💚🖤~Secre Swallowtail - Quiet~🖤💚

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Trigger Warnings: Lime, Teasing, Playful Death Threat, Attacking

The knock growing increasingly loud finally snapped the prince from his concentration. He looked up with a jolt, "how long has the knocking been going?!" "About fifteen minutes." Secre answered flatly without a seconds hesitation. "He's going to kill me!" Lumiere jumped from his sea, racing to the door. 'Kill him? The King perhaps?' Secre was unsure of his comment.

Lumiere threw open the door and immediately began bowing repetitively, "I'm sorry, please don't kill me! I'm begging you!" "Lumiere, what the hell? Calm down. Breathe." Lumiere slowed to a stop, looking up at the figure, unsure, "you're really not going to kill me?" "Lumiere, do I seriously strike you as someone so harsh? That hurts quite a bit." "I'm sorry" Lumiere stood back upright, pouting.

"My Prince? Who is it?" Secre called out, still quietly. "Oh! Secre! You haven't met him before, have you?" Lumiere tilted his head. Taking your hand, Lumiere dragged you into the room as well, "this is my cousin, (Y/N) Silvamillion! He's a little younger than me, but his magic is so cool! And-" "Lumiere, your rambling is going to irritate the poor lady" You told him with a smile, he could almost see the tick marks appearing on your face though. "I'm sorry..." Lumiere pouted.

You approached Secre, kneeling down and taking her hand, "your name is Secre, right? It's a pleasure to meet you. My name's (Y/N)." Secre removed her hand and bowed. "There's no need to bow, not around me at least. If Lumiere's been making you though, I promise I'll beat his ass into next week." "Hey! You're so mean!" "No. The prince doesn't make me do anything, sir." Secre shook her head. "Thank you, Secre!"


You sat beside Secre, watching as Lumiere tinkered with his new magic item. "Do you like helping Lumiere?" Secre nodded in response. "Do you do it because it's your job, or because you care about Lumi?" Secre appeared to watch the prince more closely. "I do care for the prince. Although, he is quite difficult to look after." Secre answered.

You were glad she was someone who actually cared for your cousin. "I suppose his actions now are my fault. You see, when I was younger, it fell to Lumiere to look after me. Poor man didn't get to be childish and hard to look after then because he was looking after me. Sorry about that" You smiled at Lumiere sadly. You wished he'd never had to look after you. It broke your heart just thinking about it. The childhood you must have robbed him of because of your parents.

"I doubt that my prince." Secre looked to you. You looked at her inquisitively. "Prince Lumiere talks of you with such love and passion. He truly cares about you. I know that he never regretted looking after you. Besides the Prince is just impulsive." Secre was kind when she spoke to you. She was assuring you that it wasn't your fault, and you couldn't figure out why.

"Thank you for that, Secre. It means a lot."


"Well, someone's love struck..." Rhya leant on his hand as he smirked at (Y/N). "Say that again Rhya and I'll throw you into the ocean and leave you there." "How mean. Words hurt you know" Rhya pouted. You just rolled your eyes and looked away. "Well? Who is it (Y/N)?" Licht looked at you with a smile. "It doesn't matter." You turned your head away further.

"Then what are they like? Come on, tell me" Fana pressed. "She's beautiful, kind. Very smart. Her magic is simply extraordinary. She's just- she takes my words away... It seems all the descriptions in the world are an insult, here's nothing perfect enough for her." You stared off into the distance. "I think that's beautiful (Y/N)" Fana smiled at you. "Indeed. It's quite a way to explain someone" Licht agreed, nodding his head. Vetto placed a hand on your shoulder, "I'm glad you've found someone who can make you smile like that."

"Yup. Definitely love struck."

"That's it!" You launched across the table at Rhya. Rhya hadn't ever moved so fast, dodging you. He took to his feet and bolted away from you. "Forget the ocean! I'm drowning you in the nearest lake!" "Please don't!" "Should... we stop them...?" Vetto looked at Licht, who simply shrugged.


"I know it's not much, but here" you handed Secre the small yet soft box. You turned your head away, afraid of her reaction. Secre took the box, opening it. She was shocked by what she saw inside. "I- uh- I made it myself. Lumiere taught me a few things when I was younger. If you don't like it, you can throw it away-!"

"My Prince... It's beautiful..." Secre starred at in in wonder. "You really like it...?" "I love it! Thank you so much!" Secre hugged you tightly. You slowly wrapped your arms around her in return. " I'm truly glad you like it, Secre. You're a beautiful person... and you deserve everything." You told her.

She pulled back from you and looked away. "I know it's against the rules, but I really- I want you to know, that I really like you. Not because you're the Prince, or because it's obliged of me... but just for who you are." You could see the unusual shade that dusted her cheeks in the colours of the sunset. She was embarrassed of her own words and feelings. You weren't having that.

You kissed her forehead. "I like you too, Secre. So just don't tell my father or uncle, okay?" You grinned at her. Your smile lighting up her heart as usual. Secre nodded in agreement, she liked that thought.

"Here, I'll help you put it on." Secre pulled out the hand-made necklace and handed in back to you, turning around. You unclasped the hook and pulled it around her neck. You hooked the clasp and let the necklace fall against her. Secre raised her hand to it, holding it carefully. "I love it. Thank you so much... My prince." "Of course, my dear."


"You don't want him to hear us, do you?" You purred beside her ear. A squeak left her lips. Your hand trailed down further lifting up the bottom of her dress. You lips trailed down her neck slowly, making her shiver beneath you, pushing her back against our chest.

"(Y/N)?! Where are you?!" You could both hear your cousin on the other side of the door. Your hand slipped between Secre's legs, rubbing her through her soaking panties. "Hmm~ Ngh~" She tried to muffle her already quiet moans as best as she could. You didn't cease though.

Your spare hand slithered its way back up to Secre's chest, squeezing her breast. You ran one of her nipples through your thumb and pointer finger. "My Prince... please..." Secre squeaked. "Hm?" You put your head down beside her's. "What is it you want, darling?" You licked the skin behind her ear making her breath even heavier. "Please stop while the P-Prince is there..." She panted, looking back at you.

"Okay" You agreed. You retracted your hands, stepping back. You opened the closet door and left her standing there. "Hey Lumi!" You slung your arm around his shoulder, surprising the eccentric male. "Oh, there you are! I've been looking all over for you! Come and have a look!" He was already pulling you once again. You chuckled and went along with your older cousin.

Secre peeked through the crack in the wall, starring at you in shock. Whatever that was- she loved it.

Words: 1280

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