little. Sorry." Rhya scratched the back of his neck. "Don't be sorry. It happens to everyone." "By the way, I'm Rhya. This little shrimp is Patry." Rhya pointed to himself then the other elf. Patry went red in embarrassment. "It's a pleasure to meet you" you bowed again.

"The was you act and hold yourself, are you perhaps a royal or noble?" Rhya inquired. The question made your heart clench, your past invading your mind, you pushed it aside just as quick to answer his question with a smile though. For a split second, Rhya felt that pain and agony in your heart. He couldn't understand why, but felt it was a subject not to push. "Unfortunately, I lost that status a long time ago. I'm a former noblewoman."

Before Rhya even had the chance to reply a small figure appeared on your shoulder. "Gegege, Mister Nacht wants you to come back now, Butterfly..." Gimodelo appeared on your shoulder. "I see. Thank you Gimodelo." You raised a hand and pet the top of his head, causing his to smile and snuggle into your shoulder. 'A devil?! Just who is she?!' Rhya's heart raced, 'what exactly is she?'

A dark aura suddenly came from behind you. A third appeared behind you, a terrifying smile on his face as he smiled down at the devil who immediately hid in front of you. "Gimodelo. Just what do you think you're doing?" "Uhh- She was just petting me, sir!" "Gimodelo what have we talked about?" He growled lowly. You raised your hand and flicked the top of his forehead the way your other brother used to, "that's enough out of you, Nacht Faust. Leave poor little Gimodelo alone- he did nothing wrong."

"You're one to talk, young lady. Wondering off like that? I thought you'd gone into the castle again. Ralph had to disguise himself to go and check. For the love of- We're going back. Now. It's time to go" Nacht ordered, placing a hand on your shoulder. You shook your head, a sigh leaving your lips. "Whatever you say, Nacht. It doesn't bother me."

You turned back to Rhya, "it appears I have to go now. I'll say my farewell, Rhya." Before Nacht activated his spell, Rhya spoke desperately, "um miss!" You made eye contact with Rhya once again. "When... When can we meet again...?" Rhya turned bright red as he looked away embarrassed. You couldn't help but chuckle at the man, "soon... I promise we'll meet again soon, Rhya. When we see each other again, let's have a longer talk, okay?" You once again let Rhya speechless, your calm and sweet voice, your beauty. You gave him once last smile as you sunk into the shadows at your feet, butterflies surrounding the three of you.

As soon as you disappeared, Patry saw the blushing Rhya. He'd never acted like that before. "Are you alright Rhya? You look like you've just found your soulmate after five centuries." Patry stated in a joking matter. You left a lasting mark on Rhya's heart, the same way he had on yours. "Soul... mate..." Rhya whispered out, still seeing your smiling image in his mind.

Just thinking about you made his heart spin in circles, his brain turn to mush. "I think... I think I really just found my soulmate." Rhya smiled at the ground with a blush all across his face.

Patry's joking smile was overcome by confusion. "EH-!"

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