🖤~Nacht Faust and Morgen Faust - What Are Big Brothers For~🖤

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Trigger Warnings: Bullying, Verbal Insults, Physical Assault, Violence, Threatening, Crying, Hurt, Hidden Pain

You couldn't help the tears that rolled down your cheeks. It wasn't uncommon for people to be bullied in the noble realm, but it still hurt. It was the same, day after day, month after month. You hadn't told anyone. Why would you? You felt it best to keep in a secret.

You weren't going to bother your parents, who didn't pay much attention to you anyway, and you didn't want to disturb your brothers. So, you suffered, a lot. No one could count the insults you'd received. No one could count how many times you ben pushed or shoved to the ground. It hurt. But you didn't have the strength to stand up to them, the bullies.

Walking home, you went straight out the back, into the garden. There was a spot under the tree you always found sanctuary in. It was a willow tree surrounded by box hedges. It provided a lot of shade, which you loved. You crawled through the little tunnel in the bushes, sitting up in the small place. One of three places you ever felt safe.

One of your brother's had actually build a covered shelf that you left in here. It house two books, a photo of you and your brothers, and a necklace they'd gotten you for your eighth birthday not long ago.

Today, you didn't feel like reading. You didn't feel like anything. You hurt, and you cried. That's all there was. All you felt there was. Perhaps you'd finally get some peace here. Curling into a ball, you wrapped the ends of your robe-like jacket around yourself. It looked like a protective shield. For you, in a way, it was.

There's was only two holes in your plan. Hole 'A,' you forgot Morgen got off early today. Hole 'B,' you were hiding in shadows, Nacht's playground. They heard you crying. They knew if it was you or someone else, your cries were very distinct to their ears. They were searching for you within seconds, thought they were sure they knew where you were.

They headed straight for your little shadow covered area. The area they built for you. The area that they shared so many memories with you. Memories where you were smiling. Hearing your cries put a sense of urgency in their steps.

They could see the hedge. "Nacht!" Morgen called out to his older twin. Nacht understood his request by the look on his face. He sunk into the shadows quickly. Morgen arrived in front of the hedge. He was too big to crawl under through the hole at the base. "(Y/N)?! (Y/N)!" Morgen called out to you frantically. You ignored him.

You knew he wouldn't be able to crawl under. There was no way for him to get in. Because of the factor, you jumped when you felt arms on your own. You backed away quickly. "Hey, chill. Hey!" You heard the voice of your brother calling out to you.

Opening your eyes, you were met by the sight of the white-haired male looking at you with a confused look on his face. "What's wrong?" Nacht inquired, his blue eyes looking at you filled with concern. "(Y/N)! Hey, (Y/N)!" You could hear Morgen from the other side of the hedge. There was a sudden rustling as Morgen crawled on his stomach, forcing his way through the branches. His face was covered in scratches from the branches as it appeared.

"Morgen?" You sniffled as you looked down at him. "What happened?! Why are you crying?! Nacht, why is she crying?!" Morgen was frantic, despite his confusing situation. Rolling his eyes with an annoyed sigh, Nacht's grimoire opened. Morgen let out a shout as he sunk into the shadows below him, before appearing right before (Y/N).

Morgen, realising he was beside (Y/N), quickly wrapped his arms around her. "What happened? Are you alright?" Morgen's tone was soft, completely calm contrast to his tone less than ten seconds ago. (Y/N) sniffled and turned away, "just leave me alone."

That was how they knew there was something definitely wrong. (Y/N) never asked them to leave.

"Not happening, kiddo" Nacht scoffed. (Y/N) felt a small part of shock but a big almost relief feeling. An arm wrapped around her, and a warm body pressed against her side, a head plopping down on top of her's. "Nacht is right. We're not just going to leave you alone. You're crying" Morgen's soft voice was unmistakeable. "We're your big brothers, we ain't just gonna leave you all alone. Your problems are our problems, whether you like it or not. Now start talking" Nacht stated simply, Morgen and (Y/N) could hear the concern in his voice that no one else could hear.

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