🖤~Julius Novachrono - Past Sins - Part 2~🖤

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Trigger Warnings: Death, devils, lies, injuries, burns, trauma, anger

(Y/N) was awoken to the sound of frantic and loud knocking on her door. She opened her eyes and peered out of the gap in the closed curtains, it was still night. 'Who could be knocking at this hour?' (Y/N) thought as she sat up and got up off of her bed. The nagging didn't cease even as she grew closer. However, a voice could now be heard on the other side of the door, "Big sister! Help! You have to help us! Please!

She opened the door gently, the pair behind the door was not what she expected. "Morgen... Arthur... what happened?" (Y/N)'s eyes were wide, her jaw had dropped, she was shocked. Arthur had an arm wrapped around his friend, while Morgen bawled his eyes out. Arthur, too, had tears rushing down his cheeks, but Morgen was far worse.

"Big sister! You have to help! Please! Help us!" Arthur pleaded. Morgen was only continuing to cry. Arthur looked as if he'd seen a ghost. "Help us! Please! You have to help! Please big sister!"

As she let the boys inside, she checked them over for any signs of injury, but there were none. Shutting the door, she sat the boys down at the small round table at the side of the room. She knelt down in front of the two boys. Morgen had his head buried in his hands. She placed her hand on Morgen's knee, "boys, what happened?"

"He... I... They just... Too far..." Morgen's sobbing words were in a jumble; he couldn't form complete sentences. (Y/N) looked to Arthur, but he simply had a look of pure trauma on his face. He was lost. "Please calm down. I can't help you if I don't know what's going on. Please" (Y/N) pleaded, handing the two tissues.

It was silent for a moment. Neither male could bring themselves to say anything. (Y/N) couldn't help the concern that rose like a tidal wave within her. These two never frowned, never cried. They were always smiling... so what could cause a reaction like this. It made no sense, and their mental states seemed more broken that shattered glass.

"Nacht... he's been participating in... Forbidden Rituals..." Morgen whispered out in a broken voice. 'Devils? Nacht? What the hell?' (Y/N) was already more shocked than before. Morgen gripped the tissues in his hand tightly, "I knew. I knew about the devils, and I didn't say anything. I didn't... I didn't wasn't my family Youyang get in trouble...!" Morgen cried; tears were catching in his throat.

This time, it was Arthur's turn to speak, "we both knew about the devils the Faust family were meddling with. We thought if we left I alone, then it would be okay... They went too far. We didn't say anything, and they went to far. I'm sorry for not telling you, big sis."

"The Faust family? They've been meddling with Forbidden Magic?" (Y/N) questioned, both boys nodding a 'yes.' No one in the kingdom should be messing with devils. Anyone at all for that matter.

An inaudible sigh left (Y/N)'s lips, she lifted her slightly sorrowed gaze and looked at the boys, "so why tell me now? What did they do? Did they release a devil into this world?" Hey, shook their heads 'no.' Silence filled the room again.

"They've told Nacht that tomorrow night... they'll give him the relic to a devil of the Qliphoth. He can't handle that! It'll kill him! My brother... he'll die...They've gone too far" Morgen's cries began again, louder and uncontrollable. (Y/N) stood back up and pulled Morgen to her. He buried his crying face in (Y/N)'s shoulder. (Y/N) caressed he back of his head gently, just letting his cry.

"Big sister you have to save him. Please! You can't let Nacht die!" Arthur pleaded. With her other arm, she pulled Arthur close, "everything will be alright. Leave it to me, I'll stop this. I'll bring Nacht back here and put a stop to the Faust families Forbidden rituals. Everything will be alright. I promise you boys." Morgen continued to cry as (Y/N) cooed to the two boys.

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