🖤~Zenon Zogratis - Traitor~🖤

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Trigger Warnings: Death, Violence, Blood, Gore, Manipulation, Loss, Greif, Murder, Sacrifice, Threats

The thing he cared about most. The being he cared about most. The person he cared about most. The girl he loved, and that loved him back just as much, to find out that she had betrayed him, hurt. He swore to protect her. He swore to her brother that he would protect her. His hands were now more than tied. Chained. She went to the enemy, instead of staying with him.

Zenon had become really depressed. Remembering her smile and the brightness of her eyes, to then have her look at him with fear, her mouth quivering. It completely broke his heart. When Dante woke up and told him that she was a traitor that needed to be killed, he was torn. Follow through with his sibling's plan, or throw it all away for sentiment, love, and a promise.

Now she stood in front of him, standing against him. What he didn't know, was that she wasn't there to be a traitor, she wasn't there to kill him. She was there to save him. Save him from everything his siblings had caused

Three Days Prior

"Who are you?" Nozel glared at the female, who stood beside Julius. (Y/N) didn't reply and just continued to look at the ground. "This is (Y/N) Fiarain" Nacht introduced. "She's a citizen in the Spade Kingdom, and an ex-commander in their army" Julius added. Everyone in the room aside from Julius and Nacht were immediately on guard.

"Why is there a Spade Kingdom soldier here?!" Rill shrieked. "Have you gone mad?" Nozel scoffed. (Y/N) fists clenched in the agony she was feeling from her heart. "She is a part of the army that has been violently attacking both Heart and us? That took Yami and Vangeance?" Fuegoleon questioned. (Y/N) squeezed her eyes shut, her head not lifting from the ground. Yuno held a spell pointed at her.

"Keke, then you won't mind if I slice her into tiny pieces!" Jack stood up, the blades on his arms appearing again. He shot a spell at her, but (Y/N) didn't move. The attack didn't hit her. A dog-like figure formed behind her and caught the spell before discarding it. Everyone's eyes went wide. "A devil?! Not you too!" Rill shouted again.

Muffled and chocked out cries left her mouth. Nacht sighed, "that isn't her devil, he's mine." "Thank you, Gimodelo" (Y/N) whispered out as the devil disappeared. "(Y/N) hates the Spade Kingdom just as much as we do. Well- she hates the dictators of the Spade Kingdom just as much as we do" Julius stated, "please hear her out."

The captain's sat back down, aside from Jack. "(Y/N), if you would" Nacht instructed lightly, careful to make sure his tone of voice didn't pressure the female. "... I came to ask you if you could please help me" (Y/N) spoke up. "Help you with what?" Kaiser questioned. "Please... My best friend is being manipulated by his older siblings. I want to save him. Please help me" (Y/N) requested, bowing her head. The captains were shocked.

"I understand why you hate me. I understand why you don't trust me-" (Y/N) was cut off by Nozel. "What could you possibly understand? You're a part of the enemy. You've been attacking us" Nozel sneered. (Y/N) shrunk on her feet, as if trying to make herself smaller. "Please, I...!" (Y/N) trailed off. "Shut your mouth" Nozel cut her off with a glare.

"Hear her out, captains. She means no harm. While I've been undercover in Spade, (Y/N) has known almost the entire time. She never said anything, in fact she helped me into the castle, helped me gather information. You need to hear her out. It's the least that you owe her, for all she's done for this kingdom" Nacht told them with a stern expression, "if I didn't trust her I wouldn't have gone out of my way to bring her back with me. (Y/N), please continue."

"Please... All I've ever wanted is peace. The Spade kingdom would be safe... as would Zenon. If none of this happened, my brother would still be alive. If they hadn't done this, Zenon, Allen, and I would be training, hanging out, joking together, as we always did. We'd be looking after the prince, as ordered." Yuno's eyes widened at her words. "And I... I'd have been able to see them both become the commanders of the Mage Defence Force. I wouldn't have to witness all this death and destruction. I wouldn't have had to watch as my brother was impaled, sacrificing himself" (Y/N) let out a choked sob, tears beginning down her face.

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